Noah's Ark

bojulay's Avatar
but you do get to carry around a cool ass beard.....

Originally Posted by JCM800
John Lennon at a happy time when Yoko went on vacation to visit her parents.

All we are saaayyying, is give 19th century farming implements a chance.
pyramider's Avatar
I wonder how many icky members are Amish.
Are you an idiot or what? In present day time- you have vegetation that is destroyed by various natural events: Drought, floods, pesticides, and they grow back you idiot. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Shit for brains, thank you for weighing in.

But you are wrong. As usual. Plants that are destroyed in a flood or a fire NEVER come back.

instead, seeds that were protected in the ground or seeds from plants that were NOT destroyed take hold in the ground and grow in the place of the destroyed vegetation. So, those are different plants, trees and grasses.

But in the case of Noah's Ark, the entire earth was covered for months of time by water. So, everything died. So there was nothing to start over from.

Also, even if a few seeds did survive, it would take months for small plants and shrubs to grow back and it would take years for trees to grow back. So what would all those millions of animals on the Ark eat while they were waiting for the plants to grow back.

Forget the impossibility of getting two of every animal on the Ark. Where would you put all the food?

The earth was covered in water for months. And when the waters finally receded, it would take months more for vegetation to grow back. So Noah would need about a years worth of food for every animal. Most animals can eat several times more than their own weight in food in a single year.

If a 170 pound man ate only two pounds of food a day, then he would would eat over 700 pounds of food in one year.

Do the math WE1911. Where did Noah put all the food? Why don't you just admit the Ark story was just a fable?
pyramider's Avatar
Maybe Noah had supply ships.
JCM800's Avatar
maybe Noah had a shit ton of MRE's

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

but when we die........then what? The saved go to heaven and the unsaved go to hell, no middle ground.
Originally Posted by saddletramp
So send us a fuckin' post card.

and by the way. you do know that NO ONE .. is in "Heaven" yet?

Tell me why ..
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
maybe Noah had a shit ton of MRE's

Originally Posted by JCM800
Stealing US Military MRE's, why that fuckin' Criminal!

Oh SNAP! it gets worse ,,,

You shall not steal

Opps! Noah, Noah, Noah .. you fuckin' blew it.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
what the fuck was this thread about ... oh yes .. Noah's Ark ...

Remember hooktards, the Church of Hooktardology loves you more! and we won't kill you either. unless you don't pay your dues!
[QUOTE=ExNYer;1053536825]Shit for brains, thank you for weighing in.

But you are wrong. As usual. Plants that are destroyed in a flood or a fire NEVER come back.

instead, seeds that were protected in the ground or seeds from plants that were NOT destroyed take hold in the ground and grow in the place of the destroyed vegetation. So, those are different plants, trees and grasses.

But in the case of Noah's Ark, the entire earth was covered for months of time by water. So, everything died. So there was nothing to start over from.

Also, even if a few seeds did survive, it would take months for small plants and shrubs to grow back and it would take years for trees to grow back.

LOL Try reading Genesis 8:11, the dove returned with a freshly plucked olive leaf in it's beak.........hmmmmmm wonder how that happened?
What makes you think they were full grown animals? Young, "baby" animals take up less room and require less food, and have their whole reproductive life ahead of them, besides do you really think God can not satisfy their hunger as long as he sees fit.

So send us a fuckin' post card.

and by the way. you do know that NO ONE .. is in "Heaven" yet?

Tell me why .. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
My my my so sensative, did I hit a nerve?

Sorry Waco you'll just have to suffer without getting a post card. I won't even be able to give those in hell a drop of water to ease their suffering, Luke 16:26.

Well atleast you acknowledge there is a Heaven, that does show some improvement.
And you know no one is in Heaven yet because......................?
Lazarus might disagree with you, Luke 16:19-31.
It really makes no difference to me because I am not responsible for you, only you are responsible for you and only you will answer for you. I can only imagine the look on peoples face when they realize Heaven and hell are real and there's no going back so they can change the out come and get into Heaven. By all means enjoy your life, but your are still no better off than I am in this life. Let's see how things go AFTER this life.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
We are in the Sandbox here...the place for civilized discussions. Remember?
JCM800's Avatar
Stealing US Military MRE's, why that fuckin' Criminal!

Oh SNAP! it gets worse ,,,

You shall not steal

Opps! Noah, Noah, Noah .. you fuckin' blew it. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
now you're insinuating that Noah's a thief .....I have no idea where he got all those fucking MRE's
hahahahhaha this thread has its funny parts gotta say.....i know noah got sick of those mre's really fast..taint nuttin special about mre's...ijs..
bojulay's Avatar
How many and what kind of animals were even on the ark? One could
calculate the number pretty closely by figuring the dimensions of the
Ark, I think they were mostly ones for Noah and his familys use.

How big an area did it cover? Pure speculation, but there are many indicators
that it was not some world wide event. People have never liked the way God
chooses to do things, so what, ant on a railroad track shaking his fist at the
oncoming train, yelling at it to get off his track........Splat!

Some of the details of the story are sketchy, but I think it was a real event,
with the telling and retelling of a story over thousands of years that is bound
to happen somewhat, but I think the core of the story is true.

God told Noah to build the boat and take his family and some animals on board,
and there was a flood. How much and how big the area of destruction covered
is speculation. Like I said earlier, Erets is the word used that got translated
Earth when elsewhere it is translated Land and always talking about a
limited and specific area.

There are strange passages, like the one about the Nephilim (Giants) existing
at the time of Noah and it says also after, which would seem to indicate that
not all of them were destroyed in the flood.

Basicly the flood was a tool used by God to steer things in a different direction.

He was offered this stuff by a dapper stranger to take on board, but he declined.

ha ha ha ha
bojulay's Avatar
No, because he wanted them drowned.

If you think that one was a little rough read about Gog and Magog in Revelation 20

ha ha ha ha
seems God was just dishin out a lil tough love..