Rate Reality

Randy4Candy's Avatar
I used to go to fancy restaurants, for the service and food that was never 10 times as good as my kitchen or the place down the street. After a meal like that in San Francisco one time a "famous person" said to me "Well, that was pretty good, especially since somebody else paid for it, but tomorrow morning my asshole isn't going to know it took a $300 shit, so next time let's just go to the deli where the beer is colder and the waitresses are friendly." Originally Posted by phildo
The only thing better than the combination of cold beer and friendly waitresses is colder beer being delivered by naked, extremely friendly waitresses.

A lot of you folks will eventually figure out, after living long enough, that the only person you really need to impress and take care of is yourself. This isn't meant to be a hearty, hi-ho "phuck y'all," but just an acknowledgement that if you aren't doing it, who else can you rely on to do it?


1. Be who you are, charge what you want
2. Be who you are, pay what you want
3. Value is whatever the consumer says it is

It ain't hard, if you are a believer in yourself. Do what you need to do to do what you need. That's the way baseball go.
fletch's Avatar
It is good old Adam Smith's "wealth of nations" at work. simple as that. Originally Posted by lukeskywalker7667
...and per usual the 'invisible hand' is probably giving you the finger.
You should do what ever you feel comfortable with.

It's called 'The Hobby' not The Necessity even though it may feel that way for some. No hobby I have ever had was as cheap as $50 or even $200.

The hobby is as in demand as water, food and shelter for some. It's as in demand as eating dinner out for others. You have ladies who cater to all sorts of markets with services or time. Not all markets catered to are actively posting on forums anymore.

Once upon a time(or so I have been told) there was a level of intelligence and accomplishment that applied to those who found their way to the internet based hobby because it was such a new form of interaction. Finding your way to the internet took having an initial investment in a computer when it was not yet necessary and the ability to afford an internet connection when it was not nearly as understood or easily accessible as it is now. This meant an abundance of educated and informed individuals for the most part.

Today the internet equals the general masses. Smart phones and 140 character minimum sites have effected things quite a bit. Now anyone who can get a $50 a month (or less) phone can set things up to gain access here. This causes the appearance that certain markets are changing more than they have. As more variety of types make this sort of thing their virtual corner with the hustle they know, it gives less room for the educated lady or her target market to find each other with the ease they may have once had. By nature of this change they slowly go somewhat silent only occasionally chiming in.

The rich have never been richer. Discretion has never been more needed or more misunderstood. The easy access has caused much change in appearance of wants. Lack of discretion often causes those with more to lose to go silent. They tread way more lightly, but they have not by any means lessened in terms of demand. Many people I have met don't find it appealing or entertaining to participate on this site. It's simply become too publicly known for their comfort.
pmdelites's Avatar

A lot of you folks will eventually figure out, after living long enough, that the only person you really need to impress and take care of is yourself.
1. Be who you are, charge what you want
2. Be who you are, pay what you want
3. Value is whatever the consumer says it is

It ain't hard, if you are a believer in yourself. Do what you need to do to do what you need. That's the way baseball go. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
most Most MOST EXCELLENT!!!!

if you are going to do it, at least commit or learn some of how to do it, dont just blunder thru and call it "doing it."
and if you are going to do it, have some pleasure in doing it.


Once upon a time(or so i have been told) there was a level of intelligence and accomplishment that applied to those who found their way to the internet based hobby because it was such a new form of interaction. ... This meant an abundance of educated and informed individuals for the most part.

Today the internet equals the general masses. ... Now anyone who can get a $50 a month (or less) phone can set things up to gain access here... Originally Posted by Elysa Scott
also most Most MOST EXCELLENT!!!!

as you said, since there are more and more people here, the hobby world is becoming more reflective of a wider range of society than reflecting the "elite" of the past.

so, as i've said about many aspects of this sub-culture...
accept it or move on to something else.
cos you can only change your behaviour.
and "moaning/complaining" about it aint gonna change it.
[not that anyone is "moaning/complaining"; it's just that i cant think of the more appropriate word to describe the comments].
Madeline Tze's Avatar
I believe if the client inquires a provider it should be no debate about the providers donation... If you are looking at the provider and her rates are too high for you move on to the one you can afford...

if you are looking for a bargain go to WALMART
Price, looks, personality, menu, skills, level of service, reviews and TCB is all considered. If I want to play with a particular lady I will pony up to what ever the rate! It's all a risk (me and the lady (especially the initial contact)) but to me that's part of the adventure. Hot lady's w/ apartment / condo / 4-5* hotel incalls are definitely less risk for me but it's higher overhead for her. I understand completely. The value of any commodity is set by what the consumer is willing to spend. If she doesn't qualify for the price then she will see a few 1 and done clients and sooner or later she will have to lower her price if she want's to stay in the game. If she's a bargain for the price she will quickly learn and adjust until she is comfortable with her level of volume. Personally, I never negotiate for fear of a lesser experience. If we click, I want her to welcome me back w/ open arms! Hopefully I will be grandfathered if she raises her price. If not then I have a decision to make. There's a difference between Kia's and Ferrari's