Booker or no booker?

...But then you find out she has an assistant to handle her bookings and screenings, is that a turn off? Will that stop you from seeing her? Does it matter to you? Originally Posted by Nina Moretti
  • zebra
  • 03-13-2015, 06:09 AM

hire a booker to schedule your appointments PERIOD. Ladies have a lot on their plate, doing their hair, make up, manicure, pedicure, getting dressed for the evening, answering gentlemen's e-mails, goofy questions and request's, some of you ladies have children and you can't ignore them, etc... Tell me how many cell phones do ya'll go through every 6 months cause the ringer wears out or god damn cell phone wont quit ringing and it hits the concrete wall or ground 25 stories below. My ATF moved to CA. last year in May and she told me in confidence that there were soo e-mails she just couldn't answer all of her e-mails cause she was overwhelmed with Inquiries for Appointments to the point that it clogged her Yahoo mail account and eventually she could not receive anyone's e-mail until she deleted some of the older e-mails out of her inbox.

If you have that kind of response from Hobbyist then do yourself a favor cause I know ladies can afford a $ 15.00 hr Booker to take care of their screening, bla, bla, bla, schedule for you. For example I wont mention any names but one of the ladies, new girl on the block, booked solid for the next year, she only works monday through friday and closes up shop by 4 or 5 pm daily cause she has another life. I mean DAMN! I know she has a booker cause she speaks broken english in person and her replies to e-mail are written perfectly, correct and to the T. I can/could not believe booked solid for the next YEAR but it is true ?

hire a booker to schedule your appointments PERIOD. Ladies have a lot on their plate, doing their hair, make up, manicure, pedicure, getting dressed for the evening, answering gentlemen's e-mails, goofy questions and request's, some of you ladies have children and you can't ignore them, etc... Tell me how many cell phones do ya'll go through every 6 months cause the ringer wears out or god damn cell phone wont quit ringing and it hits the concrete wall or ground 25 stories below. My ATF moved to CA. last year in May and she told me in confidence that there were soo e-mails she just couldn't answer all of her e-mails cause she was overwhelmed with Inquiries for Appointments to the point that it clogged her Yahoo mail account and eventually she could not receive anyone's e-mail until she deleted some of the older e-mails out of her inbox.

If you have that kind of response from Hobbyist then do yourself a favor cause I know ladies can afford a $ 15.00 hr Booker to take care of their screening, bla, bla, bla, schedule for you. For example I wont mention any names but one of the ladies, new girl on the block, booked solid for the next year, she only works monday through friday and closes up shop by 4 or 5 pm daily cause she has another life. I mean DAMN! I know she has a booker cause she speaks broken english in person and her replies to e-mail are written perfectly, correct and to the T. I can/could not believe booked solid for the next YEAR but it is true ? Originally Posted by zebra
You're exactly right! They have a life of their own and a lot on their plate.

Yes, I believe it could be true. One of the ladies I work for is a busy top 100 provider on TER and has almost 300 reviews on ECCIE alone. When she first hired me, her emails and PMs remained unanswered for weeks, some even months. It took me a good solid 2 weeks to get her all caught up. Like you said, she was extremely overwhelmed with all the requests and had no time to reply on a timely manner. Now I believe her life became less stressful, all she has to worry about is her actual appointments, her family, and herself. No more time spent in front of her computer screen.

Win win for all three parties involved, herself, myself, and her least I believe so.

  • zebra
  • 03-13-2015, 12:11 PM
Only the ASPD veterans here will remember Private Connections in both Dallas & Denver. If you ever called and scheduled with PC then guess what ? You dealt with a hired professional booker who scheduled your appointment request. I hate to compare it to repair service gentlemen but it was just like scheduling repair service to be done on your vehicle, handled in a professional manner, very easy and Pain Free. As I recall I don't think I ever got bumped or no showed when my appointment time came up. There might have been a situation arise where the provider got sick or felt bad, or even Mother Nature kicked in but I honestly don't remember anything like that but then I've killed a few brain cells since those memorable days..
It is a win win situation for everyone involved and why more ladies don't get a grip and get with the program is beyond me. This is the 21st. century folks, if you don't have a booker then it's very likely you are leaving money on the table & missing opportunities. We are all human, we all make mistakes, some of us can't remember, some of us forget, forget to write it down, loose the piece of paper you wrote it on, any number of things all while there are the ladies who can manage their bookings and do not need a booker. I applaud those ladies but maybe you are in the wrong business. Renting your time and companionship is a hot commodity but there are hotter commodities with larger & bigger returns. I'm not saying stop what you are doing cause ladies you provide DFW hobbyist with a much needed service here and you know it, just keep up the good work. (Sorry my spell check bit the dust.)
You're exactly right! They have a life of their own and a lot on their plate.

Yes, I believe it could be true. One of the ladies I work for is a busy top 100 provider on TER and has almost 300 reviews on ECCIE alone. When she first hired me, her emails and PMs remained unanswered for weeks, some even months. It took me a good solid 2 weeks to get her all caught up. Like you said, she was extremely overwhelmed with all the requests and had no time to reply on a timely manner. Now I believe her life became less stressful, all she has to worry about is her actual appointments, her family, and herself. No more time spent in front of her computer screen.

Win win for all three parties involved, herself, myself, and her least I believe so.

Nina Originally Posted by Nina Moretti
Nina pm me and let me know whom you're booking for, I'd much prefer a reliable no bs ongoing gig.
Only the ASPD veterans here will remember Private Connections in both Dallas & Denver. If you ever called and scheduled with PC then guess what ? You dealt with a hired professional booker who scheduled your appointment request. I hate to compare it to repair service gentlemen but it was just like scheduling repair service to be done on your vehicle, handled in a professional manner, very easy and Pain Free. As I recall I don't think I ever got bumped or no showed when my appointment time came up. There might have been a situation arise where the provider got sick or felt bad, or even Mother Nature kicked in but I honestly don't remember anything like that but then I've killed a few brain cells since those memorable days..
It is a win win situation for everyone involved and why more ladies don't get a grip and get with the program is beyond me. This is the 21st. century folks, if you don't have a booker then it's very likely you are leaving money on the table & missing opportunities. We are all human, we all make mistakes, some of us can't remember, some of us forget, forget to write it down, loose the piece of paper you wrote it on, any number of things all while there are the ladies who can manage their bookings and do not need a booker. I applaud those ladies but maybe you are in the wrong business. Renting your time and companionship is a hot commodity but there are hotter commodities with larger & bigger returns. I'm not saying stop what you are doing cause ladies you provide DFW hobbyist with a much needed service here and you know it, just keep up the good work. (Sorry my spell check bit the dust.) Originally Posted by zebra
Very well said sir! Although, I must admit... hiring an assistant is not for everyone. Back in my provider days, I did everything by myself. Granted, I had no family, no second job, no school, no SO, no kids, no other extra curricular activities other than hobby. So I had all the time in the world to manage my own business without the need of an Agency/booker/screener, etc... and that's fine too...

Nina pm me and let me know whom you're booking for, I'd much prefer a reliable no bs ongoing gig. Originally Posted by nicholas linnear
Bestman200600's Avatar
Nina bend over. I want to get to know you.
Not everyone is great at all aspects of running a business. Do what you do well and hire someone to do the rest. But be honest. Dont try to hide it. A female assistant to handle booking and screening would be preferable. You will not please everyone. Hiring someone to help you does not make you any less independent. Big difference between an assistant and a manager.

Ultimately, great TCD, even if through an assistant, will get you far more business than the little you might loose. A rep for bad TCB will be far more damaging