black culture - baby daddy baby momma

Ay dios mio... No entiendes..

Your data means nothing. Stay on topic, and answer the question asked. Originally Posted by Karlie Raines
No entiendas?

I believe you.
Karlie Raines's Avatar
No entiendas?

I believe you. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
So you're admitting that you don't understand? Cool lol
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
OMG black people math. You are forgetting one big thing. MAINE!

Half the white women are impregnated by D-money, Smoothie, and Shifty through scientific studies. Projecting that through all of America, then quid pro quo, res ipsa loquitor, and A fortiori, half of unwed white mothers are pregnant because of New York blacks. So the real numbers are 314,039 white women pregnant out of wedlock, and 731,557 black women and women with Shifty as their baby's daddy are pregnant out of wedlock. So yes, blacks do produce the highest number of babies out of wedlock.

Your welcome moron. <drops the mic> Originally Posted by daarakan
One should only drop a mic if they've unequivocally proven a point. I don't expect you to realize this but just between us ;-) you obviously haven't. Instead you fellas are getting all excited with various links to different data sets or opinions while offering nothing substantive. Did you just link a Huffpost article on comments the deranged Lepage made as some "Proof"? hahahaha you folks amuse me.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
No...the key word was statistically.

I'm not trying to spin anything. I'm trying to report the facts so the op and bitter readers like you can understand them. The question was by race and the answer is by race compared to other races.

Statistics are applied mathematics concerned with collecting, organizing, and interpreting data and determining the likelihood and probability of events occurring based on known quantitative data. It is *all about* normalizing and rates.

But you/we can go ahead and report the numbers in aggregate:.....extrapolated, it becomes even more embarrassing for the negros.
So non-hispanic whites had less than half of the babies to unwed mothers. But non-hispanic whites have over 60 percent of the population. Non-hispanic white barely outnumbered non-hispanic black who are at something like 13% of the population.

That is despicable. this:

1. normalize these very numbers and figure out how many negro baby daddies there would be if the non-hispanic black woman population equaled that of non-hispanic white woman.

2. recalculate the percentage of unwed non-hispanic white baby mamas and unwed non-hispanic black baby mamas assuming that abortion was forbidden and those babies weren't murdered before they counted as births.

Now merge the two situations above and you will deduce that if the population of non-hispanic black woman was as high as that of non-hispanic white woman, America would be.....

============================== ======

rayguy is a great example as to why the Negro race cannot produce a solution to their problem.....they can't even begin to believe and understand that there is one (a problem). Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter

^ Your general surface knowledge of things is ok I guess but need to get you to start thinking beyond the surface. I do give you Kudos for effort though.

Now if I may and knowing the kinda N word I am ;-) if I merge the two situations above as you say and make my deductions in terms of "normalizing and recalculating" here's what I come up with.

As power corrupts absolutely so does poverty beget poverty absolutely. It's true there's a numbers problem in the black community across multiple fronts but it's no secret that it's virtually rooted in the justice, economic, education, and social disparities we historically live under. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
So going by your example to normalize then we logically assume we're normalizing across all disparate areas ( justice, economic, education, and social ) since 1.) there's inter-dependencies that cannot be decoupled and 2.) yall've had an ~250+ year head start on the Negro. So in layman's terms if you normalize as you say then the needle has to be moved across the board if your example is going to have any merit. That essentially means we're not merely looking at census data to make wild general assumptions but actually taking into account all things being equal across the areas I mentioned above.

Not trying to put salt in da game; just looking out for ya since you missed quite a bit of analysis while bashing the negro's inability to recognize and then provide solutions.

Again Kudos to ya; it was well typed up and read well but it was still a big:

Swing and a Miss
^^^^ You couldn't find a gif with a Negro pitcher?

Do you need 250 more years?

edit: SC saw the loss by facts and had to switch to feelings and emotions
So you're admitting that you don't understand? Cool lol Originally Posted by Karlie Raines're admitting you can't properly conjugate your Spanish verbs.
Karlie Raines's Avatar're admitting you can't properly conjugate your Spanish verbs. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Yo entiendo- I understand
Tu entiendes- You understand

Tu no entiendes- You don't understand...

The only person who can't properly conjugate is you

Oh and dazzle us with some more statistics and "facts" to prove me wrong lol
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
^^^^ You couldn't find a gif with a Negro pitcher?

Do you need 250 more years?

edit: SC saw the loss by facts and had to switch to feelings and emotions Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Facts? or a failed attempt? I'm guessing the latter.

Now you cry this is about feelings & emo'ing? Ha! ok. Keep in mind you introduced a certain 'self-assuredness' about some raw data and just couldn't keep yourself from adding that bit about 'normalizing in re-calculating' based on population %'s. Well guess what I caught you tip-toeing through the Tulips and hit your ass with a verbal assault rifle that has all but rendered you mute. lol and as for needing 250 more years I will let you sit and think about that in the context of normalizing and re-calculating. I'm sure you'll eventually figure it out.

and ohh check out that swag at the end: ;-)

^^^^^ Another dusty negro spewing emotions of bitterness.

Had to one up with a corrected gif because his facts can't get him there.

As predictable as the moon.

I'll pick apart a few more stupid items in your sermon later today.

I've got fun to have in the rain.
Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
Awe baby......thanks for my favorite toppings on half.
daarakan's Avatar
One should only drop a mic if they've unequivocally proven a point. I don't expect you to realize this but just between us ;-) you obviously haven't. Instead you fellas are getting all excited with various links to different data sets or opinions while offering nothing substantive. Did you just link a Huffpost article on comments the deranged Lepage made as some "Proof"? hahahaha you folks amuse me. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

VitaMan's Avatar
This thread I started has degenerated into typical eccie hash slinging. Let's all have a laugh.
I wonder what my next thread will be about.

Karlie Raines's Avatar
This thread I started has degenerated into typical eccie hash slinging. Let's all have a laugh.
I wonder what my next thread will be about.

Originally Posted by VitaMan
Agreed lol
Randall Creed's Avatar
Since 1965, more than $22 Trillion of taxpayer dollars has been spent on means-tested welfare programs for the poor. Thank you Lyndon Baines Johnson (who launched in '64) the so-called War on Poverty.

(That excerpt from) John Perazzo, who wrote a very compelling article earlier this year (May 05, per "How the Liberal Welfare State Destroyed Black America"...check it out.

The numbers / data info reveals we, as a nation, are heading in the wrong direction.....and if Americans as a whole do not wake up soon and do something about these trends, we are all screwed. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Where's that money going, because it sure as hell isn't going to poor people??