Supreme Court Allows Police to Collect DNA Samples from Arrestees

They must have served Cap'n Crunch for breakfast at the hospital today, eh, John? Lots of energy,
I haven't read the opinion or the dimwitted comments by the usual idiots... but what's the problem? How is it different than taking a suspects' fingerprints after they have been arrested? In fact, it probably takes less time. A quick cheek swab and done.

Seems like it would serve at least two very useful purposes: potential exonerations of wrongfully convicted prisoners. And future arrests and conviction of folks who commit crimes and leave DNA evidence at the crime scene. Rapists are the most obvious example. I don't know what the statistics are but my guess would be that most rapists have been arrested for something before they graduate to attacking women. Seems like it would be a good way to put those scumbags in jail.

Versus what? 2 minutes of inconvenience at the police station after you've done something stupid enough to get yourself arrested for? Seems like a no-brainer to me. Which I guess is why it must be evil per the usual paranoid half-wits on the board. Let's see...what wild speculation have the usual suspects come up with to justify opposition to the decision? Nazi's might come back as zombies and measure your skull in preparation for sending you to the camps/gas chambers presumably. (Would those be FEMA camps?) Or, you could be sterilized if they bring back sterilization.....which I am certain will be happening soon. Fucking dummies.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-24-2013, 12:10 PM
I have NOOOOOO problem taking DNA samples from anyone that commits a crime. Completes a resume' of records right beside their fingerprints. The best way to avoid having your rights? taken away from you is keep your ass out of the system.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This opinion allows DNA to be taken from suspects at random, before they are convicted, and regardless of whether the DNA is relevant to the charge. It used to be a person, before the law, was innocent until proven guilty. I guess that no longer applies.
I B Hankering's Avatar
answer: pump out IB's ass Originally Posted by CJ7
BTW, CBJ7, when was it that Andrew Jackson was impeached? And how are you going to spell "Rhoades" today, CBJ7? count=44

IB swallows ..So does COG.. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You failed to answer the question, Ekim the Inbred, how's your sister/mother/cousin/wife, aka, the "Big Red One", doing strolling the streets in Junction City these days?

yup, after they pump out IB's ass Originally Posted by CJ7
And what about your rendition on a "loose" "Greman" vote, you illiterate jackass? It's a damn good thing your mommy keeps you tethered on a child restraint leash or your dumb-ass would get run over in the street, CBJ7.

does that mean he'll loose the Greman vote next election? Originally Posted by CJ7

Yssup Rider's Avatar
that really moved the conversation forward Coroy.

I guess if they collected stool samples instead of DNA you'd have an opinion, eh? Instead, you'll just sit their in your own feces running spellcheck.

What an imbecile.

Get your licks in now. You'll be going away soon enough.

"THE TRUTH" is coming, Corpy.
This opinion allows DNA to be taken from suspects at random, before they are convicted, and regardless of whether the DNA is relevant to the charge. It used to be a person, before the law, was innocent until proven guilty. I guess that no longer applies. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Taking DNA doesn't change that concept. Again, same as fingerprints. Fingerprints have been taken from arrestees for decades. If the fingerprint evidence helps convict them of the crime they were arrested for, there is no argument that the fingerprints shouldn't have been taken or are somehow inadmissible. takes less time and is les intrusive to swab for DNA than to take fingerprints.

And....again.....taking DNA will almost certainly result in exonerations of wrongfully convicted prisoners. This is a good thing, no?

And....again....taking DNA will almost certainly result in future conviction of criminals whose DNA is in the system and who leave DNA evidence at the scene of their future criminal endeavours. How is this bad?

If the cops were coming to your house and forcing you to give a swab, I get your objections. But, if you're in a situation where probable cause exists to make an arrest, you've been taken into custody as a result and hauled down to be placed in jail.... I don't see any viable objection to being forced to give the swab....nor, do I see how this makes our country less free.
I B Hankering's Avatar
that really moved the conversation forward Coroy.

