Bad experience @ Relax--Fawn

dallasfan's Avatar
Services provided should always be between you and the provider imo. It’s always ymmv with reviews giving you a glimpse of what might be available.

You are not buying a tv here.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Services provided should always be between you and the provider imo. It’s always ymmv with reviews giving you a glimpse of what might be available.
Originally Posted by dallasfan
I disagree. This site is for sharing actual info. There is nothing wrong if you do not wish to share, but if you care to do so, why would you just want to share the good experiences only? Could it be fear of retaliation from the studio, provider, WKs? There is a reason why there is an activities line in reviews, if everyone thought that services were between the client and provider, then the activities portion in reviews would be blank. You are right that it is always ymmv, but reviews are for posting YOUR EXPERIENCE, hence the name "review", not what you think others might possibly get.
dallasfan's Avatar
Ask yourself that because all your reviews are ‘yes’.

I have ‘no’ reviews.

I only review maybe 10% of my sessions. Some of my favorite girls, best session or utr I don’t review. Some ho hum sessions I don’t review. I review when I want to or if there is a review special and I want to hold up my end of the bargain
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I appreciate your civil dialog, dallasfan, it is a rarity on Eccie!

I do not know what your qualifications for the recommendation on your reviews go, but of my 38 reviews, they may all give "yes" on the recommendation, but my criteria for that just means that she did not rip me off by either cash and dash or bait and switch, she did not cut my time short, and of course, I got my nut. However, the ROS of the reviews are my honest opinion of how the session went, including but not limited to the provider's TCB skills and overall attitude during the session. If it was "would I see her again" instead of would I recommend her, then I would have several "no's". There is no made up bullshit for entertainment value for views or in hopes that other dudes will give me props, or embellishment to satisfy her or in the Relax case, the owner who has BCD access. Looking at your 62 reviews, there is 1 "no" recommendation and that was on a BP girl over 5 years ago, so that really does not mean much.

Keeping on thread subject, I believe that if you look at the history of the reviews/back channel info of Relax2013, the pattern is IF a guy chooses to post a review of his less than stellar session, as in the OP's case, or even mentions it in the back channels, then he is eventually banned from returning to the studio in the future. As you have said in a previous post, all sessions are YMMV. And, as I am sure you also know, not every girl brings her "A" game every single time. But, because the client is paying every time, he should have the right to review his experience if he so chooses, without repercussions from Relax or their WKs. After all, Eccie is an ALL relevant info a guy wishes to share site, not posting just the good stuff or else site.
dallasfan's Avatar
The truth in the review is whether you will go back.

I’ve seen negative reviews and there has been plenty of negative comments about some of the girls at relax. But there is a difference between making a negative comment and having an agenda against a girl.
The truth in the review is whether you will go back.

I’ve seen negative reviews and there has been plenty of negative comments about some of the girls at relax. But there is a difference between making a negative comment and having an agenda against a girl. Originally Posted by dallasfan

^^^^^^^^ This.

I think there is a huge difference between highlighting the negatives vs being completely negative.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I agree with you, dallasfan, the truth is IN the review itself as it should be, not in the recommendation to others, as far as whether the reviewer will see the provider again or not. That is why my criteria is what it is.

I have seen negative reviews/comments on Relax girls too, and I am pretty sure that all who have done those reviews were subsequently banned from future visits. Take the OP of this thread/review as an example. He authored a negative review, tho not in a review format, with no animosity against Fawn, Hell, he even scheduled with her knowing she does not do upgrades, but he was perturbed with the scheduler who per him lied about the activities, so he was just relating his experience and I saw no agenda against Fawn or Relax for that matter, reading the review. Then it appears that instead of an apology for the misinformation, the response he recieved from Relax was that he was banned from future visits.

dallasfan's Avatar
he was mad she didn’t do ss but she actually did do ss but with a condom so the scheduler did not lie.

Sometimes people get so mad you can’t reason with them and I think that is where the ban came in. The guy said he went there for two years without a problem. He could have just chalk this up to a bad session and mark her of the list.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Could be about him being so mad and unable to reason with him and he said the magic word(s) that made Relax give him the boot, valid point. But what would make a good client of two years with no issues before, get to that stage of banning him from future visits? Did he pay full price and get told "too bad"? It is all speculation at best, but there is definitely more to the story on both sides.