The stupidity is all you ( and Obama) for denying the reality of what is happening in the world.

And it isn't all Fox, Breitbart, etc. It also includes MSNBC, CBS, Washington Post and many other serious news organizations that think Obama is living in denial.

But you keep on keeping on with Obama:

- Yemen is a success
- Al Qaeda is on the run
- The Muslim Brotherhood is the future
- Iraq is a success
- No need for troops to stay in Iraq
- ISIS is a JV team
- Russia is a reliable partner
- The world is safer now than ever before

From this Sunday's CBS News - This panel of analysts are stunned at Obama's denial of the world situation:

You are the one disconnected with reality, not me.

You're the one who creates his own reality based on Breitbart, Fox News, etc.

Seriously, how can you be so stupid? Originally Posted by timpage
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What's left, Whir-LIE-turd ... Besides bumping another one of your threads that's sinking like a rock?
You continuing to bump it?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well, since you already had done so, I was curious as to how far you'll take your latest I HATE PRESIDENT BLACKULA thread?

I wonder how many more of them you'll start today, Mr. Wizard?

may I also remind you again about learning how to properly express yourself.

lustylad's Avatar
"President Blackula"? Gee that's pretty funny, AssUp. Did you make that one up or steal it from Bill Maher? Now why don't you get into timmytard's time machine (the one he uses to re-imagine history, see #45) and zip off into the far distant past, seeing as you have nothing of value to add to any discussion on here ever?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I am betting that you and Jew Lawyer are the same person. Right?

Whatever.....your handle tells us just about everything we need to know. Originally Posted by timpage
LOL..I'll take that bet, but I do like "The Prophet's" name. Are you sure you aren't Assup?

Notwithstanding that, my comments to your mostly true but as ever arrogant and rudely delivered previously posted remarks:

Originally Posted by timpage
What's laughable is your inability to articulate an original thought. Every fucking thing you post is gleaned from the right wing whacko narrative....with the approach being "if we say the same thing over and over and over again enough times, it must be true."

Well, fuck you, because it's not. Obama opened up Cuba. If he had consulted congress, that wouldn't have happened. Period. If you believe otherwise, you're an idiot.

As for Iraq, the place we never would have been in the first place but for your dunce Bush, I'll pose the same question I've been posing for the last five years....how long would you have us stay? Because in order to influence things in Iraq in the way you propose WE WOULD BE THERE FOR FUCKING EVER. Same in Afghanistan. Bottom line is something else I will repeat over and over and over....no US invasion of Iraq, no ISIS. Saddam would have squashed them like bugs. Law of unintended consequences especially when the original action (the invasion) was stupid, wrong and doomed to be a disaster from the very beginning. That's on you and the GOP neocons that started that war. Now, you bitch, whine and cry because apparently you want American blood and treasure spent on Iraq ad infinitum. Bullshit.

We're seeing the fastest economic growth right now for the last decade. Deficits being cut, stock market has doubled, health-care inflation at its lowest rate in memory, And what have the republicans done the last three weeks? (I do not think Obama should get credit for this - massive deficit spending and QE2 would work even if a howler monkey were in charge)

Let's review: attempted to pass legislation to deport children (those kids are the responsibility of the parents. If an American parent let their children loose in the desert to potentially die because they were unable to care for them, they would go to jail), teed up the old tried and true abortion bullshit and completely fucked that up, widened the rift between Israel and the US by violating long standing and well-known protocols on visits between world leaders and on and on and on......they are already showing that they are completely clueless about leading....the only thing you and the GOP know how to do is whine, cry and obstruct. You have no agenda, no policy, no nothing....(completely untrue - they wish to strengthen America and promote individual responsibility - many programs, too numerous to list)

Fuck you and your bullshit failure narrative.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Obama is going to be remembered as the worst worst president in American history. It's too bad my man Mitt Romney didn't get in, he would have nuked isis and the Russians. Originally Posted by TheProphetJosephSmith
Hey Prophet, I like your original policy on multiple wives..why did you guys change it?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Bjerk likes a post about multiple wives.

How about multiple handles, Uncle Han?
rioseco's Avatar
"President Blackula"? Gee that's pretty funny, AssUp. Did you make that one up or steal it from Bill Maher? Now why don't you get into timmytard's time machine (the one he uses to re-imagine history, see #45) and zip off into the far distant past, seeing as you have nothing of value to add to any discussion on here ever? Originally Posted by lustylad
Make that "President Half-Blackula"

Denying Whitey for 53 years !