Black Man Vs. White Man Carrying AR-15 Legally. Who says racism doesn't exist?

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-17-2015, 03:46 PM
For years I have heard that "THE cops are racially motivated" when dealing with young Black men, but during all of that time I have not heard the 180 degree difference of anyone saying "NO cops AT ALL are racially motivated."

Even cops will acknowledge that SOME are "prejudiced" in dealing with citizens. That does not translate to ALL COPS. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I agree, some tainted cops by no means implies "all" or "most" or even "a lot".

I was referring more to individual situations that come up--hardly anyone actually waits for all the facts to make up their mind, and most the time their first snap opinion is always the same, pro or con.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well, I'm back for now. Yes, looks can mean a lot to a person. Using a person carrying a weapon is provocative and dangerous (the idiot used his pregnant girlfriend to video him). A better research project (but it has already been done) is where you take two or more men (and women) dress them identically with a similar trendy hair style and have them try to flag down a cab. In legitimate research you have to eliminate variables like appearance (corn rows?) and incidentals (he was carrying something). This video for all of it's implied angst is only for purposes of getting people to believe something (whether it is there or not). I have to say this again, there is no proof one way or the other of racism but you will believe what you have been shown. Show me the raw footage and better yet, get two other camera angles and interview the cops afterwards.
See Sparky, this is where folks like you fuck up. You have made an awful lot of ASSumptions here.

Lets see....

If the condom breaks (which does happen every once in a great while) I am backed up by Depo-Provera, a once every 90 days injection that has one of the lowest fail rates (less than 0.1%) of any form of birth control. I don't fuck around. I have no children, and at 41 years old, have no intention of changing that. So you best believe that at precisely 90 days, my ass is in my Doctor's office with my sleeve rolled up saying "Hit me!"

Having said that, you ASSume that I am pro-life. Guess what? I'm not. I support access to safe and legal abortions. So try again.

So, moving on. Lets talk about so-called "equal pay". I tell you what, you open up a new thread about equal pay and I will be delighted to regale you with a dissertation on all the different ways that the idea of "equal pay" is stupid. More specifically, the idea that equal pay does not already exist is stupid.

To make it even more simple: STOP PATRONIZING ME and trying to sell me on the idea that somehow having a vagina makes me any less capable than you, or in greater need of protection than you, or that I am somehow helpless and need gov't to do for me what I cannot do for myself.

Next topic, minimum wage. Yes I'm aware that the majority of Republicans oppose raising the minimum wage. So do I. I haven't earned minimum wage since I was a teenager. There is a reason for that. Oh wait. Hold up. What's this about quitting providing and trying to live off minimum wage? Did you just ASSume that the only job I am capable of outside of providing would be a minimum wage job? Pardon me for a moment. I'm going to go have a good laugh......................... ..............

.............................. ........ Ok back now. I tell you what. You come to my incall. On you way to the bathroom, you will walk through my den, and up on the wall you will see my "ego wall" of my degrees and certifications. Do you know what the best remedy to earning minimum wage is? Education. You should try it. You might like it.

Last point. Aren't "you people" (I ASSume you included me in this statement) supposed to be God fearing Christians? First point that I just can't help but make - haven't you professed a belief in Christianity? Pretty sure I read that somewhere. Yeah, you did. So, although this is something I would never consider bringing up myself, you DID open the door, so I just have to ask - what the fuck are YOU doing on a whore board?

Yes, many Republicans are Christian. I would say that I am the exception to the rule since I am not a Christian, but since I am not a Republican either, I can't actually be the exception to the rule. Like many, you have confused social conservatism with conservatism in general. One may be one without the other sugar lips. I am a fiscal conservative, I am a Constitutional conservative. I am not however, a social conservative. I have been a passionate supporter of gay rights for years, I support abortion, I support legalizing most illicit substances, I support stem cell research, believe that the Theory of Evolution is a sound theory based on science, and as stated earlier, I support safe and legal abortions.

