Why more Americans don't travel abroad

Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
But then again, I don't fly anymore because HLS has ridiculous security measures in place. I'm not getting frisked and paying for it unless she's as hot as some of the lovely ladies on this board.
Naomi4u's Avatar
That being said I'd rather take my fam to Disneyworld where I know its safer than have it end up like something in the movie "Hostel" or "Taken". Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds

Please forgive me but you have got to be kidding me. "Hostel" or "Taken" and wonder why you all are being referred to as ignorant? Come the hell on. THAT was one ignorant comment!
Please forgive me if I come across too harsh but I'm really sick and tired of being referred to as "arrogant". Yes I'm American born. Texas born, Texas bred, and Texas dead. I, like any other average American has a love for this country more so than perhaps another person from another country. Its a great country(currently), why else are so many flocking to come here? I had a passport at one time and did some traveling in my younger days. But I just don't feel it is as safe as it used to be for Americans to travel abroad. That being said I'd rather take my fam to Disneyworld where I know its safer than have it end up like something in the movie "Hostel" or "Taken". Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
No one is calling you arrogant love...Nor was I ever implying that America wasn't a great country, because it is...I think you're missing the point a bit..
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Yeah it was pretty ignorant of me. That's what I'm known for. But then again (her name escapes me) there was a young lady that went on a spring break vacation a couple years ago out of country who went missing. Turns out she was murdered. Now I'm not some 100 something lb. woman but I'm certainly no superman. All I'm saying is the general attitude towards Americans travelling safely abroad is not what it once was.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Yeah it was pretty ignorant of me. That's what I'm known for. But then again (her name escapes me) there was a young lady that went on a spring break vacation a couple years ago out of country who went missing. Turns out she was murdered. Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds

Honey there was a "murder" on the other side of town last night. It happens every day here in America. SO it is a bit odd that you'd say that but I understand. Good luck.
Yeah it was pretty ignorant of me. That's what I'm known for. But then again (her name escapes me) there was a young lady that went on a spring break vacation a couple years ago out of country who went missing. Turns out she was murdered. Now I'm not some 100 something lb. woman but I'm certainly no superman. All I'm saying is the general attitude towards Americans travelling safely abroad is not what it once was. Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
I have no words...
Naomi4u's Avatar
I have no words... Originally Posted by Valerie
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Yes murders occur here I know. I live in Houston. But in my own backyard where I know the local constabulary will be more likely to put forth the effort in any type of crime will have my back if something goes down makes me feel comfortable. Knowing I'm not just another "ignorant" American in another country subject to its laws rather than that good 'ol Bill of rights and knowing I can tote around my own form of protection that will make any badnasty think twice about messing with me and mine puts me in a safer frame of mind. That being said yes, I would love to travel to other parts of the world and see what it has to offer. Perhaps someday in the future. But my desire lies more in the European theater rather than the orient. I have always wanted to travel to northern Europe. If given the opportunity I'd start in one of the Bavarian countries. Germany or Switzerland perhaps.
Wwanderer's Avatar
Yeah it was pretty ignorant of me. That's what I'm known for. But then again (her name escapes me) there was a young lady that went on a spring break vacation a couple years ago out of country who went missing. Turns out she was murdered. Now I'm not some 100 something lb. woman but I'm certainly no superman. All I'm saying is the general attitude towards Americans travelling safely abroad is not what it once was. Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
You might want to look into the stats a bit. There are some countries in the world where an American is at greater risk of being a victim of violence than he/she is in the US...but NOT VERY MANY!

Naomi4u's Avatar
You might want to look into the stats a bit. There are some countries in the world where an American is at greater risk of being a victim of violence than he/she is in the US...but NOT VERY MANY!

-Ww Originally Posted by Wwanderer
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
No worries ladies! I don't get offended easily. Your entitled to your opinions and I to mine. So its all good.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Yeah you won't find my passport being stamped with countries whose first language is Arabic. A shame too.
Wwanderer's Avatar
I've done six continents (plus a bunch of islands) and around 50 countries (I can't figure out how to count some of them that were one country when I visited but are now two or more), and here's one thing I've noticed to be generally true:

Pick any place in the world. Find the people there that were born very far away, whether they are living there or just passing through on business or pleasure or are refugees from some distant land or..., and they will *tend* (i.e., there are exceptions) to be people who are uncommonly interesting and able in some way or the other...people well worth getting to know. Travel is a sieve that *tends* to filter out ordinary folks, imo and experience.

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime." -Mark Twain

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime." -Mark Twain

-Ww Originally Posted by Wwanderer
Love that!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
But then again (her name escapes me) there was a young lady that went on a spring break vacation a couple years ago out of country who went missing. Turns out she was murdered. Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
Natalee Holloway is the name you are looking for. Aruba is the country.

Everyone has their own comfort level concerning international travel. Lets all be more respectful of each others opinions on the matter. For instance, I would love to see the Great Pyramids and Sphinx in Egypt but I won't be traveling there anytime soon.