Whales, Spinners & Mucho Dollars City

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I thought the dog was dead, guess I should've tried to read oh well. Originally Posted by trey
What you need to pass the time away.

A Depeche Mode cd.
A small amount of KY jelly.
A copy of Honcho magazine.
About 15 minutes all alone.

Should be right up your alley.
What I see happening to Houston is a bunch of Mexican spas and agency things popping up. Everything else will remain about the same. Originally Posted by trey
No, that probably won't be happening either. The enormous rate of immigration from Mexico we've seen over the last 20 years is pretty much over. As this segment of the population assimilates more into the economy they will have less incentive to work in spas and agencies.

LexusLover's Avatar
I don't think you have a realistic view, especially if you don't know how many people that cart full of "comfort and starchy food" you were standing behind was feeding, .... Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
You're absolutely correct .... her ass was blocking my view! Thank you.

Now do you "get it"?

A box of 8 twinkies weighs just under a pound and will cost about $5.00 at least.

Right now I can buy 5 pounds ... FIVE ... of chicken breasts for $5.00.

And I can buy 5 ... FIVE ... cantelopes for $5.00.

And 5 dozen egss for $5.00.

About 4 pounds of frozen broccoli forets for about $5.00.

The list is practically endless.

Back to the thread topic! Originally Posted by LexusLover
First off Lexus, you live in an area where this food is readily accessible and relatively cheap. Not all areas in the Country can you get a 5lb chicken for 5 bucks. There are many areas in this Country especially poor areas that have no real grocery store, and those little marts carry only things like twinkies, high sugar cereals and canned goods loaded with fat and carbs. You really need to read up more on this or watch Fast food nation or the documentary Weight of the Nation both do a tremendous job of spelling this out and why poor people cannot get lean meats, vegetables or healthy foods.

Shit, what was this thread about again? LOL Scratches head in confusion...
Mojojo's Avatar
Get back to the OP's question please. Thanks!
Fancyinheels's Avatar
You're absolutely correct .... her ass was blocking my view! Thank you.

Now do you "get it"? Originally Posted by LexusLover

What I "get" from you I will keep to myself, as we have gone offtrack, and I prefer to remain polite. We just disagree, my dear, based on our experiences and perceptions.

Back to predictions. Backpage will eventually succumb to legal and moral pressure and eliminate the escort listings or boggle the providers down with so may restrictions that it will become eventually practically useless as an advertising tool. Not something I like to foretell, as the majority of my gentleman friends come from there, but based on what I've seen happen over the last 5 years with their TOU, Terms of Usage, I think it inevitable.

And seriously, no joking, I believe that if ECCIE continues to set the standards of civil behavior amongst the members so low, and pass off the ever-increasing level of drama and derision as "entertainment" or "educational," in a couple more years it will be surpassed by another board, just as ECCIE surpassed ASPD when things went to Hell there.

Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-23-2012, 06:55 PM
What you need to pass the time away.

A Depeche Mode cd.
A small amount of KY jelly.
A copy of Honcho magazine.
About 15 minutes all alone.

Should be right up your alley. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Thats how you do it John? Whatever works for you, never heard of honcho magazine myself. I know now why you don't review.
What I "get" from you I will keep to myself, as we have gone offtrack, and I prefer to remain polite. We just disagree, my dear, based on our experiences and perceptions.

Back to predictions. Backpage will eventually succumb to legal and moral pressure and eliminate the escort listings or boggle the providers down with so may restrictions that it will become eventually practically useless as an advertising tool. Not something I like to foretell, as the majority of my gentleman friends come from there, but based on what I've seen happen over the last 5 years with their TOU, Terms of Usage, I think it inevitable.

And seriously, no joking, I believe that if ECCIE continues to set the standards of civil behavior amongst the members so low, and pass off the ever-increasing level of drama and derision as "entertainment" or "educatioinal," in a couple more years it will be surpassed by another board, just as ECCIE surpassed ASPD when things went to Hell there.

Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
I hope like hell that the place we end up with they don't tollerate such shit as eccie! Seriously I have met so many GREAT guys here, but they don't get in the forum. Wonder why? I agree, BP will close the same as CL did. I have wondered what lies ahead myself. I think Cityvibe since its already on the map and next in line in a way lol. And the new Eccie hopefully will be a more pleasent place to be
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Thats how you do it John? Whatever works for you, never heard of honcho magazine myself. I know now why you don't review. Originally Posted by trey
Nah, that's not my style, but for a bitterman like yourself, who really knows what floats your boat..........not that I care.
chicagoboy's Avatar
The providers influx for the past year has been very interesting in the looks, service and price department. Without too much drama, what does the future looks like for Houston? Originally Posted by ivan
There will be something to float every boat, unless the boats get swamped.
Houston women kick ass!
Fancyinheels's Avatar
The OP asked a simple question about our predictions for hooker-futures in Houston... and you people go off on tangents about fatties and the cost of food. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
He shouldn't have mentioned whales, then. That took the question out of simple and into argumentative immediately, unless ECCIE has accepted that designation officially for BBWs and I missed the notice. I predict that change will not come about peacefully and without bloodshed.

Houston is the tubbiest city in America, with more restaurants per capita than any other, and that's not likely to change, but increase. It is not a prediction but a fact that more women of size incompatible with some fellows' tastes will join the board, whether they be too thin or too fat in the eye of the beholder. In 10 years, I don't think people will care near as much, as aliens will have come and enslaved us all anyway.

If they look like Jabba the Hutt, some of will be living high and laughing at the rest of you. If they're like the Kanamits out of the "Twilight Zone" ready to serve man - on a platter with a roasted apple in both ends - then some of us will be regretting all those Twinkies.
Thats how you do it John? Whatever works for you, never heard of honcho magazine myself. I know now why you don't review. Originally Posted by trey
It's because he's gay. Of course there's nothing wrong with that, just saying.

Regarding the op, there seems to be a certain segment of the resident whale population who think they can spam us and bombard us into believing that everybody loves big, heavy, greasy hookers. Then once they've mentally beat us into submission with their relentless propaganda, they will start to capitalize on their trickery by CHARGING US BY THE POUND. Ever read "The Tipping Point"? And that's when all hope will be lost.

Therefore we must fight! We must fight back with our keyboards. We must fight back with our smartphones. We must fight back with our cable and dsl connections. We must fight back with our wallets.

The whales are resilient and determined, but WE ARE MEN! We are the top of the food chain! No matter how long and hard the struggle, we mustn't surrender. Fight back I urge you! Fight!
Fancyinheels's Avatar
It's because he's gay. Of course there's nothing wrong with that, just saying.

Regarding the op, there seems to be a certain segment of the resident whale population who think they can spam us and bombard us into believing that everybody loves big, heavy, greasy hookers. Then once they've mentally beat us into submission with their relentless propaganda, they will start to capitalize on their trickery by CHARGING US BY THE POUND. Ever read "The Tipping Point"? And that's when all hope will be lost.

Therefore we must fight! We must fight back with our keyboards. We must fight back with our smartphones. We must fight back with our cable and dsl connections. We must fight back with our wallets.

The whales are resilient and determined, but WE ARE MEN! We are the top of the food chain! No matter how long and hard the struggle, we mustn't surrender. Fight back I urge you! Fight! Originally Posted by Sweet Discretion

If you're representative of the top of the food chain, I'm losing my appetite.

50/50 odds Fancy goes lesbian by the end of the thread.
It's because he's gay. Of course there's nothing wrong with that, just saying.

Regarding the op, there seems to be a certain segment of the resident whale population who think they can spam us and bombard us into believing that everybody loves big, heavy, greasy hookers. Then once they've mentally beat us into submission with their relentless propaganda, they will start to capitalize on their trickery by CHARGING US BY THE POUND. Ever read "The Tipping Point"? And that's when all hope will be lost.

Therefore we must fight! We must fight back with our keyboards. We must fight back with our smartphones. We must fight back with our cable and dsl connections. We must fight back with our wallets.

The whales are resilient and determined, but WE ARE MEN! We are the top of the food chain! No matter how long and hard the struggle, we mustn't surrender. Fight back I urge you! Fight! Originally Posted by Sweet Discretion
Whatever you're smoking please pass it down here>
It isn't that serious.