Covid 19 @ the Strip Club

Wrong. Even after you are cured, you can get the virus again if you expose yourself to an infected person. Just ask this lady-- Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
I'm not wrong - it appears that lady never got over her first infection.

Nothing is 100% in this fucked up diverse world but if a person got the virus and donates the neutralizing antibodies several more people will be 99.999% immune and should party like hell and not be a scared pussy cowering in their basement over the tiny chance they could get it a second time.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I'm not wrong - it appears that lady never got over her first infection.

Nothing is 100% in this fucked up diverse world but if a person got the virus and donates the neutralizing antibodies several more people will be 99.999% immune and should party like hell and not be a scared pussy cowering in their basement over the tiny chance they could get it a second time. Originally Posted by friendly fred

Immunity: For the ~30M Americans who already had Covid19, we don’t yet know how effective or how long the antibodies will last. But based on other Coronaviruses, it’s reasonable to assume it’s protective for 6 to 34 months. We also don’t know what % of our population has a strong enough innate immune system to prevent infection in the first place. But up to 60% of the population may already have some level of cross-reactive protection at a cellular level due to contact with previous coronaviruses. So it is possible up to 70% of the U.S. has varying levels of resistance.

The question is, after contracting it, being deathly sick, and recovering, do you want to party hard or do you want to play it safe and not be in that percentage that may get it again? From the socials I have been to over the years, I am pretty sure that most of the hobbyists today, just like when I go to strip clubs and the clientele, are old, fat, out of shape and probably have compromised immune systems, so they are going to be in that percentage that probably gets it again if exposed.

Is that lapdance at a crowded club worth it?
Immunity: For the ~30M Americans who already had Covid19, we don’t yet know how effective or how long the antibodies will last. But based on other Coronaviruses, it’s reasonable to assume it’s protective for 6 to 34 months. We also don’t know what % of our population has a strong enough innate immune system to prevent infection in the first place. But up to 60% of the population may already have some level of cross-reactive protection at a cellular level due to contact with previous coronaviruses. So it is possible up to 70% of the U.S. has varying levels of resistance. (I have heard that and I am intrigued by that idea - I wish there was some way to test for that)

The question is, after contracting it, being deathly sick, and recovering, do you want to party hard or do you want to play it safe and not be in that percentage that may get it again? From the socials I have been to over the years, I am pretty sure that most of the hobbyists today, just like when I go to strip clubs and the clientele, are old, fat, out of shape and probably have compromised immune systems, so they are going to be in that percentage that probably gets it again if exposed.

Is that lapdance at a crowded club worth it? Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
If I were in that fat and out of shape demographic with a compromised immune system then I would be concerned. I'n extremely healthy and exercise 5 times a week and religiously eat right, and all my blood work comes back normal every year.

I have no diseases and no need to take any drugs.

So, when the club was open I went ten days ago and my favorite stripper who loves to kiss passionately while "table dancing" amoung other things did her thing and if she had anything I would have gotten it but my temperature is still the same 97-97.5° it always is and I'm still working out everyday hard as ever.

BTW, if those experts think we won't have immunity I guess there is no need for a vaccine and maybe we should just search for effective treatments instead?

We are all going to die someday so I say party on and live life to the fullest!

You asked is it worth it to get a lapdance at a crowded club?

From 33 year old Latina with a beautiful face, long and beautiful black hair, 5'4" tall and weighing 95 pounds of a sculpted frame from working out and eating right? Fuck yes it is worth it!
Wile E Coyote's Avatar

You asked is it worth it to get a lapdance at a crowded club?

