How much will y'all pay me to leave?

I B Hankering's Avatar
Uhhhh, I have yet to see a "Webster's" definition for one of your kinky "Golem Fucks."

Why don't you go ahead and post a review of your latest "Golem Fuck" and provide us with the link. I'm certain it will be quite entertaining. Originally Posted by bigtex
It's obvious your college failed you, BigKoTex. You really should quit posting in a national forum that you are so illiterate that you do not -- and cannot -- understand definitions, adjectives and nouns, BigKoTex. You really are humiliating your dumb-ass, BigKoTex, by demonstrating what a poor education you received at your college.
It's obvious your college failed you, BigKoTex. You really should quit posting in a national forum that you are so illiterate that you do not -- and cannot -- understand definitions, adjectives and nouns, BigKoTex. You really are humiliating your dumb-ass, BigKoTex, by demonstrating what a poor education you received at your college. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
A recent photo of Ida Bell Hankering pleading with his ATF "Golem Fuck" for a frequent client's discounted rate.

I B Hankering's Avatar
A recent photo of Ida Bell Hankering pleading with his ATF "Golem Fuck" for a frequent user's discounted rate. Originally Posted by bigtex
Another humiliating post illustrating BigKoTex's illiteracy. Again, for your edification, BigKoTex:

Definition of GOLEM

1 : an artificial human being . . .
2 : b : blockhead

airhead, birdbrain, blockhead, bonehead, bubblehead, chowderhead, chucklehead, clodpoll (or clodpole), clot [British], cluck, clunk, cretin, cuddy (or cuddie) [British dialect], deadhead, dim bulb [slang], dimwit, dip, dodo, dolt, donkey, doofus [slang], dope, dork [slang], dullard, dumbbell, dumbhead, dum-dum, dummkopf, dummy, dunce, dunderhead, fathead, gander, idiot, goof, goon, half-wit, hammerhead, hardhead, ignoramus, imbecile, jackass, know-nothing, knucklehead, lamebrain, loggerhead [chiefly dialect], loon, lump, lunkhead, meathead, mome [archaic], moron, mug [chiefly British], mutt, natural, nimrod [slang], nincompoop, ninny, ninnyhammer, nit [chiefly British], nitwit, noddy, noodle, numskull (or numbskull), oaf, pinhead, prat [British], ratbag [chiefly Australian], saphead, schlub (also shlub) [slang], schnook [slang], simpleton, stock, stupe, stupid, thickhead, turkey, woodenhead, yahoo, yo-yo

Please quit humiliating your dumb-ass, BigKoTex, by posting "you do not understand" the definition. It shows poorly on you, BigKoTex, and your simpleton college.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
During my lifetime, I have spent 4 years in the military, graduated from college, travelled to 48 of the 50 states, traveled to Central America, Mexico, Canada, Europe, Australia and Asia (curiously enough, never to South America). I have worked in factories, worked shift work, worked in offices, worked with both males and females and spent 10 years debating political issues on ASPD prior to the Eccie Sandbox.

Prior to a few months ago, I have never before heard of the term "golem fuck," most especially used repeatedly. Quite frankly, I am not curious enough to try to find out the exact meaning of the phrase. I prefer to believe that I B Lying & Crying must be repeatedly making reference to himself!

Over and out! Originally Posted by bigtex
Wow! So the military didn't want you to re-enlist. Then you've spent the rest of your life not being able to hold a job, and running from the law in multiple jurisdictions.

And the only thing you're proud of is graduating high school, and spending time here.

It's all starting to make sense.

Wow! So the military didn't want you to re-enlist. Then you've spent the rest of your life not being able to hold a job, and running from the law in multiple jurisdictions.

And the only thing you're proud of is graduating high school, and spending time here.

It's all starting to make sense.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Numerous ASSumptions, but all wrong.

Quite frankly, that is exactly what we expect from you!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar

Get off your lazy ass and prove it!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Numerous ASSumptions, but all wrong.

Quite frankly, that is exactly what we expect from you! Originally Posted by bigtex
So sez the dipshit from Cougar High
I hope in the future we can use the term "chucklehead" more. I think it fits BigKoTex's personality...LOL
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Corpy, you are the only person on ECCIE who consults the dictionary before posting.

Comical, yet so pathetic at the same time.

what does your dictionary say about Mark Sanford, you self-admitted, hypocritical, shit swallowing swine?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So sez the dipshit from Cougar High Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
obviously, JL was rejected by Bates school of Law. .Where did you go? Marshall/TSU? Tech?

something here isn't actually kosher...
I B Hankering's Avatar
Corpy, you are the only person on ECCIE who consults the dictionary before posting.

Comical, yet so pathetic at the same time.

what does your dictionary say about Mark Sanford, you self-admitted, hypocritical, shit swallowing swine? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What's pathetic, you dumb-ass golem fuck, is that you repetitiously want to compare Sanford to Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator; yet your dumb golem ass cannot master the simple facts in the comparison.

How about you remediate your libertard ass, you dumb golem fuck. Your illiterate golem ass failed your "Lewinskygate" test repeatedly; thus, demonstrating your ineptitude and your inability to master simple, fundamental facts, you dumb golem fuck.

But that is why your dumb golem ass was elected -- by a poll you started -- to be:

BTW, already knew the word "golem" and its meanining, you dumb golem fuck; hence, didn't need to consult the dictionary before posting, you dumb-ass golem fuck. The dictionary entry was to help you and BigKoTex understand your true place in the world, you dumb-ass golem fuck.
Ida Bell + Hanoi Jane + iffyrub + Jewish laundry = idiots all typical right wing circle jerk with Ida as pivot bitch ....LMAO
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
What's pathetic, you dumb-ass golem fuck, is that you repetitiously want to compare Sanford to Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator; yet your dumb golem ass cannot master the simple facts in the comparison.

How about you remediate your libertard ass, you dumb golem fuck. Your illiterate golem ass failed your "Lewinskygate" test repeatedly; thus, demonstrating your ineptitude and your inability to master simple, fundamental facts, you dumb golem fuck.

But that is why your dumb golem ass was elected -- by a poll you started -- to be:

BTW, already knew the word "golem" and its meanining, you dumb golem fuck; hence, didn't need to consult the dictionary before posting, you dumb-ass golem fuck. The dictionary entry was to help you and BigKoTex understand your true place in the world, you dumb-ass golem fuck.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I think he just kicked your ass, Dick Rider!!!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Ida Bell + Hanoi Jane + iffyrub + Jewish laundry = idiots all typical right wing circle jerk with Ida as pivot bitch ....LMAO Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Fuck you, faggot!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think he just kicked your ass, Dick Rider!!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Naw. You know better. Ole Rebel Yell Corpy couldn't kick my ass with your 5-5 legs! He dodged the question again. And again. And again.

But he still has lesser life forms like you to support him. How does that make YOU feel, Harvard?

BTW --- What time does your mouth get you off of this board, FAGGOT?