You liberals need to watch Fox, I know you aren’t seeing it on your usual source

Precious_b's Avatar
Yeah, when your ratings are so heavily reliant on a bozo like Trump and throwing jabs at the current president your audience hates, that doesn't mean much. That's no different than listening to Howard Stern. It doesn't mean shit... fortunately, most people are smart enough to not take Howard Stern seriously unlike the Fox News loyalists who take their talking heads at Fox seriously who are just as ridiculous and silly. They are just entertainment; they are not actual news that should be considered the gospel because of ratings. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Good point.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I only watch Fox to see what fucking drivel they are spewing non-stop about " the radical left".

That lets me see the diet you folks on the right are eating, and I will say there is ZERO variety on that show or even FoX Business. They voices and faces change but the constant same 5-6 points about how Biden is ruining the economy and the border, and energy independence. Literally they all say the exact same script and have been doing so to gin up republican voters since 2012. The last time there was any sense of balance was when Allen Combs was on crossfire with Hannity. It's a shitty group of small minded people who are all scripted, taped and on playback .

Lastly, I will say that the gals on Fox are attractive by far over other networks, and conversely the men are some real loser looking guys. Tucker, Hannity, and Levin along with Bongino...are all ugly mofos. Bongino is the most unfortunate looking of all of them with the helmet head haircut. Oddly shaped and since non claim to be reporters, or journalists, they are opinion show entertainers....and it shows.

Don't get me started on Guttfeld. Originally Posted by eyecu2

interesting. i sometimes watch CNN or especially MSDNC .. er MSNBC to see what fucking drivel they are spewing non-stop about " the radical right".

Guttfeld is hilarious. have you even watched his current show? ever?

Yeah, when your ratings are so heavily reliant on a bozo like Trump and throwing jabs at the current president your audience hates, that doesn't mean much. That's no different than listening to Howard Stern. It doesn't mean shit... fortunately, most people are smart enough to not take Howard Stern seriously unlike the Fox News loyalists who take their talking heads at Fox seriously who are just as ridiculous and silly. They are just entertainment; they are not actual news that should be considered the gospel because of ratings. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Good point. Originally Posted by Precious_b

not really. first, demographics show Democrats watch FOX in primetime over liberal sources such as CNN and MSNBC. why? i doubt it's to hear about Trump because news flash Trump isn't the focus of FOX as much as you think. if you watched once and awhile you'd know that. not even Hannity devotes the bulk of his show to Trump, if at all.

comparing Carlson to a shock jock like Stern?


you are reaching here bigly rifledude. while none of these shows on FOX or their liberal counterpoints are old fashioned newscasts (they all broadcast those beforehand) Carlson comments on facts in the news. if you don't like his opinion that's fine but it doesn't alter the facts he presents and his opinion of them.

and best for last, all of the liberal shows like Rachel Maddow et el are exactly the same as Tucker. opinion based commentary. i find it amusing the left side of this forum gives people like Joe Scarborough and Maddow a free pass yet must routinely deride Carlson.

you should listen to some of the rhetoric Scarborough and Maddow spew. they are the real bigots ans racists so naturally to cover their asses they deflect claiming Carlson is some biased bigot. brilliant!

Precious_b's Avatar
Demographics again.

So, what is that bias site you use again waco?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Demographics again.

So, what is that bias site you use again waco? Originally Posted by Precious_b
these two. don't know of any others. probably the same as you, right? if not post it.

and you are making too big a deal about Demographics and media bias. being conservative vs. liberal in general is one thing, if you are implying FOX is biased by far right you are incorrect. that would skew their .. wait for it .. viewer Demographics too far from a balance and they wouldn't be number one, which they are.

CNN made that exact mistake and went too far negative and radical woke left and the bulk of Democrats are moderate and they stopped watching. the new president at CNN knows that and cleaned house, firing bums like Brian Stelter, who's so woke and biased he probably never saw it coming. bahaha.
Precious_b's Avatar
these two. don't know of any others. probably the same as you, right? if not post it.

and you are making too big a deal about Demographics and media bias. being conservative vs. liberal in general is one thing, if you are implying FOX is biased by far right you are incorrect. that would skew their .. wait for it .. viewer Demographics too far from a balance and they wouldn't be number one, which they are.

