Great Economy and Negative Rates

lustylad's Avatar
I know you know that in a recession revenue decreases and outflows increase....thus a higher %. Originally Posted by WTF
We already had this convo. You lost.

The recession ended in Q2 2009. That's 5 months into odumbo's first term. Yet those trillion dollar deficits continued for another 4 fucking years! If his first four years generated such a "powerful" economic recovery, as your butt buddy chungy claims, then why didn't the deficits recede a lot faster?

Now go take up that question with chungy. And while you're at it, explain to him why deficits matter so much to you (under Republicans but not under dim-retards).
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-15-2020, 12:57 PM
We already had this convo. You lost.

The recession ended in Q2 2009. That's 5 months into odumbo's first term. Yet those trillion dollar deficits continued for another 4 fucking years! If his first four years generated such a "powerful" economic recovery, as your butt buddy chungy claims, then why didn't the deficits recede a lot faster?

Now go take up that question with chungy. And while you're at it, explain to him why deficits matter so much to you (under Republicans but not under dim-retards). Originally Posted by lustylad
AS you know....the effects of the recession lingered. I never said it was a powerful recovery.

I remember when you laughed at Obama's GDP numbers....wanted to bet that Trump was different. Now you're bragging about Trumps numbers being the same as Obama's and will not address the rising deficits.

lustylad's Avatar
AS you know....the effects of the recession lingered. I never said it was a powerful recovery.

Tell it to chungy, ok?

So why did odumbo's recession "linger"? How long did it "linger"? When did it officially stop "lingering"? The National Bureau of Economic Research says the recession ended in July 2009. Maybe you can correct them, or help them design a new "lingering" measure that dim-retards can use as an excuse whenever they have an under-performing economy.

Do ya thinks raising taxes and slapping odumbocare mandates and thousands of burdensome new regs on the private sector had anything to do with this "lingering"? Heck, give me $828 billion worth of stimulus to dole out and I guarantee you I will spend it much more "powerfully" than odumbo did!!

I remember when you laughed at Obama's GDP numbers....wanted to bet that Trump was different. Now you're bragging about Trumps (sic) numbers being the same as Obama's and will not address the rising deficits. Originally Posted by WTF
Liar, liar, pants on fire!

Trump's "numbers" (you can't even be specific) aren't "the same as odumbo's". And I've already addressed the budget deficit numerous times with you in the past week. Stop beating a dead horse, we debated it and you lost. The only reason you keep bringing it up is because you want to deflect from all the positive economic indices and trends that Trump (not me) brags about all the time.

Nice try. As I keep saying, you would be thrilled and beaming and bragging your ass off if a dim-retard was running for re-election on the same economic record trump has. And you would be hushing and dismissing any concern about the deficit. Funny how your hypocrisy meter doesn't register that.
LexusLover's Avatar
Funny how your hypocrisy meter doesn't register that. Originally Posted by lustylad
Not in the humorous sense, but in the peculiar sense.

It's amazing how much thrashing and profanity laces his posts when his position on a topic is shredded and the lack of substance and validity is revealed .... then the pretzel dialogue of trying to turn around to some marginally valid point to seem "informed"!!!

No wonder he supports one of the DNC "great white hopes"! "Birds of a feather...."
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-16-2020, 02:55 PM

Start another fucking thread if you want to talk about the 1991 S&L crisis!

Hmm Originally Posted by lustylad
You and Lexy said high rates were good for banking institutions....I pointed out where in fact that was not the case. Of course LexyLiar was too ignorant to understand.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
nope.. you read into the statement. he said a recession would lead to negative rates, but not being in a recession doesn't mean the economy is strong.. unless you think 2.1% growth is strong.

Obama's economic record was stronger for his first 4 years, than Trump's has been. Trump talks his achievement up, but it hasn't been that good. the tax cuts temporarily drove up profits, couple that with absurdly low interest rates, and you'll get a good stock market for a time.. yield chasers. but it has an expiration date looming. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Agreed, that Obama had a much more success with the economy. The Republicans in contrast take massive risks with questionable policies. That’s why 2008 happened. They have a history of screwing up the financial well being of the country. IMHO the Dems are the ones that have to clean up the mess that republicans leave behind. And who on earth would trust a guy like Trump that has gone bankrupt 6 times despite being loaded up with cash from his Dad. I wouldn’t. He’s a total failure when it comes to business.
Heck he can’t even get a loan from ANY US bank . That’s why he has to rely on Russian Oligarchs. He’s been bought !
  • oeb11
  • 02-16-2020, 05:50 PM
If you like the Fascist DPST's above - you will love maduro and Venezuela!!
Vote Bernie in the primaries - let's have a contrast of socialist Totalitarianism v freedom and capitalism - which is what the Fascist DPST's do not want aired!!
Poor whining babies.

