Hobby Lobby Invests In Numerous Abortion And Contraception Products While Claiming Religious Objection

Same thing with the money used to pay the contraceptives or the pill. Its employees benefits! They're money! Who gives a fuck if the employee needs a fucking pill! Originally Posted by thebuffmantraples
Uh, no.

The company health plan IS actually the company's money. And that benefit is given to the employee TAX FREE - a weird artifact of WWII wage freezes in which companies could not give pay raises, but were allowed to provide health care without the employees receiving it as income. Hence, no income taxes.

When you leave the company, your 401k money goes with you. But not the health insurance.
Employees still pick the stocks, dickhead. It is THEIR money.

And IS the Hobby Lobby plan self directed? Or did you just throw that out their hoping? Originally Posted by ExNYer

LOL - ya of course they do. You have absolutely NO idea what the fuck you're talking about whatsoever. Keep trying to make it sound like you do I'm getting a kick out of this. and for the record keep things in context of the Hobby Lobby discussion
I said it before, I will say it again.

You're an idiot. A mouth-breathing, shrill, unthinking, progressive dullard.

It is the 401(k) plan of their EMPLOYEES.

Hobby Lobby doesn't control the 401(k) plan. They hire plan managers who provide employees with different choices of investment funds - indexed funds, money markets, bonds, foreign funds, etc. The company doesn't pick the funds.

Hobby Lobby has to deduct the money from their salaries, but the money belongs to the EMPLOYEES and the EMPLOYEES pick how THEIR money gets invested.

The whole point of defined contribution plans (401k) as oppose to defined benefit plans (company pensions) was to get companies OUT of the retirement business.

In fact, I think it might be illegal for Hobby Lobby to interfere with employee' 401(k) contributions.

So, if employees invest in Pfizer, which makes a LOT of drugs, not just birth control pills because Pfizer provides a good return, then Hobby Lobby can't do shit about it.

So, what was your point again? Originally Posted by ExNYer

Go back and re-read my OP and very poor spin job on behalf of Hobby Lobby. Still trying to sound like you're making an intelligent contribution I see.
It's simple Hobby Lobby folks are religious hypocrites. or so it seems ;-)
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Employees still pick the stocks, dickhead. It is THEIR money. (no shit, Murphy)

And IS the Hobby Lobby plan self directed? Or did you just throw that out their hoping? Originally Posted by ExNYer
I was on your side, you arrogant fucking sand mucker/potato farmer. Plus, I was directing my comment to the melanin enhanced asshole Zany.
Same problem as COG - smart, yet more interested in proving how smart you are than being appropriately courteous.
Go back and re-read my OP and very poor spin job on behalf of Hobby Lobby. Still trying to sound like you're making an intelligent contribution I see.

It's simple Hobby Lobby folks are religious hypocrites. or so it seems ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
I read your rambling bullshit - several times.

And it is pure propaganda. I'm not religious, so I don't agree with Hobby Lobby. But the health care plan IS their money and if they don't want to be required to pay for abortions, they have a point.

But, unlike pension funds, the 401K money is NOT Hobby Lobby's money. Or do you not understand that?

So, if an employee invests in Magellan or Vanguard or whatever fund and they have pharma stocks in the portfolio, there isn't shit HL can do about.

So where is the hypocrisy?
I was on your side, you arrogant fucking sand mucker/potato farmer. Plus, I was directing my comment to the melanin enhanced asshole Zany.
Same problem as COG - smart, yet more interested in proving how smart you are than being appropriately courteous. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Oops, my bad.

I don't know why - I must have read too quickly - but I thought your sarcastic reply was directed to me, not Zanzidope when you wrote:

"Ever heard of a self directed 401K plan, genius?"

I read your rambling bullshit - several times.

And it is pure propaganda. I'm not religious, so I don't agree with Hobby Lobby. But the health care plan IS their money and if they don't want to be required to pay for abortions, they have a point.

But, unlike pension funds, the 401K money is NOT Hobby Lobby's money. Or do you not understand that?

So, if an employee invests in Magellan or Vanguard or whatever fund and they have pharma stocks in the portfolio, there isn't shit HL can do about.

So where is the hypocrisy? Originally Posted by ExNYer

Quadruple FACE PALM...I give up If I get re-energized to educate you I will. Pretty pathetic of you to not understand. I'm actually trying to give you an opportunity to go back and see why you're misguided. Don't test my patience with ignorance
Quadruple FACE PALM...I give up If I get re-energized to educate you I will. Pretty pathetic of you to not understand. I'm actually trying to give you an opportunity to go back and see why you're misguided. Don't test my patience with ignorance Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
In other words, you CAN'T explain the hypocrisy.

In other words, you CAN'T explain the hypocrisy.

Check. Originally Posted by ExNYer
you need to go to school or back to school. But I will indulge you just gonna make your dumbass think about it for a while. ;-) just maybe. just maybe you'll get an AHA! moment
you need to go to school or back to school. But I will indulge you just gonna make your dumbass think about it for a while. ;-) just maybe. just maybe you'll get an AHA! moment Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Feigning to have the secret knowledge is an old and discredited trick.

Put up or shut up.
Feigning to have the secret knowledge is an old and discredited trick.

Put up or shut up. Originally Posted by ExNYer

I will shut up but when I put up where will you hide?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Oops, my bad.

I don't know why - I must have read too quickly - but I thought your sarcastic reply was directed to me, not Zanzidope when you wrote:

"Ever heard of a self directed 401K plan, genius?"

Apologies. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I accept, and I apologize for my inappropriate language and spurious insults.
I just can't help myself, but you have proven to be the better man in this case by making the first step. Props to you.
I really enjoy most of your posts.
I accept, and I apologize for my inappropriate language and spurious insults.
I just can't help myself, but you have proven to be the better man in this case by making the first step. Props to you.
I really enjoy most of your posts. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

Why apologize? This is the problem with Republicans you all have to be in lock step in all thought and it's exactly why you can't be trusted. Lol
I will shut up but when I put up where will you hide? Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
More delaying.

You'll never put up.

And why would I hide even if you did?
More delaying.

You'll never put up.

And why would I hide even if you did? Originally Posted by ExNYer

Lol. ok I will respond. Lol too funny. Let me stop laughing at you to gather my thoughts.