From 33 year old Latina with a beautiful face, long and beautiful black hair, 5'4" tall and weighing 95 pounds of a sculpted frame from working out and eating right? Fuck yes it is worth it! Originally Posted by friendly fred

Good for you. When your asymptomatic self goes and sees your older relatives who are not as good with their immune system, and your supposed healthy ass breaths all over them, then after a few days, those old folks, have to be put on a ventilator, and since they are going to die anyway, but thanks to you, die sooner than later, then I want you to repeat the same thing to them as you visit them in the hospital room. Then if they die from covid-19 exposure, be sure to sign your name in bold on the guest list at their funeral.
Good for you. When your asymptomatic self goes and sees your older relatives who are not as good with their immune system, and your supposed healthy ass breaths all over them, then after a few days, those old folks, have to be put on a ventilator, and since they are going to die anyway, but thanks to you, die sooner than later, then I want you to repeat the same thing to them as you visit them in the hospital room. Then if they die from covid-19 exposure, be sure to sign your name in bold on the guest list at their funeral. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
I don't get anywhere nearer to them than 6 feet away wearing a mask but as I'm sure you are aware, asymptomatic carriers tend to have a significantly reduced viral load, inducing a mild case in most circumstances.

Old out of shape fuckers with comorbidities from years of drinking, smoking and overeating and insufficient exercise should protect themselves but remember this - I wasn't the miserable idiot who made the bad choices concerning my health so beyond me exercising a reasonable amount of careful conduct around them their bad choices do not give them the right to control my life.

The America my older relatives grew up in wasn't this country of pussies we have now so if they have lived their life and it expires a few months earlier than planned then that is the way it goes. If a fucker made it to age 80 they beat the odds anyway and I would consider them selfish to want to control my behavior so they didn't have to be careful and be responsible for themselves.

I have always worn a mask in public since this thing started - I even went into the strip club with a mask on - which I kind of liked since maybe I wouldn't be recognized or recorded as easily but she was the only one I got close to and obviously I got really close. Old and unhealthy fuckers can do that if they choose but it is clearly risky for them but not me though if I die from it I will leave plenty of money behind for the family.
...just like when I go to strip clubs and the clientele, are old, fat, out of shape and probably have compromised immune systems.... Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Dude, what is your obsession with guys in strip clubs? It seems all you ever post about clubs is the above. Do you have a problems with old, fat, guys? Or, is the reason you go to clubs is to see the clientele instead of the girls? Not that there is anything wrong with looking at guys if that's your thing. But, there are clubs that specialize in that if that's what you want to do.

I for one, pay very little to other customers other than to look for friends. I am far more interested in the dancers than the customers.

Or maybe your jealous of those old fat guys? Maybe they are taking the gals you want? I am old, over weight, have some health have lots of money, have my own teeth, still giving girls the best 30 seconds of sex they have ever had, and most importantly, a full head of hair. I have noticed though, us old, fat guys do seem to get a lot more attention than you young studs.

I think most of us are far more interested in the dancers than the customers, but hay, what ever turns you on.
I am old, over weight, have some health have lots of money, have my own teeth, still giving girls the best 30 seconds of sex they have ever had, and most importantly, a full head of hair. Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
Oh for those days when I lasted 30 seconds. Lucky bastard!!
Shep3.0's Avatar
Dude, what is your obsession with guys in strip clubs? It seems all you ever post about clubs is the above. Do you have a problems with old, fat, guys? Or, is the reason you go to clubs is to see the clientele instead of the girls? Not that there is anything wrong with looking at guys if that's your thing. But, there are clubs that specialize in that if that's what you want to do.

I for one, pay very little to other customers other than to look for friends. I am far more interested in the dancers than the customers.

Or maybe your jealous of those old fat guys? Maybe they are taking the gals you want? I am old, over weight, have some health have lots of money, have my own teeth, still giving girls the best 30 seconds of sex they have ever had, and most importantly, a full head of hair. I have noticed though, us old, fat guys do seem to get a lot more attention than you young studs.

I think most of us are far more interested in the dancers than the customers, but hay, what ever turns you on. Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing

You do know some guys are more infatuated w guys. Like how most male pornstars are gay.

Nothing wrong but ....not all are here for same purpose. Lmao
Chung Tran's Avatar
I'm intrigued by that 70% stat.. never heard of it until now.

I'm staying away from strip clubs until this virus withers and dies.. it is going to do that, right?
I'm intrigued by that 70% stat.. never heard of it until now.

I'm staying away from strip clubs until this virus withers and dies.. it is going to do that, right? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Fuck yes it will die out - they have all gone away so far, or become manageable or less lethal.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
You do know some guys are more infatuated w guys. Like how most male pornstars are gay.

