Democrats, why do you believe healthcare is a right?

joesmo888's Avatar
this healthcare bill is the same bill the republicans pushed for in the early 90's but because Obama was the one who finally got it signed now its suddenly a bad idea.

should it be a right? it is already a right. no hospital can deny coverage. the question is should it be a right to have your life savings destroyed or your credit ruined or be denied insurance for having a pre-existing condition.
jbravo_123's Avatar
But the middle class guy has to PAY for it or have his life destroyed. The poor don't. Why should we give health care to those on multi-generational welfare, but the guy that works? Fuck him! Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Ok, I think we may be having a miscommunication of terminology here.

What I'm saying is that currently anyone in this country, regardless of financial situation, can go to an ER and see a doctor. They can't be turned away simply because they cannot pay. That's the health care I'm talking about that's available to everyone.

Now health insurance, such as Medicare & Medicaid, is indeed only available to the elderly (Medicare) or poor (Medicaid). Theoretically, the everyone else makes enough to afford their own private health insurance. I say theoretically because yes, there are many unfortunate people who are in that income range where they can't afford private insurance (usually because their job doesn't offer it) but make too much to qualify for Medicaid.

And I agree - it does suck horribly for those people in that range. I am all for expanding coverage of Medicare/Medicaid to include more people. The only problem is figuring out how to pay for it all.

Agreed. Preventitive, basic and ER care should be delivered not only on demand, but there should be outreach to the poorer, uneducated and the infirmed. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Yeah - again as the last remaining superpower, I find it an absolute shame that we can't provide such basic coverage for all of our citizens when other less powerful countries have managed to provider better and more comprehensive health coverage to all of their citizens at a much lower doller per citizen cost.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-04-2013, 02:45 PM
Ok, I think we may be having a miscommunication of terminology here.

What I'm saying is that currently anyone in this country, regardless of financial situation, can go to an ER and see a doctor. They can't be turned away simply because they cannot pay. That's the health care I'm talking about that's available to everyone.

Now health insurance, such as Medicare & Medicaid, is indeed only available to the elderly (Medicare) or poor (Medicaid). Theoretically, the everyone else makes enough to afford their own private health insurance. I say theoretically because yes, there are many unfortunate people who are in that income range where they can't afford private insurance (usually because their job doesn't offer it) but make too much to qualify for Medicaid.

And I agree - it does suck horribly for those people in that range. I am all for expanding coverage of Medicare/Medicaid to include more people. The only problem is figuring out how to pay for it all.

Yeah - again as the last remaining superpower, I find it an absolute shame that we can't provide such basic coverage for all of our citizens when other less powerful countries have managed to provider better and more comprehensive health coverage to all of their citizens at a much lower doller per citizen cost. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
while we ignore our own, we can damn sure spend $12 billion a month so some third world puke can have a purple thumb cant we? That my friend is an absolute shame.
RomneyCare in Massachusetts seems to be working out fine. Large majority of its residents say its great....ObamaCare was modeled after RomneyCare. Same arguements were made when Social Security was instituted...Now you can't pry those checks away from seniors......Much ado about nothing.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I know what you mean when you write SFG but you do realize the SFG is a military post wife thing right? OH I'm sorry you probably didn't... nimrod.

And oddly enough is a financial firm my family is associated with. Good pick. I'll keep that name. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
We love how you just make sh*t up. You do realize that no one believes you, right?
Yssup Rider's Avatar

And the only people I've ever said I truly hated were Muslims. How about this, I'll love a Muslim so much I'll personally be happy to send him 72 virgins. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
I think you're confusing Humanitarianism with Eating Dicks. It ain't like vegetarianism, SFG!

I do not advertise services on this board. I do not have a phone number that's available to LE. But you do. And you have now publicly stated your willingness to commit hate crimes, including murder on this board.

Stupid twat!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
RomneyCare in Massachusetts seems to be working out fine. Large majority of its residents say its great....ObamaCare was modeled after RomneyCare. Same arguements were made when Social Security was instituted...Now you can't pry those checks away from seniors......Much ado about nothing. Originally Posted by Souper
if those funds had gone into my own private account it would be 10X higher but sense I have SHARE it with the less fortunate it is not
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Obviously you hate Jesus...
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Obviously you hate Jesus... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
no just you

you are are total waste of bandwidth
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You right Muskogee!

You wanna kill people like HK?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Words of a great American.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Since gritsboy likes to substitute clichés for thought, this begs the question:

Going where?
What I'm saying is that currently anyone in this country, regardless of financial situation, can go to an ER and see a doctor. They can't be turned away simply because they cannot pay. That's the health care I'm talking about that's available to everyone. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
Kind of. What about ongoing treatment that isn't an emergency, but could develop into an emergency or kill them? Is that also treated on demand and for tripple - at least - the rate they charge insurance companies?

Now health insurance, such as Medicare & Medicaid, is indeed only available to the elderly (Medicare) or poor (Medicaid).

And I agree - it does suck horribly for those people in that range. I am all for expanding coverage of Medicare/Medicaid to include more people. The only problem is figuring out how to pay for it all. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
And if we can't deliver healthcare - at no out of pocket expense - to the backbone of the country then no one should have it.

Here's two examples of "poor" people on Medicade:

My ex-brother-in-law worked for my ex-husband. He had a brand new, 2500 sq ft house - nice too - paid for in cash house. He's two vehicles were paid for too. Both nice, but not exotic. So his kids could get Medicade and they could all get food stamps my ex only paid him $560 (approx) a week. The rest of his income was in cash. He probably made about $100,000 a year.

ALL of my ex's employees had me fill out paperwork that they made $250 per week. They of course didn't make $250 per week. They made up to three times that. All so their ancher babies could get Medicare, WIC and foodstamps.

It's time we stop treating the working class like redheaded stepchildren. The reat of the free world doesn't have some cobbled together, abortion if healthcare in the form of forced insurance. Why should we.

Speaking of said insurance, it rolls out january of 14 right. People get taxed if they don't have their other tax in place right. As I understand it there is going to be a huge percentage of American's in the Obamacare dole. How do they apply for the aid. What is the minimum coverage? Where do you buy the coverage. How do you get your subsidies. I have no idea and I'm informed. Do you think the gob'ment can set up the infastructure, roll out the program and communicate that to the people that need it by December? I don't.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
In the 1930s you could argue that Germany was a super power (at least in Europe) and they had universal healthcare. If you were mentally or physically unfit then you had a problem. Same thing if you belonged to an identified class (by the government) as someone who recieved next to no medical care.

That is what the end of life (death) panels are all about. In order to save money the government is already talking about excluding the elderly and the terminally ill. Obama himself voted FOR the termination by neglect of babies that survive abortions. The choosers are already among waiting for the lines to go to the right, you go to the left, you go to the left, you go to the right...