ADIOS, AMERICA.............

Am I the only one here who found it IN-FUCKING-SANE that anyone could confuse a trillion with a billion? When she said it I literally spit my coffee all over my desk.
If she misspoke she would've corrected herself immediately, like anyone with actual common sense would.

She either has no idea what a trillion is or she doesn't know what the earth's population is, even in round-about figures. Pick your poison.
That's really not the only piece of evidence for her being a dumb cunt. Most of the shit that comes out of her mouth is excruciatingly stupid. Originally Posted by shanm
They despise Hillary, but Ann Coulter is somehow exempt from their hatred. It boggles the mind. They're both cunts. One just happens to follow a political ideology that I can stomach
No kidding, pizza hut? Booksmart or streetsmart? He is smart in the same way Woodrow Wilson was. The world disappoints him. Putin won't listen, ISIS is on the march, Iran is gaming him, but dammit he's the smartest guy in the room! Originally Posted by lustylad
At the core of your hatred lies the fact that a black man could run circles around you when it comes to intelligence.
It happens all the time. Even seasoned economists misspeak and get billions/trillions mixed up while discussing the federal budget, the trade deficit, the national debt, the GDP, you name it. If a libtard said it, you would call it a molehill. Since Ann Coulter said it, you're trying to make a mountain out of it. Originally Posted by lustylad
The only mountain in here is your ass, but there's a hole in it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WormRaper, Obama is smart. I was talking to a Navy "corpse" man who told me so.

God Fearing Christian, it's not all about you. Coulter was referring to the influx of illegal immigrants who, once given the right to vote, regardless of their illegal status, are expected to vote Democrat. Enforcing our immigration laws as written, voted on, and signed by the President, is not advantageous for Democrats. The criminals we allow into the country, the better off the Democrats are. African American citizens are not affected nor targeted.
  • DSK
  • 06-04-2015, 05:27 AM
I would agree.

However, what solutions does Ann Coulter actually suggest for the key issues of today?

I really don't see anything but hate-filled rhetoric from her. Originally Posted by PizzaLover
There are no solutions that will work that anyone on the left wants to hear. Obviously, free money from the feds would be welcome in the short run by politicians and property owners.

I don't blame the cops for the work slowdown. Why risk your life for people who hate you?

America, as currently configured, just doesn't work well anymore. The only thing sustaining us is the built up capital from the past, and our ability to print money.
Wellendowed, COG got it partially right. I would disagree with his contention that the AA community isn't affected. The massive immigration will dilute the political power of the AA community, especially cities in the high growth states like Florida, California, Texas, Nevada, and Arizona. The political agenda of Hispanics will be different from that of the black community. Not all the time, but on many issues, especially at the local level.

Whirlaway I would like to know what is meant by her last statement? Is she saying America should stay White? Do you see how someone can take that statement and apply it to the voter registration laws that tended to target minorities specifically African-Americans? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Coulter was referring to the influx of illegal immigrants who, once given the right to vote, regardless of their illegal status, are expected to vote Democrat. Enforcing our immigration laws as written, voted on, and signed by the President, is not advantageous for Democrats. The criminals we allow into the country, the better off the Democrats are. African American citizens are not affected nor targeted. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Does Ann Coulter have any actual solutions?

It seems all she does is peddle hatred against opposing views. Originally Posted by PizzaLover
Is this a rhetorical question? Coulter offers a lot of suggestions, starting with enforcing our existing laws (not circumventing them) you favor that, or are you someone on the left who will moan about beefed up enforcement of employer sanctions, strict border control, and restrictions on access to welfare.


There are no solutions that will work that anyone on the left wants to hear. Obviously, free money from the feds would be welcome in the short run by politicians and property owners.

I don't blame the cops for the work slowdown. Why risk your life for people who hate you?

America, as currently configured, just doesn't work well anymore. The only thing sustaining us is the built up capital from the past, and our ability to print money. Originally Posted by DSK
Thanks IIFFYIdiot for yet another of your seemingly endless supply of useless videos, that very few posters (if any at all) pay attention to.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
WormRaper, Obama is smart. I was talking to a Navy "corpse" man who told me so.

God Fearing Christian, it's not all about you. Coulter was referring to the influx of illegal immigrants who, once given the right to vote, regardless of their illegal status, are expected to vote Democrat. Enforcing our immigration laws as written, voted on, and signed by the President, is not advantageous for Democrats. The criminals we allow into the country, the better off the Democrats are. African American citizens are not affected nor targeted. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You are the biggest flip flopper in these forums. You have posted various times over the years that you support immigration reform and you even stayed Reagan was correct when he supported amnesty.
Coulture apparently has an agenda with Obama and any one who doesn't support her right wing political stance - she's nuts and I see why you support her views.
dirty dog's Avatar
Stop lying!! Obama NEVER thought the U.S. had 57 states.

He was tired, he had been campaigning 15 hours a day for over a year.

He was talking about the states he had campaigned in and said "50.....................7 states". He MEANT 47, since his campaign had been to 47 states.

I find it hilarious when idiots like you keep posting this.

President Obama is smarter than you, smarter than anyone in your family, and smarter than anyone you will ever even meet. Originally Posted by PizzaLover
Wow I think someone's in love with the big guy
dirty dog's Avatar
You are the biggest flip flopper in these forums. You have posted various times over the years that you support immigration reform and you even stayed Reagan was correct when he supported amnesty.
Coulture apparently has an agenda with Obama and any one who doesn't support her right wing political stance - she's nuts and I see why you support her views. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
How is he flip flopping, he is simply explaining what SHE is saying, he didn't state it as his statement and didn't state whether he supported her position or not. DO YOU HAVE AN AGENDA WITH COG.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Whiny? No agenda. Just tired of his ThreADS about his glory hole business in the Salina Bus Station men's room.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
There are no solutions that will work that anyone on the left wants to hear. Obviously, free money from the feds would be welcome in the short run by politicians and property owners.

I don't blame the cops for the work slowdown. Why risk your life for people who hate you?

America, as currently configured, just doesn't work well anymore. The only thing sustaining us is the built up capital from the past, and our ability to print money. Originally Posted by DSK
So you advocate driving out the immigrants, not questioning the cops and being white?
I explained the TRUTH regarding the "57 states" and this is your response? Idiotic. Originally Posted by PizzaLover
Yeah Pizzaface that's my response. What the fuck are you going to do about it? The real truth to the matter is he was referring to the 57 Islamic States.
