
I am going to give you a chance to self-educate, go to this link and look the data up for can look at the data, country by country.

Then report back and tell us how sustainable an 80% Government Spending To GDP ratio is !

Feel free to give us several examples of functioning economies that sustain 80 percent spending.

Do that, and I will concede the sanctions will not work.

I am going to give you a chance to self-educate, go to this link and look the data up for can look at the data, country by country.

Then report back and tell us how sustainable an 80% Government Spending To GDP ratio is !

Feel free to give us several examples of functioning economies that sustain 80 percent spending.

Do that, and I will concede the sanctions will not work. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Fuck you whirlytard, I don't dance when you ask.

If the sanctions are working, then why hasn't Iran stopped seeking a nuclear weapon?

How much longer will it take for this miracle to occur?

Why have sanctions against North Korea failed for 50 years?

Why have sanctions against Cuba failed for 50 years?

Why have sanctions against the thug Mugabe failed for 30 years?

Because sanctions rarely, if ever, work....and they're not going to work against Iran either. You are on Pluto if you think that sanctions are going to cause the "good" people in Iran to rise up and get rid of the Mullahs.

What works is diplomacy and negotiation. Or sometimes...war.
lustylad's Avatar
If the sanctions are working, then why hasn't Iran stopped seeking a nuclear weapon? Originally Posted by timpage
Hey timmy, you need to talk to undercunt. He says they aren't seeking a nuclear weapon. Their program is entirely peaceful and geared solely toward the country's urgent domestic energy needs. And they haven't made any progress since 2003.

....Iran is going to run out of oil, sooner rather than later. They are going to have to get energy from somewhere and nuclear is the way they've chosen. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Several IAEA reports indicate they haven't progressed much if at all since 2003. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Hey timmy, you need to talk to undercunt. He says they aren't seeking a nuclear weapon. Their program is entirely peaceful and geared solely toward the country's urgent domestic energy needs. And they haven't made any progress since 2003. Originally Posted by lustylad
IF... if, motherfucker. We don't KNOW shit about what's going in that country. And since when are we tied at the hip? Your problem, one among many, is that you assume because all republitards think in lock step, it must be the same for democrats too. WRONG. That's what the IAEA said. We've been over this. First you take your pants down THEN you take a shit. Otherwise you're just messing your pants and mommy has to DEAL with that. Mommy is tired of throwing away your pants because you can't remember which order things go in.

We agree on one thing, sanctions don't work and they never have. They only end up hurting the population and the people in power continue on doing exactly what they've always been doing, getting richer.
lustylad's Avatar
IF... if, motherfucker. We don't KNOW shit about what's going in that country. And since when are we tied at the hip? Your problem, one among many, is that you assume because all republitards think in lock step, it must be the same for democrats too. WRONG. That's what the IAEA said. We've been over this. First you take your pants down THEN you take a shit. Otherwise you're just messing your pants and mommy has to DEAL with that. Mommy is tired of throwing away your pants because you can't remember which order things go in. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Lol.... will someone please take a stab at translating this gibberish for me? What does it have to do with anything posted prior? We know undercunt has a hard time staying on point, but what is he trying to say here? ... "IF... if" ... "tied at the hip" ... "republitards think in lock step" ... "what the IAEA said" ..."take your pants down" ... "mommy has to deal with that" ...

BINGO! UNDERCUNT HAS MOMMY ISSUES! And he wore diapers until he was 9! Now I get it! Whew! What a relief to pry that out of him! We're finally making some progress! His therapist will thank us!!!

Negotiating with terrorists is always a bad deal. Killing them, or disabling their capability is always the better option. No worries, Israel will take care of them if Obama fucks it up, and no one in America is going to back Iran over Israel, besides Obama, his administration, and a few low information supporters and they will be out of there in a year and a few months.
  • shanm
  • 03-28-2015, 07:32 PM
Negotiating with terrorists is always a bad deal. Killing them, or disabling their capability is always the better option. No worries, Israel will take care of them if Obama fucks it up, and no one in America is going to back Iran over Israel, besides Obama, his administration, and a few low information supporters and they will be out of there in a year and a few months. Originally Posted by nwarounder
Yes, to be replaced by Hillary and her administration

Negotiating with terrorists is always a bad deal. Killing them, or disabling their capability is always the better option. No worries, Israel will take care of them if Obama fucks it up, and no one in America is going to back Iran over Israel, besides Obama, his administration, and a few low information supporters and they will be out of there in a year and a few months. Originally Posted by nwarounder
Typical republitard oversimplification. Let's just go in there and wipe them out is always the right's answer. How has that worked out so far? Obama isn't backing Iran. He isn't a muslim and he wasn't born in Kenya. Bring some real shit to the table.
Yes, to be replaced by Hillary and her administration

Originally Posted by shanm
It's Britney Bitch
Typical republitard oversimplification. Let's just go in there and wipe them out is always the right's answer. How has that worked out so far? Obama isn't backing Iran. He isn't a muslim and he wasn't born in Kenya. Bring some real shit to the table. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Lol, you are way behind. I'm not a Republican, I voted for Obama the first time around and I will probably vote for Hillary in '16.

The difference in me and you is that you just keep parroting a liar and a failure after he is proven himself to be both. Which in turn makes you look as one and the same. I admit I was wrong, he deceived us all, but I refuse to look like you just for the sake of a political party and keep going along with his failures.

The idea of not negotiating with terrorists has ALWAYS been a Democrat ideology. Obama will not change that, especially after this fails, and make no mistake, the Iranians are playing him for the fool he is.
  • shanm
  • 03-28-2015, 08:26 PM
Lol, you are way behind. I'm not a Republican, I voted for Obama the first time around and I will probably vote for Hillary in '16.
. Originally Posted by nwarounder
Sure. Whatever you say buddy.
Sure. Whatever you say buddy. Originally Posted by shanm
I posted it fifty times before you even created an account. But whatevs, buddy...You are obviously the clever one, that can't post without insults.
Lol, you are way behind. I'm not a Republican, I voted for Obama the first time around and I will probably vote for Hillary in '16.

The difference in me and you is that you just keep parroting a liar and a failure after he is proven himself to be both. Which in turn makes you look as one and the same. I admit I was wrong, he deceived us all, but I refuse to look like you just for the sake of a political party and keep going along with his failures.

The idea of not negotiating with terrorists has ALWAYS been a Democrat ideology. Obama will not change that, especially after this fails, and make no mistake, the Iranians are playing him for the fool he is. Originally Posted by nwarounder
I'm calling bullshit.
Not surprised...

Iranian Nuke Negotiator Aide Defects In Switzerland – Tells Swiss Authorities U.S. Team Working On Behalf Of Iran…

The conservative treehouse? Jesus Christ. I've heard it all now.