Single Guys - Why Hobby????

slims099's Avatar
Now I'm blocked from Tara's PM LOL. wtf happened. Calm down people, damn. Life's too short to be mad! Get laid!
Now I'm blocked from Tara's PM LOL. wtf happened. Calm down people, damn. Life's too short to be mad! Get laid! Originally Posted by slims099
No sir your not blocked, my pm box is full and I am checking them before I erase them. It will be cleared tomorrow.
You kinda answered your own question.....single guys just like to pay for it once......there is no free pussy.......... Originally Posted by drez63

Could not have said it better!

You pay her to leave not for the sex Originally Posted by Mr Bam Bam
Must be outcall
xperiment's Avatar
My presence on this board has been screached to a halt for the last 4-5 months. I really haven't hobbied since then but here is my 2 pesos.

I personally did it because dating life was a PAIN IN THE ASS! There is nothing creapy, strange, ill suited or undateable about me. It was just hard finding someone who was sane, not in the man hating stage because their previous bf was a jerk, decent looking, or just stringing you along. I wanted sex, some intimacy, etc. So I started hobbying.

My absence of late is because that void has been filled with real world dating and yes free pussy. However nothing is free and you pay for it with time, commitment, money, etc. That being said, when you date or have a relationships with someone, sexual chemistry is still not always there. The ladies of our hobby seem to take that issue away. Yes they have their style and you can filter that out by reviews etc. So there is something to be said about having that kind of sex you want and not searching or hoping to find fromt the next girl you date. Makes me almost want to rethink of my hiatus, lol.
Grow up looser! Quit stalking me everywhere on posts, Fat eddie, oh my bad big eddie.
Now you have had your fun and have wasted my time with this crap. Im finished with you Eddie on this topic. Sorry to the op for the crap that got stared by him. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
I am sad to see your grip on reality rapidly fading. You attacked my posts on two different threads (this one and one in the requests section) within minutes of one another. Neither of my two posts had ANYTHING to do with you. So why are you stalking my posts and calling me such ugly names? So much anger over two post unrelated to you? I am glad to hear you going to stop stalking my posts and attacking me. Time to go spew your venom, insults and hatred at the next guy on your list.
pyramider's Avatar
When the day comes you are doing a midget in a power chair though, the reasons you hobby have definitely changed. Originally Posted by cpi3000

Ain't that the truth.
I am sad to see your grip on reality rapidly fading. You attacked my posts on two different threads (this one and one in the requests section) within minutes of one another. Neither of my two posts had ANYTHING to do with you. So why are you stalking my posts and calling me such ugly names? So much anger over two post unrelated to you? I am glad to hear you going to stop stalking my posts and attacking me. Time to go spew your venom, insults and hatred at the next guy on your list. Originally Posted by BigEddie
This is a open forum.You feel like you have to attack me on everything that I say even on my review and you have never seen me! Now grow up go insult more woman like you do best and leave me alone!
Well my only comment on all this is that no question is a stupid question. If the topic of the discussion does not interest you, then there is a very simple solution: Don't read it. Everybody relax. We're here to have fun and get laid, married or single.
Well my only comment on all this is that no question is a stupid question. If the topic of the discussion does not interest you, then there is a very simple solution: Don't read it. Everybody relax. We're here to have fun and get laid, married or single. Originally Posted by subclade
Thank you! muah
I became a widower at the ripe old age of 34 and, 5 years later, still don't feel like I have the emotional ability to get 'out there' again. I've dated on and off over the past few years but I've always felt like I've got some sort of a wall that's keeping me from getting serious with anyone. So, although I don't really hobby that much, it has helped me when I really needed the intimacy. I've also met some wonderful people along the way - added plus!

So, I don't think I'm lazy. I know I'm not fat and I don't think I'm ugly (although I guess that's always subject to opinion!). I think it's just a case of this is where I am in life. I don't think I'll be here forever but I'll definitely take it until I'm ready to move on.
  • PL
  • 08-13-2010, 10:51 AM
A few short and long thoughts now that I am a single hobbyist..

*This is a great way to outkick your coverage and nail girls outside your normal boundaries (It is great that guys admit they are not George Clooney. I know the 35 and under hot is looking right through me in the real world, but here they at least stop to admire my wallet.)

*When you just need to bust a nut and have the freedom to do it, its very tempting

*Lets face it, suck 10,000 dicks and they are probably gonna get good at it; the sex with a professional can be very, very good

*If you don't want the work of either chasing or a relationship, this can fulfill a need

That said..............

*There is SO MUCH FREE & EASY PUSSY in Dallas it is absurd... Make your standards commensurate with your looks and game? You can get laid constantly.

*This is frickin Texas! Not only are they hot, if you have some money, they are friggin gold digging whores! Make some money boys, get a hottie.

Finally, the long thread.....

Let me exempt one group of single guys from this. Just one. Its the guys who may have an issue beyond their control and they only see providers because thats all they can get. These guys don't stalk, don't go overboard, are not delusional and don't fall in love.....(too often or to deeply.)

But there is a strong group of single guys here who are probably blowing a good percentage of their income on P4P. Guys who are using this little society as a major crutch who need to get out in the real world, learn how to develop a relationship with a woman who is not compensated for her time and make a better life for themselves.

Honestly, I see some guys on this board, particularly in the AMP zone, touting how "The girls love me" or how they "hang with the girls all the time"..... Yeah, great. I had many "friends" during the heyday of hookers & hobbyists in Dallas in the early 2000's. We hung out but me and the guys I was with knew what it was. As soon as our money stopped flowin, bitches scattered. You don't believe me? Put a lock on your wallets for about 45 days and see how often Mamasan welcomes you into the kitchen to eat cabbage soup, how often the hottest 2 K-girls want to do a double with you or that really friendly chubby past her prime provider who always needs your help keeps calling just for fun.....(I know of 1 guy who took a girl out of an AMP and is making a go of it. He has enough game and character to make it happen.)

Keep it in perspective single guys. Ultimately, it is 2010. If you are under 30 and single, women have never been such bigger sluts. And if you are over 40 and single, all those women are furiously trying to reach slut status as well. If your between, Tube8 provides some quality alone time.

Pile on bitches, I am ready for it!
lilsmurf's Avatar
Best place to find Single/Married/Hot/ vegetarian women (which i prefer) is
Whole foods. Especially in July, everyone is fkn horny in July.
Bigeddie shut your ass, get a life.
Tara Evans ass, bent over, is the best ass I have ever seen!
Whats this thread about again?
daty/o's Avatar
I don't think I'm lazy. I know I'm not fat and I don't think I'm ugly (although I guess that's always subject to opinion!). I think it's just a case of this is where I am in life. I don't think I'll be here forever but I'll definitely take it until I'm ready to move on. Originally Posted by neco71
Divorced after being married for over 20 yrs, kids are grown, this is pretty much where I am, as well. Most women that I am attracted to now seem to be going thru their "cougar" phase and I'm not what's selling.
bigmarv's Avatar
To the OP. I'm 59, twice divorced and not ready to start another real relationship, so I see providers, AMPS and visit SC's. So far life is good.
derby's Avatar
  • derby
  • 08-13-2010, 05:46 PM
PL and Big Marv I appreciate what you are saying.

Tara, thank you for keeping this thread on track.

Finally, this is my first post, I joined today and want to say hello.