What’s the deal with showering? Question for the guys :)

I think everyone can agree that folks should be clean and prepare themselves accordingly for an appointment. This applies to both parties. One thing to also take into account (that I don't think has been mentioned) - especially as it pertains to 'first time encounters' is that some folks might feel uncomfortable placing themselves in what could be regarded as a very vulnerable position in an unfamiliar place. Unless the provide accompanies the hobbyist, one may wonder what is taking place 'outside that bathroom door'; is my stuff being looked through, will I be met by another person, etc?

Just something to consider. No, not paranoid. Just been in this hobby since before this site (and renditions thereof) was even around. Heard and known of folks coming out of a shower to find money, jewelry, etc. missing or some 'manager' wanting his money. The hobby can be a ton of fun. But it's also got some very dark shit (thread pun intended) in its corner as well. Be safe (and clean) everyone.
madmilo69's Avatar
I don't know what the big deal is. I always make sure I shower before my appointment and if she asks me to shower again, I have no problem with that. The last thing I want is to worry that something isn't clean and not be able to enjoy my time. I can't see how anyone can show up to an appointment knowing they aren't clean. On the other hand I have had appointments with a couple of ladies in the past that didn't shower before I arrived. Talk about a real boner killer. How do you not smell what I smell?
And one time a couple of years ago I met a provider that was a little too cautious, I showered before the session and she asked me to shower when I got there (which I did) and then when I laid on the bed she took out a spray bottle of alcohol and sprayed it all over my junk. I asked why she did that, she said if I had any sores down there I would have screamed and she would have asked me to leave so she just wanted to make sure I was safe. That's right, kill it before it grows.
Providers need to shower before every session too
I never go back if their hair is dirty , or they smell like smoke or lots of perfume
One provider I use to see regularly - room smelled like Amsterdam coffee shop, her massage table sheet was cum stained too and I barely made it thru the session - I was seeing her twice monthly but not anymore
Wash your hair if you are working? Big turn off - greasy hair , smokey room and or dirty sheets
I’m a clean freak and shower before every session and expect same
rCoder's Avatar
Proper hygiene for sex is a really old subject. Don’t believe me? Read the Karma Sutra, don’t just look at the pictures.

At least four of your five senses directly benefit from all parties being clean.