Surprise, Surprise, Surprise, Obama Lied and Veterans DIED

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
JD, where is your outrage for the 4 star general who was in charge? It's not like he had some invasion to plan as part of his job description. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Where is your reading ability? I wrote to sack Shinceki with cause as well as any department heads or individuals who falsified records.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I wasn't agreeing with you, AssupRidee, DEM, DOTY 2013-2014, because I disbelieve Obama. The reason I disbelieve Obama is because he consistently lies. The reason Obama consistently lies is because people like you and others here REFUSE to call him on it.

I apologize if my insult hurt your feelings. I try to be more tolerant of fucking hypocrites like you. Have a nice day!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

You did agree with my position.

We know you have to HATE THE NEGRO because it dovetails with the intolerant beliefs of your right wing pals. But the fact is, that YOU agreed with ME.

And you insulted me, as you do every time you address anything I write.

You haven't hurt my feelings, dipshit. You are a pimple on an elephant's ass in terms of your contribution to this forum, despite your incredible post total.

No wonder you were selected as RIGHT WING DIPSHIT OF THE YEAR!

Glad we didn't make it Glory Hole Dipshit of the Year, eh, Whiny?

Have a blessed day!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Where is your reading ability? I wrote to sack Shinceki with cause as well as any department heads or individuals who falsified records. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Another irrelevant poster who thinks WAY too much of himself.

Why is that? I think you low information assholes might want to learn a little more about the world before broadcasting your bullshit from the middle of, where are you, oh yeah, Hubbettsville!

Fucking hillbilly dipshits!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-22-2014, 04:27 PM
And the FACT that vets are dying waiting for appointments in OBAMA'S VA CLINICS must make Obama a Republican, since Obama isn't supporting the troops at home, hmm Doove?? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Uh huh.
  • During the Clinton administration, the performance of the VHA was revolutionized under Kenneth Kizer. The old VHA of Born on the 4th of July fame was turned into a top-notch health care provider that garnered great reviews from vets and bipartisan praise on Capitol Hill. The best account of this is Phil Longman's 2005 article, "Best Care Anywhere."
  • In 1999, Republicans decided to play dumb political games with Kizer's reappointment. Eventually, with the handwriting on the wall, he chose to leave the VHA.
  • Under the Bush administration, some of the VHA's old problems started to re-emerge, most likely because it no longer had either presidential attention or a great administrator. As early as 2002—before the Afghanistan and Iraq wars made things even worse—claims-processing time skyrocketed from 166 days to 224 days.
  • Under the Obama administration, the patient load of the VHA has increased by over a million. Partly this is because of the large number of combat vets returning from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, and partly it's because Obama kept his promise to expand access to the VHA.
  • It was inevitable that this would increase wait times, and the VHA's claims backlog did indeed increase during the first three years of Obama's presidency. Over the past couple of years, however, wait times have shrunk dramatically. A digital claims system has finally been put in place, and the claims backlog today is less than half what it was at the beginning of 2013.
  • What's more, despite its backlog problems, the VHA still gets high marks from vets. Overall, satisfaction with VHA care is higher than satisfaction with civilian hospitals.
  • The most sensational charge against the VHA is that 40 or more vets died while they were waiting for appointments at the VA facilities in Phoenix. But so far there's no evidence of that. The inspector general investigating the VHA testified last week that of the 17 cases they've looked at so far, they haven't found any incidents of a patient death caused by excessive wait times.
  • In February, Republicans killed a bill that would have funded two dozen new medical centers. "I thought that maybe, just on this issue, this Senate could come together and do the right thing for our veterans," said Sen. Bernie Sanders. Nope.