CNN made that exact mistake and went too far negative and radical woke left and the bulk of Democrats are moderate and they stopped watching. the new president at CNN knows that and cleaned house, firing bums like Brian Stelter, who's so woke and biased he probably never saw it coming. bahaha. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Use the first one.

And i'm not making a big deal about demographics. You are. You brought them up.

I just said foxy is a lightweight when ratcheting up the *demographic* they deal with LOL! You can see why I say that when comparing to OAN on that site. They are near as extreme as OAN but the factual content isn't as close to the bottom of the garbage can as OAN.

I'll state again: I don't watch fox/cnn/msnbc. ABC national and no long OAN since (on my cable provider) they've been kicked to the curb on their free ride (possibly.)
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Use the first one.

And i'm not making a big deal about demographics. You are. You brought them up.

I just said foxy is a lightweight when ratcheting up the *demographic* they deal with LOL! You can see why I say that when comparing to OAN on that site. They are near as extreme as OAN but the factual content isn't as close to the bottom of the garbage can as OAN.

I'll state again: I don't watch fox/cnn/msnbc. ABC national and no long OAN since (on my cable provider) they've been kicked to the curb on their free ride (possibly.) Originally Posted by Precious_b

not really. i said FOX was number one and they are. other posters tried to claim "all FOX viewers are MAGA heads" and only then did i point out FOX gets a lot of Democrats watching.

if CNN (even if you don't watch them, i don't either) was number one would you call them "lightweight"?

FOX is number one. there is no such thing as a "lightweight" number one. either you are number one, or you aren't. and it's not even close.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Carlson comments on facts in the news. if you don't like his opinion that's fine but it doesn't alter the facts he presents and his opinion of them.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

What I say to anybody that questions me why I watch Fox news ( and CNN and MSNBC and ABC, NBC, and CBS )!! Yes, in the course of one week, 7 days, I can honestly say I have watched at least a few minutes of every one of these channels but more Fox than any of the others.

I watch the CBS, NBC and ABC evening news, every Sat. and Sun. night to keep up with what I call the more moderate liberals compared to those on CNN and MSNBC who have literally lost their minds and are destroying the concept of freedom to think and to speak and many of you people don't care because it is punishing speech you don't like.

But sane people see this as a problem because political power can shift very fast and you find what you have to say and think is punished.

Take Twitter for example. For years it was run by the most radical people on the planet IMHO and if you didn't think like the people who were running Twitter, you were kicked off simply because you saw things differently. Now "your people" have been shown the door and people with that "different opinion" are now in charge.

Here's a thought, adopt the idea that we can not put the kind of limits on the free speech we are seeing today because history shows us how the people running the show today and "enforcing" their rules and what you "must do", how you must think on any given subject and that "subject" today, in a large way, is your opinion on anything regarding trans persons.

And I'll give you the perfect example of what I am talking about AGAIN. For two days or more after Mx. Aldrich described by MSNBC and CNN as a "right wing extremist" offering no proof to back that up, they were calling Fox News and in particular Carlson ( why, because he is number one of course taking that from Hannity who this would be about if there were no Tucker Carlson ) "culpable", "complicit" in the killing of 5 people in a club for "trans persons". What? did Fox news or Carlson ever have any contact with this person, sell him the gun, tell him who to kill? No, it was because Tucker Carlson is asking the same questions that millions of other Americans ( but not enough apparently considering the mid terms oh but they will ) are asking, WTF?

Carlson wants to have a conversation, imagine that in this day and age, if biological boys, already having gone through puberty, who now identify as female, can swim on the formally biological female team. That's it! Can we have this conversation in American today???

Ah, no, we can not. By merely asking this question, "they" say, he is endangering the lives of trans persons and here is the result of merely asking that question, death!!. Tucker Carlson just got five people killed because he wanted a conversation about biological male swimmers on the female swim team. That caused this mentally ill person to go kill "trans people" because of the "hatred" he heard from Tucker Carlson, that "these people need to be exterminated", much like "you know who" actually did.

Then that whole BULLSHIT narrative, made up to push an agenda ( at any cost ) "transforms" to the truth!!! This guy was fucked in the head and we sane people usually try and stay away from people like that causing "those kind of people", to feel what ever the fuck you have to feel to kill 5 people because you feel like they deserve to die for not liking you enough.

