Color me naive ...but I just dont know.

Guest092815's Avatar
I can, on occasion, squirt. Hydration, relaxation, and the right kind of stimulation cause it. For me, it usually happens during sex. It isn't urine, but it does sting if you dont shower soon--TY Jenns, for explaining it so well.
  • robtx
  • 02-03-2010, 04:47 PM
I've always been turned on by squirting vids I've seen. Still looking for the promised land. :P
Miss Sophie Bella's Avatar

Squirting and female ejaculation are absolutely distinct from peeing. Here's the deal: the urethral sponge, otherwise popularly known as the G-spot, is located a couple of inches inside the front wall of a lady's vagina. It's often called the female prostate, though the tissue isn't completely homologous. It is a band of tissue that wraps around her urethra and is composed of a spongey material lined with many paraurethral glands (the average woman has 30 to 40) which are basically tiny vesicles that can fill up with fluid. As a woman's arousal builds, these glands become engorged and can be very pleasurably stimulated from both inside and outside her vagina. During ejaculation, this fluid flows out through glands into the urethra and then flows out of the body. When the urethral sponge is stimulated forcefully, the results can be really squirty.

Because the swelling that creates the gush both squeezes the urethra and can press against the bottom of the bladder it can give a girl the feeling she's got to pee. It also comes out of her urethra. Easy to understand why many people thinks it's just a little urine leaking out. However, laboratory analysis of female ejaculate shows it's an alkaline fluid that contains more prostatic acid phosphatase, prostate-specific antigen (both present in male ejaculate) and glucose than urine.

For me, the ability to squirt depend entirely upon how turned on I am and how I'm being stimulated. Going to the bathroom first, feeling relaxed and hydrated and getting very worked up with oral/digit/vibrator stimulation definitely helps. Following that, a very firm cock (synthetic or organic) that curves up towards my navel tends to get me there! Having my legs pushed up and back definitely gives the best access to my swollen, wet, squishy parts that evoke that kind of super gushy response. Though women definitely do squirt or gush sometimes during orgasm, we can also do it without. It's a very pleasurable experience and (for me) one that is satisfying in an extra-intimate kind of way. It's a lot easier with a partner than it is on my own, but I've been known to leave puddles in the bed.

Scuttling back under my rock now...Much love!
GRIN OF SIN's Avatar
Dated a chick who "squirted". First time it happened, I was going down on her and she came... all up in my mouth. At the time I guess I was caught up in the moment and didn't care, probably swallowing quite a bit of it. It didn't smell like urine and didn't have the tint to it, but like someone said, could just drink allot of water I suppose. I never drank urine (as far as I know) so I couldn't base it off flavor lol.

Other times, she was usually on top and it pretty much feels like she's peeing on you, but like I said before, it didn't have the smell or tint of urine. Also, I'm not sure what the average amount of urine is for women, but sometimes it seemed like a bit too much fluid to be urine, if that makes sense.
Hottassamelia's Avatar guys have been soooo much help..
Knowing this new thing to explore makes me very excited!!!
I might need some help though....
I will volunteer for the assist hotassamelia
Hottassamelia's Avatar
Dont tease me now Carguy2442.....I hope to hear from some of you experts soon!
Ive heard the different stories... i have a few friends in the porn industry and they all have said that "squirting" (on film at least) is just urine, and done only for show. At the same time one of my close friends (who is a provider) says she can squirt and claims it is not urine, i believe her but i do think it is not as common as some people perceive.