IF We Build It - They Will Come

ManSlut's Avatar
... So our building projects are moving along.
Gonna be Low rises for people... And the first step
is to be certain that the people with the real estates
are NOT "over-valuating" their property.

So our mates are surely looking-into THAT.
Just to make sure that we're treated fairly.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
If you knew anything about real estate Salty, you might have known anytime you announce your plan to ‘develop’ an area, even a slum, you just started an over evaluation of said property...But, Trumpy idiots should know only Donald knows ‘The Art of a Deal’ and his sheep are idiots.
... And it surely looks like another builder or two will be
stepping into the process at Martha's Vineyard.

Surely seem others wanna copy the success of "Salt-ti-Largo"...
... Hopefully, I'll have more news about this come Monday.

#### Salty
... I surely got some Good News concerning me building projects
'round Martha's Vineyard. ...

... A well-intended party has agreed to take-over the
construction of alternative housing there.

... The NEW buildings will NOT be called "Salt-ti-Largo"
- as I was able to retain the use the name.

And it looks like me education from Trump University
has helped me once again make a difference to help people. ...

No need to thank me - virtue is surely its-own reward...

#### Salty
... Hmmmmm... So it surely seem that me building project
to be constructed at Martha's Vineyard is being put on hold.

The well-intended party is gonna be re-building parts
of Florida FIRST.

So I reckon you fellows can credit ME with helping the
cause over Florida-way also! ...

Though I did hear that Guv. DeSantis is gonna send the
border-crossers - the ones Nancy Pelosi said can help pick
the Florida fruit harvest - over to the Northern territorys
of California to work in Pelosi's grape fields.
To help her Winery.

... Might need to build more housings over that-way...

#### Salty
HedonistForever's Avatar
Or Obama could put back that tent he used for his birthday party! That sucker could hold double the amount of "crop pickers", as Nancy Pelosi calls them. What, you didn't hear Nancy chastise DeSantis for sending migrants perfectly capable of picking Florida agriculture to MV where they would only be good for cleaning toilets according to Nancy.

And Democrats are scratching their heads wondering why in the world they are losing Hispanic votes after all the Democrats do for them, breaking the law in hopes of getting their votes as soon as Democrats can proclaim them all legal to pick crops.
... One of our BEST Threads...

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
Doesn't meet the tuck pad test, saltlick.
Buried over 200+ pages back of bestest threads in the queue.