So the lady at CNN who had pushed the right wing extremist story for two days, finds out from the shooters attorney, that he identifies as "non-binary" which apparently is a pre-requsite to get into this club, emotionally and structurally. "What am I suppose to do with that" the CNN reporter is said to have asked knowing this story just blew up in her face.

And to make matters even worse for "their narrative", that you may not ask questions of any person declaring their true identity, they asked that question. "Could there be another motive for this guy to identify as "trans or simply non- binary"? Perhaps to aid in his defense because this attorney is smart enough to use what you fuckers have created, against you? In this case, that this persons "identity" ever so important in this day and age, that I know your fucking identity and better get it right from here on out under penalty of law.

This is why Fox News and Tucker Carlson are being called "accessory's to murder", for speaking their mind and asking questions on topics ( plural ) regarding the subject of trans-persons who CNN and MSNBC say you may not question everything that goes along with this, including males and females being separate in sporting events.

The other subjects Tucker talks about that upsets the folks, is a group that we can not discuss on this board even when it is news worthy and talked about on the evening news that millions of Americans watch and hear.

That's it!! That's what the "outrage" is all about with Fox and Tucker, who want nothing more than to be able to have a discussion on these many subjects that the Left has said "is off the table" and if you insist on talking about this, asking your reasonable, sensible some would say, questions, you will be labeled as an accessory to murder by your news competition.

"I'm not making this up" as Joe Biden says. They aren't beating around the bush, implying this or that, they are flat out saying that merely talking about this subject can get kids and adults, killed. So you must stop talking about this subject and let us make new laws that you as a citizen can have no say in and change our vocabulary that we have had for eons.

That's what we have right now and I don't see anybody other than Bill Mahr, in this Democrat Party, standing up to say "you people are taking this shit way to far".

Remember a time when we would all have agreed that this was chosen, personal behavior, killing out of irrational hate and nobody was really to blame but the person committing the crime? Not a news show, not a news paper, we called it "personal responsibility" something that now seems to be dead in America.

It's got to be somebody else's fault. And for the Left, it's Fox News and Tucker Carlson, who they distort, lie and defame beyond comprehension.

If you what to say the Right does the same thing, knock yourself out. I'd be happy to read your thoughtful response.
Precious_b's Avatar
not really. i said FOX was number one and they are. other posters tried to claim "all FOX viewers are MAGA heads" and only then did i point out FOX gets a lot of Democrats watching.

if CNN (even if you don't watch them, i don't either) was number one would you call them "lightweight"?

FOX is number one. there is no such thing as a "lightweight" number one. either you are number one, or you aren't. and it's not even close. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Uh, no. Really you stated position by demographics with a Forbes article using Nielson as the source.

FOX has been number 1 on cable for 20 years running. that alone makes everyone else lightweights ...

Fox News Dominates Q3 Cable News Ratings As All Networks See Declines In Prime Time

NEW YORK – February 1, 2022 – FOX News Channel (FNC) has accomplished another historic feat, marking its 20th consecutive year as the number one cable news network in total day and primetime, according to Nielsen Media Research.Feb 1, 2022
... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You used a quantitative when I asked another for their qualitative parameter. I don't care what others are stating. That's for you to respond to them.

And you totally missed my meaning for lightweight when I showed why I said that.

But qualitative measure has never been addressed by anyone here. Tis but a lonely orphan in the PF.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Uh, no. Really you stated position by demographics with a Forbes article using Nielson as the source.

then go argue with Nielson about it. who's the king of TV ratings? Nielson.

You used a quantitative when I asked another for their qualitative parameter. I don't care what others are stating. That's for you to respond to them.

if you say so

And you totally missed my meaning for lightweight when I showed why I said that.

then admit FOX is a heavyweight player. because they are. that rabbit hole is getting deep. stop while you can still get out.


But qualitative measure has never been addressed by anyone here. Tis but a lonely orphan in the PF. Originally Posted by Precious_b

then use qualitative measure to prove something. like FOX is a "lightweight". that should be interesting.
Precious_b's Avatar
Update: I meant to say "Uh, no. Really you started position by demographics with a Forbes article using Nielson as the source."