Nothing wrong but ....not all are here for same purpose. Lmao Originally Posted by Shep3.0
Exactly.......And speaking of infatuation, sometimes still today, but it was very apparent during the Eccie heydays, there were a handful of guys that CONSTANTLY talked about other dudes, even started threads about other guys, followed or had other dudes' posts followed by their "yes" men (talk about some queer devotion), hijacked threads they posted on topic on just to talk about them and could tell they were totally obsessed with them.

Totally gay, but as you said, we are all on this site for different purpose(s).

Back on topic of thread, anyone want to take a guess how long the strip clubs are going to be closed for Covid-19 this time around? If they open up sooner rather than later, and the virus spikes again and they once again get shut down, it may be for a LONG time.
Shep3.0's Avatar
I stay rent free in yo head. Weirdo ....

Everyone look up his posts and how many times he brings up my handle on OH2. It's all there

Back on topic. Stay safe all.
Exactly.......And speaking of infatuation, sometimes still today, but it was very apparent during the Eccie heydays, there were a handful of guys that CONSTANTLY talked about other dudes, even started threads about other guys, followed or had other dudes' posts followed by their "yes" men (talk about some queer devotion), hijacked threads they posted on topic on just to talk about them and could tell they were totally obsessed with them.

Totally gay, but as you said, we are all on this site for different purpose(s).

Back on topic of thread, anyone want to take a guess how long the strip clubs are going to be closed for Covid-19 this time around? If they open up sooner rather than later, and the virus spikes again and they once again get shut down, it may be for a LONG time. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
This shutdown might put a few out of business.

Life will go on eventually though who knows what flag will be flying when all this shit is done.
Copasetic's Avatar
I'm assuming the forum guidelines are talking specifically about sexually transmitted diseases. I'm sure they weren't taking into consideration a global pandemic, which is what we have right now. For better or worse, Covid has changed the world. So talking about whether someone has Covid or not technically would be against forum guidelines, but I highly doubt this is what the forum admins had in mind when they said not to discuss someone's medical condition. Whether someone has herpes or not should be confidential. Whether someone has a virus that could kill you if they coughed on you should not be confidential. Covid is killing people, and if someone or somewhere is known to have it, it should be discussed. It's a public safety matter.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I'm assuming the forum guidelines are talking specifically about sexually transmitted diseases. I'm sure they weren't taking into consideration a global pandemic, which is what we have right now. For better or worse, Covid has changed the world. So talking about whether someone has Covid or not technically would be against forum guidelines, but I highly doubt this is what the forum admins had in mind when they said not to discuss someone's medical condition. Whether someone has herpes or not should be confidential. Whether someone has a virus that could kill you if they coughed on you should not be confidential. Covid is killing people, and if someone or somewhere is known to have it, it should be discussed. It's a public safety matter. Originally Posted by Copasetic
NEVER assume, especially on the interpretation of the site guidelines because that is what they are, guidelines. However, medical conditions are medical conditions no matter how you slice it. SDTs, while they do not kill you (except for AIDS), are also a public safety matter, at least in the hobby world. One thing that MAY be clear is that it is pure speculation when talking about another's medical condition, and that person has to be a member on this site for a violation to occur.

Another thing to keep in mind is that ALL guidelines are mod interpreted, so therefore, it usually depends on two factors. The most important one is who is giving the opinion or statement that is an obvious GL infraction or mod can make up an unwritten infraction that results in nothing at all/warnings/points/bans. The second factor is the Eccie member the clear violation is against, which also results in mod action/inaction.

There is a reason that infractions are not made public by the staff and why the infractions are sent via PM, so you cannot share those in direct quote If you did reveal that you got an infraction (and you can), and without direct quoting of a PM, you said what you got it for and the violation is no where in the guidelines, but the staff can deny the reason and there is no way to back it up. There are no clear and real definite black and white rules on this site. If there were, lots of people that are in violation of the rules would be banned and there could not be any made up infractions to suit an agenda if a mod has a hard-on for you.

On topic, when the strip clubs do open back up once again, it does not mean it is safe, so if you want to take a chance with your life and your family and friends, go get that lap dance!