thanks to mods and st c.

I miss those days.
winn dixie's Avatar
And yet Dallas COED seems to be humming along just fine. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
No where near its potential! And Houston co/ed, is almost a ghost town. View counts way down, as is participation. Hoards of members moving on. As a result advertisers and sponsors are gone.

Why, because of the life strangling limits eccie has imposed on providers! With the addition of switter. These ladies can advertise daily and update their availability! Add in the review culture is dying! More and more providers no longer want to be reviewed! Eccie's rules do not allow for a provider to have a no review policy and still advertise.

Providers have moved on because of this, nothing else! Money talks! Again as a result from the ladies not being here. Very little forum participation , add in the pc police and the result is mind numbing low view counts! Which results in sponsors and advertisers leaving!

Eccie is not even a shell of what it once was! I hope it can recover! But the pc police and crippling rules imposed on the providers have nearly sealed its doom.

This is coming from one of eccie's biggest defenders on the other site! This is truly sad! I hope eccie can return to its original glory! But not the road it is headed down!!

R.I.P. ECCIE - the train has left the station
winn dixie's Avatar
I miss those days. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
I do to partner!!

You know , I will never forgive SL for outing Rick; several times! But the guy brought view counts and participation where ever he posted. Sl was entertaining, funny, and had a wealth of hobby knowledge that he shared with us! It was guys like SL Whispers and Rocker Rick that helped eccie grow locally and elsewhere! Like 'em or hate'em they were entertaining and brought audiences to the forums! I think its a shame whats happening now! The Las Vegas forum was carried by SL all by himself for a long time! Sl was damn near the eccie ambassador in Las Vegas! And what thanks does he get? See elsewhere in this thread! Shit stirrers are usually the ones paying the bills........
The goal is to stop the insults, name calling, and general rudeness towards members of this board. If for whatever reason you have nothing interesting to talk about without doing so then maybe you need to reevaluate the issues that make you an internet bully. We don't except peace love and harmony but we do expect you all to mostly get along and stop harrassing and bullying each other. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Just exactly who is this “moderator” calling an internet bully?
And what gives him the right to name call?
I think maybe he needs to reevaluate his choice in wording and show some respect!
Lead by example, not do as I say not as I do!
Treetop78759's Avatar
Just exactly who is this “moderator” calling an internet bully?
And what gives him the right to name call?
I think maybe he needs to reevaluate his choice in wording and show some respect!
Lead by example, not do as I say not as I do! Originally Posted by Spit It Out
Instead of being so angry you should really work on softening your heart. You will be so much happier with life and yourself.
Who’s angry?
Questioning authority figures that aren’t exactly handling themselves with the same decorum expected by the rest is not anger.
If anything it’s disgust.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Yes you are. Stop posting and just think about what I've said.
CryptKicker's Avatar
And what part of "maybe" was not understood? No single person was called out, just the general behavior was put into question and is what St C wants stopped in the forum.
winn dixie's Avatar
And what part of "maybe" was not understood? No single person was called out, just the general behavior was put into question and is what St C wants stopped in the forum. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
We got it now! A mod. can use generalizations about groups of people but WE cannot!

Got it! O.K..
CryptKicker's Avatar
Nope. You cannot use racist generalizations about people no more than the mods can. Not even close to the same thing.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Flaming and insulting people may produce some additional traffic. However, it may not be worth it to ECCIE management (for ethical or logistic reasons).

There are other factors in play. Industry news, (real and speculated) as well as the site having been temporarily closed, may play a part in a (temporary) decrease in activity.

I believe, eventually, new or previously reluctant people will bring some new conversation to the board.

In the meantime, I am crafting a new thread on butt plugs. I hope y'all will enjoy it!
winn dixie's Avatar
Nope. You cannot use racist generalizations about people no more than the mods can. Not even close to the same thing. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
"You" just singled me out for being racist! I take offense to that! I'am not shit stirring here! I would like a public apology posted here in this thread! WHERE HAVE I EVER BEEN RACIST TOWARDS ANYONES ETHNICITY? OR IS THIS MORE GENERALIZATIONS ? I do not condone nor accept racism! And I have made several posts against racist behavior here on the boards!
I would like to know why racism was stated in your above post, towards me?
Flaming and insulting people may produce some additional traffic. However, it may not be worth it to ECCIE management (for ethical or logistic reasons).

There are other factors in play. Industry news, (real and speculated) as well as the site having been temporarily closed, may play a part in a (temporary) decrease in activity.

I believe, eventually, new or previously reluctant people will bring some new conversation to the board.

In the meantime, I am crafting a new thread on butt plugs. I hope y'all will enjoy it! Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
No doubt you have great expertise in the area, look forward to not reading it.
"You" just singled me out for being racist! I take offense to that! I'am not shit stirring here! I would like a public apology posted here in this thread! WHERE HAVE I EVER BEEN RACIST TOWARDS ANYONES ETHNICITY? OR IS THIS MORE GENERALIZATIONS ? I do not condone nor accept racism! And I have made several posts against racist behavior here on the boards!
I would like to know why racism was stated in your above post, towards me? Originally Posted by winn dixie
He really does love throwing out the YOU word doesn’t he?
Wonder where he learned to do that?
winn dixie's Avatar
Flaming and insulting people may produce some additional traffic. However, it may not be worth it to ECCIE management (for ethical or logistic reasons).

There are other factors in play. Industry news, (real and speculated) as well as the site having been temporarily closed, may play a part in a (temporary) decrease in activity.

I believe, eventually, new or previously reluctant people will bring some new conversation to the board.

In the meantime, I am crafting a new thread on butt plugs. I hope y'all will enjoy it! Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
I encourage that if that is what you want to discuss! Hopefully your thread on the subject will get more traffic and participation. But the traffic will not come back until the rules are relaxed for the ladies, and they can post multi ads daily with any info they wish to share! Cap you make a good point about why st. C made the new rules for inclusion and being more pc. It is all about perception, that's fine, and is smart! However that has nothing to do with the main problem! Which is, the ladies are not here! AND AGAIN the ladies are not here because they have better options with more access and less restrictions! IF ECCIE were to allow daily ad posting without any ad restrictions the ladies would come back in droves! But not all, this decline started with the age restriction of being a 21 and over companion site only! Not sure how to deal with that; even though I agree with it!!!!!!