What a difference one letter can make. Stated started.

then use qualitative measure to prove something. like FOX is a "lightweight". that should be interesting. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Somebody is in a tizzy about a question I posted to someone else.

If you would have read my question properly your blood pressure would be doing better.

I care not about numbers. Seeing that those who yell "sheeple" must look at themselves in a mirror when they subscribe to *your* heavyweight.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Update: I meant to say "Uh, no. Really you started position by demographics with a Forbes article using Nielson as the source."

What a difference one letter can make.

Somebody is in a tizzy about a question I posted to someone else.

If you would have read my question properly your blood pressure would be doing better.

I care not about numbers. Seeing that those who yell "sheeple" must look at themselves in a mirror when they subscribe to *your* heavyweight. Originally Posted by Precious_b

lol you like to argue for the sake of arguing. you can argue with yourself until you prove anything you claim.

FOX is number one. end of story.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-25-2022, 09:07 PM
I am not disputing that Fox is #1...I was just explaining why.

Democrats watch Fox News like they watch Comedy Central, for amusement. Originally Posted by WTF

FOX is number one. end of story. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
We keep telling you Fox is the # 1 rated network....AND WHY!

You are the one continually debating that fact!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
We keep telling you Fox is the # 1 rated network....AND WHY!

You are the one continually debating that fact! Originally Posted by WTF

still waiting for you to explain why more Democrats watch FOX than CNN.

you can do that, right???

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-26-2022, 08:38 AM
still waiting for you to explain why more Democrats watch FOX than CNN.

you can do that, right???

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I've already told you....I forget you need to be told things more than once to grasp wtf is being said., some of these Democrats and independents are hate-watching Carlson or dialing up Hannity for a good laugh.

Their formula, which depended on tabloid instincts, was more successful than either imagined. Gone was the politesse that characterized the competition and in was the two-fisted contention of a street fight. Fox does its best to seek conflict and accentuate it for the camera. It’s never going to win a Peabody, but it’s what the masses like — and clearly not just conservatives....

....Liberals and independents who tune in are there for political catechism. Some may be drawn out of curiosity or pause there after stumbling onto that day’s hot Fox topic while channel surfing. Fox also appeals to some viewers (raising my hand here) because the network covers sensationalist stories that won’t appear on CNN or MSNBC unless the New York Times or Washington Post gets there first. The news can never be divorced from entertainment, and Fox is nothing if not entertaining. Some liberals must use it as a sort of political intelligence service, a way to eavesdrop on what their enemies are thinking about. During the Trump administration, the channel was a better conveyor of what the Trump movement was thinking than the Trump White House was. If you’re a liberal, you ignore Fox at your own peril.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
We keep telling you Fox is the # 1 rated network....AND WHY!

You are the one continually debating that fact! Originally Posted by WTF

show me where i dispute FOX is number one in the ratings?

I've already told you....I forget you need to be told things more than once to grasp wtf is being said., some of these Democrats and independents are hate-watching Carlson or dialing up Hannity for a good laugh.

Their formula, which depended on tabloid instincts, was more successful than either imagined. Gone was the politesse that characterized the competition and in was the two-fisted contention of a street fight. Fox does its best to seek conflict and accentuate it for the camera. It’s never going to win a Peabody, but it’s what the masses like — and clearly not just conservatives....

....Liberals and independents who tune in are there for political catechism. Some may be drawn out of curiosity or pause there after stumbling onto that day’s hot Fox topic while channel surfing. Fox also appeals to some viewers (raising my hand here) because the network covers sensationalist stories that won’t appear on CNN or MSNBC unless the New York Times or Washington Post gets there first. The news can never be divorced from entertainment, and Fox is nothing if not entertaining. Some liberals must use it as a sort of political intelligence service, a way to eavesdrop on what their enemies are thinking about. During the Trump administration, the channel was a better conveyor of what the Trump movement was thinking than the Trump White House was. If you’re a liberal, you ignore Fox at your own peril. Originally Posted by WTF

i'm the one that posted that link to politico. and it's an opinion piece. the author is speculating and throwing everything he can and the kitchen catechism .. er sink into his attempt to explain the shocking fact that FOX outdraws liberal sites for .. liberal viewers.