Still believe "russia" and pining for a recession!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Agreed, that Obama had a much more success with the economy. The Republicans in contrast take massive risks with questionable policies. That’s why 2008 happened. They have a history of screwing up the financial well being of the country. IMHO the Dems are the ones that have to clean up the mess that republicans leave behind. And who on earth would trust a guy like Trump that has gone bankrupt 6 times despite being loaded up with cash from his Dad. I wouldn’t. He’s a total failure when it comes to business.
Heck he can’t even get a loan from ANY US bank . That’s why he has to rely on Russian Oligarchs. He’s been bought ! Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

you and chungster always blaming the republicans for everything. the democrats always the saviors. what a narrow minded and false narrative. Obama jacked up the debt by 8 to 9 trillion depending on who's numbers you use. quite impressive! or are you going to dispute that? all that stimulus that failed. butt it was necessary right? had to fix mean old G Bushie's mess right?

the 2008 financial crisis has republican and democrat fingerprints all over it. to only blame republicans is at best naive and at worst simply biased. it also has the Government's fingerprints all over it. there were many factors involved. repeal of Glass-Steagall was one factor although not really the primary factor. it's role was allowing the banking consolidations of the day and thus a small cabal of huge banks that were playing both sides again with both commercial and investment banking. the biggest factor was the subprime mortgage collapse. the fault there is HUD and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (who thinks up these stupid names??). HUD required Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (GSE's aka government sponsored enterprises) to purchase mortgages by low-income and minority borrowers as a means to encourage lenders (commercial banks) to give these loans. the borrowers were as much at fault as the banks as they knew they didn't qualify yet signed anyway. then the big investment banks like Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, and Goldman Sachs took these subprime crap loans, bought by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, written by commercial banks with knowingly poor criteria like using unemployment benefits as a "legit" source of income, and bundled them as investments known as derivatives to investors claiming they were "safe" because they were government backed (owned by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac).

so when all these loans started defaulting because the borrowers who knew they couldn't afford the mortgages in the first place couldn't make the payments the investment banks with their derivative investments backed by this crap crashed and burned.

it was HUD's mandate to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to buy subprimes, generated by commercial banks who took advantage to approve bad loans, signed by borrowers who knew they couldn't afford them and bundled as investments (derivatives) by the investment banks.

in reality the Government (HUD) was to blame regardless of either the republicans or democrats. so blaming it on the republicans alone (and G Bushie in particular) is bullshit.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-16-2020, 08:03 PM

the 2008 financial crisis has republican and democrat fingerprints all over it. to only blame republicans is at best naive and at worst simply biased. it also has the Government's fingerprints all over it. there were many factors involved. repeal of Glass-Steagall was one factor although not really the primary factor. it's role was allowing the banking consolidations of the day and thus a small cabal of huge banks that were playing both sides again with both commercial and investment banking. the biggest factor was the subprime mortgage collapse. the fault there is HUD and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (who thinks up these stupid names??). HUD required Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (GSE's aka government sponsored enterprises) to purchase mortgages by low-income and minority borrowers as a means to encourage lenders (commercial banks) to give these loans. the borrowers were as much at fault as the banks as they knew they didn't qualify yet signed anyway. then the big investment banks like Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, and Goldman Sachs took these subprime crap loans, bought by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, written by commercial banks with knowingly poor criteria like using unemployment benefits as a "legit" source of income, and bundled them as investments known as derivatives to investors claiming they were "safe" because they were government backed (owned by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac).

so when all these loans started defaulting because the borrowers who knew they couldn't afford the mortgages in the first place couldn't make the payments the investment banks with their derivative investments backed by this crap crashed and burned.

] Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You forgot the rating agencies which abled this to be packaged and sold as gold...
Chung Tran's Avatar
your are right about the genesis of the collapse, but.. the point is who solved the crisis.. Obama did.

he gathered government and business leaders, hammered out solutions, while YOUR GUY McCain (yeah, you now call him a snake for voting against destroying Obamacare, but you liked him in 2008) said the economy was "sound", and ran to the sidelines while Bear Stearns collapsed. of course there was massive deficit spending.. had to be, to rescue the economy. but what is Trump's excuse for massive deficits? his economy is "roaring" at 2.1 % growth, huge deficits, and y'all are ready to Knight him.. what gives?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You forgot the rating agencies which abled this to be packaged and sold as gold... Originally Posted by WTF

minor players. so what if some ratings agency called it a AAA rated investment? they should have known better too but the big investment houses cooked up the derivatives crap to begin with.

your are right about the genesis of the collapse, but.. the point is who solved the crisis.. Obama did.

he gathered government and business leaders, hammered out solutions, while YOUR GUY McCain (yeah, you now call him a snake for voting against destroying Obamacare, but you liked him in 2008) said the economy was "sound", and ran to the sidelines while Bear Stearns collapsed. of course there was massive deficit spending.. had to be, to rescue the economy. but what is Trump's excuse for massive deficits? his economy is "roaring" at 2.1 % growth, huge deficits, and y'all are ready to Knight him.. what gives? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

ah yeah. Obama the savior again. you are full of hamster shit. if Obama was the great savior why do many economists fault him for his handling of the economy? and they do and you know it. you just refuse to believe it.

here you go jabbering about Trump "debt" while refusing to acknowledge Obama's 9 TRILLION shitdump on the debt. you are as bad as FTW=WTF yelling about only 3 years of data on Trump budgets and acting like it's 8 years. the numbers don't support it .. yet. we do know what Obama's numbers really are. an average of 1 TRILLION per year as president.

now how ya gonna spin that as "great handling" of the economy professor chungster? it was Obama's massive social spending initiatives that were the biggest cause of his MASSIVE debt run up. was that to "fix" Bushie's "mess"? or to give a bunch Gov Freebies to low end freeloaders?

McCain was a RINO asshole. the only thing that made him a viable candidate to me is the Manchurian Candidate faggot Obama he was running against. same goes for Romney.

you may have seen this before yeah? tells a different story about debt than the one you and FTW=WTF want to sell. any da niles?

and don't be as obtuse as FTW=WTF and eat an apple-peach and call it an orange.

Chung Tran's Avatar
Waco, you keep repeating yourself.. how many times do I need to say Obama rang up HUGE deficits? he did.. you seem to think I am dodging that.. I am not. but they rescued the economy. and one more time.. I don't think deficits are injurious to economies.

your turn.. why do you excuse Trump's deficits? isn't his economy so strong we should not need high deficits?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Waco, you keep repeating yourself.. how many times do I need to say Obama rang up HUGE deficits? he did.. you seem to think I am dodging that.. I am not. but they rescued the economy. and one more time.. I don't think deficits are injurious to economies.

your turn.. why do you excuse Trump's deficits? isn't his economy so strong we should not need high deficits? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

now who's repeating themselves? rescued the economy. right! prove it. and tell FTW=WTF Obama did rack up the most debt of any one president EVER. he doesn't seem to get that.

Congress is the BIG Evil of the debt. butt yous know that, right?? they are the blame for their deficit spending for decades under both Republican and Democratic presidents. ever hear the term "pork barrel spending"? why do you think Reagan wanted a line item veto? to red pencil out all the unrelated tie-ins to these spending bills that's why.

now don't just tell me i'm wrong .. prove it!
Chung Tran's Avatar
you are a blame-shifter.. Congress makes budgets that Presidents approve. and?

you keep running from the discussion of Trump and large deficits.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
you are a blame-shifter.. Congress makes budgets that Presidents approve. and?

you keep running from the discussion of Trump and large deficits. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

so you agree it's Congress that continuously spends more than they have to spend.

so what would you have Trump do? refuse to sign the budget? teach mean ol Congress a lesson? shutdown the Government? he probably should but how politically expedient is that given it's been this way for decades?

you act like Trump is the first president to sign a deficit budget. now who's blame-shifting?

still waiting for you to prove Obama rescued the economy.