$300 rates and Up?

Elephant's Avatar
I sorta dig this Foxfire chick...
eglrdr's Avatar
I sorta dig this Foxfire chick... Originally Posted by Elephant
Me too.
interesting thread. I'm poor as crap so I usually take what I can get for $100. There are some wonderful gorgeous kinky ladies who will do it for that. There have been better times though when I did pay more, but never more than $250. I once did the Gia/Nadia doubles for $180 I think? What a deal...
AcesHigh's Avatar

You are correct. I drive a luxury car and have friends who kid me about how much I paid and how they drive an old clunker and get the same places I get to. I understand that. I know that. However, I like the luxury car.

This hobby is more than just a physical release. Otherwise, spending $50 is a waste when you have your good friends, right and left hand. Is that what it's about? No. It is an experience. Oftentimes it is a fantastic hour. Let me decide who I want to spend it with and how much I want to spend.

I am constantly amazed at guys who criticize other guys who like to experience a high priced lady. How can someone be critical of another's - ordinarily, good - taste?
Aces has the idea... those are those in the hobby who won't hire anything less than 300 -500 or more. It implies an exclusive club.
  • Logic
  • 03-01-2011, 08:44 PM
All i want is fifteen minutes slut, ill give you 75 bucks...

Thats my attitude these days!!
attitude or budget?

I am constantly amazed at guys who criticize other guys who like to experience a high priced lady. How can someone be critical of another's - ordinarily, good - taste? Originally Posted by AcesHigh
Awesome, AWESOME point. Every male on this site pays for companionship. Why would one buyer begrudge another for what he paid for a date? Esp. when society deems us all perverts and misfits?

Doesn't matter if you are paying $150 or $1500, you're still paying. There's no need to malign those who don't place your same value on their companionship.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Awesome, AWESOME point. Every male on this site pays for companionship. Why would one buyer begrudge another for what he paid for a date? Esp. when society deems us all perverts and misfits?

Doesn't matter if you are paying $150 or $1500, you're still paying. There's no need to malign those who don't place your same value on their companionship. Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
I read through all the posts in this thread and really couldn't find a post that maligned anyone spending what most of us consider HDH rates. Most of the guys would not spend $300 or more for an hour of pleasure, but the majority realize there is a market for such priced women and hardly begrudge it. The women who charge such rates are usually on the high end of the scale in terms of looks, body, companionship, brains, and bedroom skills.

As previously stated, I've spent a max of $300/hour. Considered $350 once. I have found I don't need to spend more than that to get what I am looking for in the hobby. If others need to spend more to meet their needs, no problem.
300lhr???? Who pays that?

Sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Depends on how many of the ladies I'm getting for that price.
austinkboy's Avatar
As I found myself transitioning from seeing what I consider many different girls for a quick hour at a time to scheduling with mostly my favorite regular girls, I find that the hourly rate is less and less relevant.

There was a time when I was working my "to do" list, or actually in my case, I called it my "bucket list". I wanted to experience and sample what I considered to be the most beautiful women I had reasonable access to before I kicked the bucket, or got too old. But what I found along the way is that there is a small handful of ladies that I have come to enjoy seeing over and over, to the point that I prefer seeing one of my favorite regulars than trying a new hottie passing through Austin that is booking as many appointments as she can in a day to make her trip worthwhile.

I also found more and more that with time, opportunity and budget permitting, I was enjoying longer time spent with my favorite girls, whether it was longer BCD or lunch and hanging out, or going to stripclub luncheons... So it was not a matter of an hourly rate, but almost an afternoon date.

In other words, my favorites are my favorites, not because of what their hourly rates are or are not, but because who they are and the experience I enjoy while I am with them. So I look at it from total time I get to spend with my favorite lady, and the combined enjoyment and satisfaction I get from seeing her in and out of actual BCD time. I am sure of course, that the ladies make a mental calculation as to the time they invest with me, and rationalize whether I am worth that investment or not.

I would be hard pressed to say how much it actually costs me for an hour's worth of enjoying her undivided attention. Some days it is just an hour at the boyfriend rate. Other days (with the same lady), it may be an entire afternoon with the cost being an hour's BCD price and the tab for a nice lunch.

So, I am not saying which is better... See a new hottie once a week at $200-$300 an hour, or see your favorites a couple times a month for an afternoon for $400 - $600 for the afternoon.
  • Logic
  • 03-02-2011, 10:16 AM
austinkboy's Avatar
All i want is fifteen minutes slut, ill give you 75 bucks...

Thats my attitude these days!! Originally Posted by Venom
Even BP doesn't have too many that would do 15 minutes....

deedeedoe62's Avatar
@ AKB. +1

Great post. You so eloquently put in that post what I was having problems with expressing.
eglrdr's Avatar

I would be hard pressed to say how much it actually costs me for an hour's worth of enjoying her undivided attention. Some days it is just an hour at the boyfriend rate. Other days (with the same lady), it may be an entire afternoon with the cost being an hour's BCD price and the tab for a nice lunch.

So, I am not saying which is better... See a new hottie once a week at $200-$300 an hour, or see your favorites a couple times a month for an afternoon for $400 - $600 for the afternoon. Originally Posted by austinkboy
@ AKB. +1

Great post. You so eloquently put in that post what I was having problems with expressing. Originally Posted by deedeedoe62
Couldn't agree more, very well put AKB.

However if little miss Foxfire ever shows up here all bets are off!