What should I do? if I find a great girl to date...

Whispers's Avatar
A good friend of mine here on eccie says "deny til you die" and that's my policy on those who don't "need to know" Originally Posted by Crystalkitty
Unless your caught by the wife and then go for the big numbers.....

When I was caught in Houston years ago I had almost 300 posted reviews.....

She had to deal with the fact that I liked to fuck and had fucked a lot of gals but not that I had any emotional involvement with any other ladies..... no girlfriend/love intersts wanting my heart.... just my money...
atxbrad's Avatar
I just recently decided to get out of a relationship. I told her that I wanted to lay everything out on the table and be honest with her. Then told her about my P4P for the past 5 years and that I have been with several women.

It worked perfectly. She dumped me and said I was disgusting and never wanted to see me again. Now Im single again and didnt have to be the bad guy.........I was trying to be the nice guy and just be honest
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
The reply that it's none of their business is dodging the issue. Depending on the nature of the relationship, she, and even maybe you, may think that is perfectly a valid question as an SO.

I don't like lies, and have made a habit of telling truth in outrageous ways that people think is a lie. I can't remember ever not getting laid or breaking up because of my number. In fact, I had a good friend of a couple of years that wanted to get into my pants so badly that she kept texting me at odd hours and ended up practically raping me after we had a conversation about sex that included how many women I've had sex with.
Baloney Pony's Avatar
I don't like lies, and have made a habit of telling truth in outrageous ways that people think is a lie. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor

Howdy, Folks!

Heh - here ya go, folks...

LatinMan's Avatar
I would be honest and say something such as "more than the 10 fingers on my two hands".
enough to be having you on a consistant basis and not paying should concern himself with thoughts other than previous guys. enjoy the moment women who look like you dont come around too often in a guys lifetime
I've never understood why people feel the need to even ask that question. It's personal and usually has no bearing on the current relationship.

If asked "how many partners I've had sex with?" I usually reply with something flippant like "enough to be good at it" or "at one time?"
Tess Originally Posted by Topshelf Tess
Ralphie you have to avoid that whole conversation or be prepared to redirect or say something like "not that many I've never counted" that way it seems like you aren't a putting notches in the headboard.
I have said this to many new friends who ask me about dating in general.

" I am a single and I have a single male lifestyle for the past 20 yrs."
conservative44's Avatar
Just tell her its not a game to you, and you quit keeping score after high school. So you don't keep track any more. Its always worked for me...
rrrabbit's Avatar
Since this thread is most likely nearing its end, I'm a gonna' try to wind it down w/ something only a perverted rabbit as thus would find humorous...

Tell her u had a medical condition called diphallic terrata, and ask her "If you ought to multiply your number by 0.5 ?".

Since she's gonna' to pause long enough to process that Q, deal her from the bottom of the deck by turning her Q back on herself and ask her "Would you rather boink or is my tongue your preferred method of choice for deciding for yourself ?".

Stale mate.
Hardriver's Avatar
When a cop pulls you over for weaving on your way home from a party and asks how many drinks you've had, you say two and try to act sober.

Just use that as a guide. Originally Posted by down41
down41 by far providing (yeah, pun intended) the best advice I've read so far... and of course as always some sage advice from Sophia Bella!

Say, isn't it a Cheryl Crow song? "Lie to me... I'll believe" Yeah, go with that!