Uh huh.
  • During the Clinton administration, the performance of the VHA was revolutionized under Kenneth Kizer. The old VHA of Born on the 4th of July fame was turned into a top-notch health care provider that garnered great reviews from vets and bipartisan praise on Capitol Hill. The best account of this is Phil Longman's 2005 article, "Best Care Anywhere."
  • In 1999, Republicans decided to play dumb political games with Kizer's reappointment. Eventually, with the handwriting on the wall, he chose to leave the VHA.
  • Under the Bush administration, some of the VHA's old problems started to re-emerge, most likely because it no longer had either presidential attention or a great administrator. As early as 2002—before the Afghanistan and Iraq wars made things even worse—claims-processing time skyrocketed from 166 days to 224 days.
  • Under the Obama administration, the patient load of the VHA has increased by over a million. Partly this is because of the large number of combat vets returning from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, and partly it's because Obama kept his promise to expand access to the VHA.
  • It was inevitable that this would increase wait times, and the VHA's claims backlog did indeed increase during the first three years of Obama's presidency. Over the past couple of years, however, wait times have shrunk dramatically. A digital claims system has finally been put in place, and the claims backlog today is less than half what it was at the beginning of 2013.
  • What's more, despite its backlog problems, the VHA still gets high marks from vets. Overall, satisfaction with VHA care is higher than satisfaction with civilian hospitals.
  • The most sensational charge against the VHA is that 40 or more vets died while they were waiting for appointments at the VA facilities in Phoenix. But so far there's no evidence of that. The inspector general investigating the VHA testified last week that of the 17 cases they've looked at so far, they haven't found any incidents of a patient death caused by excessive wait times.
  • In February, Republicans killed a bill that would have funded two dozen new medical centers. "I thought that maybe, just on this issue, this Senate could come together and do the right thing for our veterans," said Sen. Bernie Sanders. Nope.

Originally Posted by Doove

Your tombstone will say : "Doove socks Bacock because he hates Bush"
RedLeg505's Avatar
Uh huh.
  • During the Clinton administration, the performance of the VHA was revolutionized under Kenneth Kizer. The old VHA of Born on the 4th of July fame was turned into a top-notch health care provider that garnered great reviews from vets and bipartisan praise on Capitol Hill. The best account of this is Phil Longman's 2005 article, "Best Care Anywhere." omising_to_fix_the_va_too_bad_ he_hasn_t_done_so

Hmmm.. so how come Obama is "surprised" and "madder than hell" about something he's known was the case for 7 years?
  • In 1999, Republicans decided to play dumb political games with Kizer's reappointment. Eventually, with the handwriting on the wall, he chose to leave the VHA.
  • Under the Bush administration, some of the VHA's old problems started to re-emerge, most likely because it no longer had either presidential attention or a great administrator. As early as 2002—before the Afghanistan and Iraq wars made things even worse—claims-processing time skyrocketed from 166 days to 224 days.
So.. if PROBLEMS WITH THE VA are due to "no longer had presidential attention or a great administrator" during the BUSH years..are the same causes to blame for PROBLEMS WITH THE VA during the Obama years? 4011612797276?mg=reno64-wsj

The inevitable liberal defense—it's coming, we guarantee it—will be that Congress isn't spending enough money. Yet as the nearby charts show, funding soared by 106% to $57.3 billion in 2013 from $27.7 billion in 2003. Yet over the same period the number of VA patients has increased by only 30%. Congress rubber-stamps the VA's requests for more funding, and Mr. Obama's budget this year requests $2 billion more
  • Partly this is because of the large number of combat vets returning from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, and partly it's because Obama kept his promise to expand access to the VHA.
  • It was inevitable that this would increase wait times, and the VHA's claims backlog did indeed increase during the first three years of Obama's presidency. Over the past couple of years, however, wait times have shrunk dramatically. A digital claims system has finally been put in place, and the claims backlog today is less than half what it was at the beginning of 2013.
"Yet throwing more money at the VA hasn't improved accountability, and neither have Congressional attempts at reform dating to the 1980s. In 2009, President Obama signed legislation that he promised would ensure "better access to the doctors and nurses" and "promote accountability." Yet according to the Center for Investigative Reporting, the VA has settled more than $200 million in wrongful death claims since 9/11. The Cox Media Group calculates the VA's malpractice tab at $845 million over the last decade"
First 3 years of Obama's Presidency, wait times increased huh? And what happened to the wait times for the LAST 3 years of his Presidency Doove?