Like I said, you really need to stop making assumptions and reading words that just aren't there. You really look like an idiot when you do that. Not that looking like an idiot is much of a stretch for you. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
+ 1, Bravo Darlin !!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Democrats, liberals, and progressives are very static. They think things hold still and they want their targets to hold certain beliefs. They can't criticize you otherwise if they realize that not all republicans, conservatives, or moderates don't march in lockstep.

Things are changing though....not for the better. A recent poll showed that the rank and file of the democratic party are split evenly on whether socialism is a good thing. Half the democrats believe that socialism is a possible future. They're catching up with their leadership.
Democrats, liberals, and progressives are very static. They think things hold still and they want their targets to hold certain beliefs. They can't criticize you otherwise if they realize that not all republicans, conservatives, or moderates don't march in lockstep.

Things are changing though....not for the better. A recent poll showed that the rank and file of the democratic party are split evenly on whether socialism is a good thing. Half the democrats believe that socialism is a possible future. They're catching up with their leadership. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So you start by saying that all democrats are in lock step. Then you say republitards aren't. Then you cite a poll saying that democrats AREN'T in lock step. Hmmm.
LexusLover's Avatar
Democrats, liberals, and progressives are very static.

Things are changing though....not for the better. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So you start by saying that all democrats are in lock step. .....Then you cite a poll saying that democrats AREN'T in lock step. Hmmm. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Here. May be this will help your ... "Hmmm"...

"stat·ic: 1. lacking in movement, action, or change, especially in a way viewed as undesirable or uninteresting."

Must you constantly mischaracterize what people post? He posted "static"!!!

You claim he posted "lock step"...

"lock·step: a way of marching with each person as close as possible to the one in front."

"Static" means no movement, whereas "lock step" IS movement.

And you are a "free lance writer"?

And you are a "free lance writer"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
And you are an "Idiot"?
  • DSK
  • 05-19-2015, 08:37 PM
And you are an "Idiot"? Originally Posted by bigtex
No, but you are.
No, but you are. Originally Posted by DSK
really burned him there, dumbass. How will he ever go on
No, but you are. Originally Posted by DSK
Thank you JLIdiot, errr DSKIdiot.

From you (or your Patriarchal Idiot Superior, LLIdiot) I take that as a compliment!

By the way, when is your next defection date to Tel Aviv?

Will it be in October again this year?

On another note, have you made any friendly wagers lately?
LexusLover's Avatar
really burned him there, ... How will he ever go on..... Originally Posted by WombRaider
BigTits ... doesn't know when to stop. You understand that, don't you?
LexusLover's Avatar
And you are a "free lance writer"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
And you are an "Idiot"? Originally Posted by bigtex
Were you in the Cub Scouts? How about the Boy Scouts? An Eagle Scout?
Were you in the Cub Scouts? How about the Boy Scouts? An Eagle Scout? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I will be more than happy to answer the above referenced questions, once you have answered the following:

Were you in the Army? How about the Navy? The Air Force? Marines?
LexusLover's Avatar
I will be more than happy to answer the above referenced questions.... Originally Posted by bigtex
I'll take that as a "NO"! As to both the Cub Scouts and the Boy Scouts for BigTits.

You have your standards. I have mine. But since you know so much about me, as spread around in this and other forums, you don't need to ask. Right? After all, with 20-20 xray hindsight you can examine my OMPF from your couch, right, big mouth. And since you "know" where I live, as you have expressed so many times on here ... and that I was in the Cub Scouts, as you have expressed so many times on here ... you don't really need any answers from me.

Or do you?

Like I said, quit rubbing the U of H nose in how they crank our crack pots!

Keep jabbering BigTits. You are making yourself a confirmed liar.
Bad link; was it taken down because it was a bogus photoshop?

All of the gOP supporters should be pissed at this video- now ask yourself again does American look at a Black and White man differently? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911