Trump Found Guilty On All Counts.!!

Yeah then if Trump wins the election Liberals will go out of their mind. No doubt Trump will appeal the verdict. In the meantime Trump wins the election Pardons himself finished business. Liberals will have nervous breakdowns. It's the perfect storm for the elite. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Since it’s a State Crime, I am not sure Trump could pardon himself.

But that will all be a moot point. This case will be tossed on appeal. Probably not by any NY court, but certainly by SCOTUS.

You are correct about the perfect storm. The Liberal Left will all be on suicide watch as America tells them, and New York in particular, to go fuck themselves.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Since it’s a State Crime, I am not sure Trump could pardon himself.

But that will all be a moot point. This case will be tossed on appeal. Probably not by any NY court, but certainly by SCOTUS.

You are correct about the perfect storm. The Liberal Left will all be on suicide watch as America tells them, and New York in particular, to go fuck themselves. Originally Posted by Jackie S
All because you worship a convicted felon who for once didn’t game the system?

Unlikely any appeals court will overturn this. And just saying it over and over won’t make it so.

AMERICA will go on. And without Trump and his MAGA zealots. The big question is how much mayhem will be incited by Twitler, who as you might have forgotten, is charged with crimes related to the Jan. 6 insurrection.

Another time that convict was unable to game the system.
It was a great day yesterday and couldn't happen to anyone nicer, do they provide adult diapers in prison?
Reagan destroyed the world year's ago.

At least we can hold our heads up a little higher around the world.

You sound like a woke lib. Not a Christian Conservative simpleton - the fleeting majority.

Tired old trope. We've heard that here before. Over and over.

Hear, muthuh-fuckin', hear!

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
You sound stupid as usual.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are taking this charade way too seriously.

The majority of voters are seeing this for exactly what it is. A New York prosecutor with the help of a totally biased judge convinced 12 New York citizens to vote guilty on a non existent crime.

These voters will have the last say. And there is nothing that the Prosecutor, The Judge, or even the Jurors can do about it.

The euphoria of the moment will fade as the Leftist/Democrats realize that they have awakened a sleeping giant, and come to the realization that America is tired of their shit. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The sleeping giant woke up when Trump’s SCOTUS overturned Roe. Notice how MAGAS have no recollection of that.

This is the cherry on top. The first of many.

NONEXISTENT crime? Like Jan 6? Like the fake electors in AZ and other states? Like the brazen attempt to overturn the outcome of the 2020 election?

Reality check, Jackie.
eyecu2's Avatar
Since it’s a State Crime, I am not sure Trump could pardon himself.

But that will all be a moot point. This case will be tossed on appeal. Probably not by any NY court, but certainly by SCOTUS.

You are correct about the perfect storm. The Liberal Left will all be on suicide watch as America tells them, and New York in particular, to go fuck themselves. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Hilarious- Trump cannot pardon a single state crime- only a governor can do that. And a pardon doesn't stop the conviction or overturn it- it just commutes the sentence- if he gets one. They may put him on Parole or ROR.- or house arrest.

Him getting overturned on any technical issue, will just mean Alvin & the Funky Bunch will come back and re-try him on the same case.

If conservatives don't like it- they can vote, or pound sand. But they better buckle up cause if Trump-O doesn't get elected in Nov, the remainder of his cases are just around the corner, and he's going to be fucked. Not nice and gentle like ...but without lube and extra sand.
VitaMan's Avatar
The MAGA is a true cult, fully on display here.

It is impossible for them to admit any wrong doing. Their leader Trump is always perfect.
If I was Trump, I wouldn't do or say anything further to piss off the judge more than he already has. A hand slap parole is likely UNLESS his mouth forces the judge to make an example of him with at least some token jail time...say, 6 or 7 months so he can't vote in the next election....or maybe not attend the RNC.
winn dixie's Avatar
If I was Trump, I wouldn't do or say anything further to piss off the judge more than he already has. A hand slap parole is likely UNLESS his mouth forces the judge to make an example of him with at least some token jail time...say, 6 or 7 months so he can't vote in the next election....or maybe not attend the RNC. Originally Posted by reddog1951
His unhinged press conference this morning ain't gonna help him. It actually gave the judge more material to use against him if he chooses.
texassapper's Avatar
I think with the sentencing set four days before the Republican convention, you can count on Trump being detained and imprisoned. Then thre good representatives of the uniparty will move to have some rule change that would require Trump be present to receive the nomination... DeSantis will probably get the nod, along with Nimrata as his Vp and that is how Trump will be prevented from gaining office..... and sometime after the election he will suffer a stroke... and that is how you end a Republic.

Whether Biden or whoever replaces him or the Republican stand in is, is irrelevant. The real fun will then be how the States respond to the Federal government post the election. I suspect there will be a lot of words, but nothing substantial will come of it... and from that point on, you're all on your own in the brave new world of the USSA.
adav8s28's Avatar
The judge was fair with Trump. He should have removed himself, considering his daughter's relationship with the democratic party. Trump can still run for President and if he wins, can still serve his term. Any jail time would be done after his term.

The election will come down to six swing states and 75,000 votes. If Biden wins Mich, Penn, Wisc and Nevada he will have 270 electoral college votes and there is nothing the MAGA's can do about it. Right now in all of the poles Biden and Trump are tied nationally.
Hilarious- Trump cannot pardon a single state crime- only a governor can do that. And a pardon doesn't stop the conviction or overturn it- it just commutes the sentence- if he gets one. They may put him on Parole or ROR.- or house arrest.

Him getting overturned on any technical issue, will just mean Alvin & the Funky Bunch will come back and re-try him on the same case.

If conservatives don't like it- they can vote, or pound sand. But they better buckle up cause if Trump-O doesn't get elected in Nov, the remainder of his cases are just around the corner, and he's going to be fucked. Not nice and gentle like ...but without lube and extra sand. Originally Posted by eyecu2
If Trump does not get elected, conservatives will simply have to put up with Biden. Or, (Shudder), Kamala after Biden either croaks or they pull the 25th on him.

You will have to live with it too.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Will the MAGA whining and denial subside, win or lose?

Trumpler is still moaning about 2016 for Crissakes! And he was elected.

This is the most innocent man in the world. He DID NOTHING WRONG (to type in the vernacular). It was all very rigged.