  • What's more, despite its backlog problems, the VHA still gets high marks from vets. Overall, satisfaction with VHA care is higher than satisfaction with civilian hospitals.
  • The most sensational charge against the VHA is that 40 or more vets died while they were waiting for appointments at the VA facilities in Phoenix. But so far there's no evidence of that. The inspector general investigating the VHA testified last week that of the 17 cases they've looked at so far, they haven't found any incidents of a patient death caused by excessive wait times.
  • In February, Republicans killed a bill that would have funded two dozen new medical centers. "I thought that maybe, just on this issue, this Senate could come together and do the right thing for our veterans," said Sen. Bernie Sanders. Nope.

Originally Posted by Doove
And VA 100% GOVERNMENT RUN Healthcare, start to finish, is what you Obamabots are creaming in your jeans for.. "SINGLE PAYER"... and this is the kind of result we get? Yeah.. doing a "heckuvajob" there Obama
RedLeg505's Avatar
Actually, he didn't make this mess. And shitheads like you and your ilk won't let him clean it up.

So quit your crybaby shit. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Won't let him clean it up? Really? Did the House vote to CUT VA funding? Or did they INCREASE IT every year of Obama's Presidency?

And why is Obama "acting" surprised and "madder than hell" when HE SAID HE KNEW ABOUT THE PROBLEMS WITH THE VA back in 2007? And said he'd fix them if he was elected?

So.. care to place any bets that NO ONE gets fired over the VA mess? And please, don't try that one about the guy that PLANNED TO RETIRE and announced it a year ago.. now retiring a month earlier is some kind of disciplinary firing.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I wonder how long all of these things went on before good government minded citizens like you made Obama squeal on himself. Maybe the Obama administration has actually uncovered the misdeeds of their predecessors.

Ever think about that, Americans?
RedLeg505's Avatar
I wonder how long all of these things went on before good government minded citizens like you made Obama squeal on himself. Maybe the Obama administration has actually uncovered the misdeeds of their predecessors.

Ever think about that, Americans? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
>>"I wonder how long all of these things went on before good government minded citizens like you made Obama squeal on himself"

So.. now you are claiming that such problems have been going on for ages under many administrations?

Did you read the various Liberal pundits who all were gassing on about the absolute glories of the VA system and how, if only we were smart and sensible enough, we'd make our entire healthcare system resemble, via the SINGLE PAYER plan? Are you saying they all lied when they touted the VA system as a shining example of how health care should be done? Wow.. liberals lying to sell an agenda.. who woulda thunk it?
Has anyone other than me noticed that the usual suspects circle their wagons and fire blanks into the air, each and every time their sub-culture Hero, Shrubya (The Most Unpopular (and Incompetent) President in Modern US History) is cast in a negative light!

What a bunch of Idiots! Originally Posted by bigtex
I thought with WTF and CBJ7 out the quality of posting would go up but you and eva biggen have made up for their stupidity.

Bigkotex, you highjack the thread to GWB all the time. Like now! As always you are Patient 0 for Bush Derangement Syndrome and will be taking it to your grave. Anyone criticizes Obama, you change the subject to Bush. Anyone criticize Hillary, change the subject to Bush.

But when someone challenges your poor memory of GWB after you've highjacked the thread for the nth time since 2003, people are "circling the wagons."

You're delusional...and outright stupid.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Oh Doove, how embarassing. Busted and your comments aren't even 24 hours old yet.

VA Has Already Admitted 23 Veteran Deaths Linked to Delays in Care

As for that bill the GOP should read the entire article before you link to it. Yes, it authorizes more hospitals to be opened but does NOT require an upgrade in care which is why some groups wanted the bill killed. More crappy hospitals is just more crappy hospitals.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
So what was the date they closed Gitmo?
When did you get out? That was the date.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-23-2014, 12:06 PM
You have forfeited the moral right to complain until you admit that you were wrong, that you were lied to and you freely accepted what they said without any analysis. . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Are you talking about the Iraq War? That you right wingers have forfeited the moral right to bitch about the VA when it was your gullibility in believing GWB that has led to the huge surge in Iraq and Afgan vets needing to use the VA? About time you admitted so.
ramblinman69's Avatar
And VA 100% GOVERNMENT RUN Healthcare, start to finish, is what you Obamabots are creaming in your jeans for.. "SINGLE PAYER"... and this is the kind of result we get? Yeah.. doing a "heckuvajob" there Obama Originally Posted by RedLeg505
That about sums it up right here folks. Amazing.