Snowden Took a Job To Leak NSA Secrets? Cool. Let's Have More Like Him at the DOJ, IRS ...

Randy4Candy's Avatar
I betchya if Snowden had the choice of living in Hawaii with that hot little number he was dating or stuck in a Moscow wouldn't be even close! Originally Posted by WTF
A no brainer..................... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Obviously, the one with no brains is Snowden since all of this was done by his choice. It's a shame he had no workable, intelligent exit strategy. Instead, he was relying on guys like Trendaway, gritsboy, Buttboy J Corneyhole, East Texas Rig Handand the rest of you limp-dicked asswipes (well, in reality their handlers and sources of inspiration) to actually DO something for "freedom" and provide tangible assistance to him as they rallied 'round the cause. Boy, was he effed-up in the head. Where's the help for him from Murdock and his media empire, Trump, The Paul Boyz, Limbaugh, Palin, Ingraham, Bachmann and the rest of the "conservative" brain trust? Wow, "conservative brain trust" in conjunction with that list was hard to say with a straight face. Hell, he'd even accept something from the Godfather of Pizza. Do he deliver to the Moscow airport?
I think Snowden's exit strategy has been amazing; making the Obama administration look like the incompetent boobs they are.....

We have an extradition treaty with Hong Kong; but the Obama administration fucked up the extradition papers, allowing Snowden to exit........Obama hit the re-set button with Putin ( offered conciliatory gestures like pulling missile defenses out of Poland and signaling post election kisses) and Putin bitchslapped Obama back; Snowden is now hanging out in a posh Moscow airport hotel. The Obama administration canceled Snowden's passport thinking it would restrict his ability to get out of Hong Kong; but Ecuador gave Snowden travel visas and away went Snowden.......

Obama has destroyed America's reputation around the globe. No one fears him, no one likes him.

Obama is a fucking loser !

Advantage Snowden !
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-04-2013, 11:03 AM
even harder to read with a straight face

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-04-2013, 11:04 AM
I think Snowden's exit strategy has been amazing; making the Obama administration look like the incompetent boobs they are.....

sitting in an airport lobby living off of the food court and public shitters

Nope Snowden is at a very nice hotel...I know you don't get out of the basement CBJ, but most major international airports have luxury hotels !
Why didn't Hong Kong hand Snowden over ?

We have an extradition treaty with Hong Kong you know.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
He isn't worth it - yet. Governments want to get the most while giving up the least. BTW, Trendaway, you are FOS on your claims of what Obama supposedly is "giving," but you being FOS is no news.
The Obama administration's "smart diplomacy" wasn't able to get the paperwork done properly in extraditing Edward Snowden from Hong Kong. At least that's the story the Hong King government is telling. Lydia Warren of the UK Daily Mail writes:
Hong Kong officials have claimed their hands were tied over Edward Snowden because the U.S. government used a wrong middle name for the NSA whistleblower on extradition papers.

Provisional arrest warrant documents listed his middle name as James, whereas it is Joseph. In other papers, he was just called Edward J. Snowden, Hong Kong's Secretary of Justice Rimsky Yuen said.

When Hong Kong asked the U.S. for clarification on Friday, they failed to respond in time for officials to stop Snowden's flight to Russia on Sunday.
I am thinking the Obama administration doesn't want Snowden back in the US.....he knows where the skeletons are buried !

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Randy4Candy's Avatar
LOL! You thought you were "ready" with a link to a "source" for facts. "American Thinker" - give me a fucking break - and you talk about others bunkered away in a basement.
The world doesn't respect Obama; that is why he hasn't been handed over.

If this was Bush or Reagan; Snowden would have been sitting in an American jail weeks ago.

Obama is the Jimmy Carter of the 21st Century !
The bungled extradition paper work story was carried by major media outlets..............

You really don't know what is going on with the Snowden story do you.

LOL! You thought you were "ready" with a link to a "source" for facts. "American Thinker" - give me a fucking break - and you talk about others bunkered away in a basement. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I'm more interested in the "gifts" to Russia you ran your mouth about, idiot.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-04-2013, 11:21 AM
Nope Snowden is at a very nice hotel...I know you don't get out of the basement CBJ, but most major international airports have luxury hotels ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway

my turn


does him taking credit for leaking the intel meet your approval ?

Just over a week ago Snowden took credit as the whistleblower responsible for releasing classified information about NSA surveillance programs in order to “improve public understanding of the intelligence apparatus of the USA and its effect on civil liberties,” he said.The whistleblower claims he did it for the benefit of the American people which has resulted in an outpouring of support for the man Dick Cheney recently called a “traitor.”
Since Snowden arrived in Hong Kong the South China Morning Post reported that he also exposed hacking by the United States in Hong Kong and China. And the Guardian reported Monday that documents he provided reveal a British agency hacked into foreign diplomats’ phone and emails during summits in London. So while Snowden’s loyalty to the U.S. is questionable there have been no claims that Snowden sold secrets for personal gain; until now. Originally Posted by CJ7
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By Nigel J. Covington III
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  • CJ7
  • 07-04-2013, 11:30 AM