I guess if they collected stool samples instead of DNA you'd have an opinion, eh? Instead, you'll just sit their in your own feces running spellcheck.

What an imbecile.

Get your licks in now. You'll be going away soon enough.

"THE TRUTH" is coming, Corpy.

Do your part for America! Urge IBSyndrome (aka"Corpy")to post a link to my original Dipshit of the Year poll and admit his blatant lies to the posters of ECCIE.

Tick, tock, Corpy! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

You're still a lying, dumb-fuck golem jackass, and it's your dumb-fuck golem ass that's doing the prick "licking" on 6th Street for 25ȼ a pop, you ignorant golem jackass. That's one of the reasons your dumb-fuck golem ass was elected to be:

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You can't handle the truth, "IBDung"
You're still a lying, dumb-fuck golem jackass, and it's your dumb-fuck golem ass that's doing the prick "licking" on 6th Street for 25ȼ a pop, you ignorant golem jackass. That's one of the reasons your dumb-fuck golem ass was elected to be: Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Post a link to the poll, you lying tranny fucker.

And then post a review. Of a woman. If you have the money. Tranny fucker.

And you're still a "catcher".
[QUOTE=I B Hankering;1053239673]BTW, CBJ7, when was it that Andrew Jackson was impeached? And how are you going to spell "Rhoades" today, CBJ7? count=44

You failed to answer the question, Ekim the Inbred, how's your sister/mother/cousin/wife, aka, the "Big Red One", doing strolling the streets in Junction City these days?

Why do you think that is a question? You never answer mine so fuck off .Stick to what you do best pulling a tranny train . Bet your big red one is sore from all those dicks it has been pleasuring.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You can't handle the truth, "IBDung"

Do your part for America! Urge IBSyndrome (aka"Corpy")to post a link to my original Dipshit of the Year poll and admit his blatant lies to the posters of ECCIE.

Tick, tock, Corpy! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You're a lying, dumb-fuck golem jackass, and you lack the intellectual skills to recognize "truth". BTW, you dumb-fuck golem jackass, your dumb-fuck golem ass was elected to be:

Post a link to the poll, you lying tranny fucker.

And then post a review. Of a woman. If you have the money. Tranny fucker.

And you're still a "catcher". Originally Posted by ExNYer
Your "modus operandi" is still showing, you ignorantly, bigoted Yankee jackass. Plus, your lazy, lying Yankee ass failed on multiple occasions to use the citations that were previously provided.

Why do you think that is a question? You never answer mine so fuck off .Stick to what you do best pulling a tranny train . Bet your big red one is sore from all those dicks it has been pleasuring. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You failed to answer the questions, Ekim the Inbred, how's your sister/mother/cousin/wife, aka, the "Big Red One", doing strolling the streets in Junction City these days? How's your inbred, hayseed-ass going to make "ends meet" once the Army retires another brigade, Ekim the Inbred, or is your choice of emoticons a "clue" to your true inner perversions?
Your "modus operandi" is still showing, you ignorantly, bigoted Yankee jackass. Plus, your lazy, lying Yankee ass failed on multiple occasions to use the citations that were previously provided. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Citations? For what, little twat?

BTW, what is my modus operandi? Do you even remember?

Your MO is being butt-fucked by trannies. Especially butt ugly one in New Orleans.

Post a review. Of a woman. If you have the money. Tranny fucker.

And you're still a "catcher".
I B Hankering's Avatar
Citations? For what, little twat?

BTW, what is my modus operandi? Do you even remember?

Your MO is being butt-fucked by trannies. Especially butt ugly one in New Orleans.

Post a review. Of a woman. If you have the money. Tranny fucker.

And you're still a "catcher". Originally Posted by ExNYer
Your "modus operandi" is still showing, you ignorant, bigoted and lying Yankee jackass. Citations were provided for your ignorant Yankee ass, and your ignorant Yankee ass failed to use and learn from them, you ignorant Yankee jackass.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
There you go talking about another man's ass again!

You're so fickle, tranny man!