Rejected Gents, What do you use for screening?

I'm not very active in the hobby and that often makes references difficult. I research until I find a spacial lady that catches my attention and then hopes she will work with me.
Tooly's Avatar
  • Tooly
  • 12-18-2009, 07:56 AM
I can honestly say I have only been rejected one time. It was a younger lady from out of town. I think what happened was I gave her a reference from some ladies that use a person to schedule for them and they did not remember me. Even though I seen the girl 2 different times. The really funny thing was the second email I got from the provider said you have some really good references that vouch for you. Then the 3rd email she declined to see me because one provider could not remember seeing me and did not remember my name (handle). Well that is the excuse she used anyway.

There have been some ladies that did not reply to the initial email but, I don't think that would qualify as a rejection. Only after you give them references would it be a rejection IMHO. I am sure some ladies get hundreds of email a day and cannot answer all of them. Also, I get replies 3 or 4 days later due to them being so busy.

Once I see a provider I have pretty good luck from there. As we all know though not everyone is going to click. I have only seen one that would not see me a second time. She even complimented heavly on some of my skills but, would not reply to a second appointment. Oh well there are so many beautiful ladies to see why wonder about one particular one. I am kinda like SP the hunt goes on.
Introuble's Avatar
I was with Jenna the other day as I was taming her monkey and we were talking about the time she rejected me years ago. The simple explanation was that there was something I said, or maybe how I said it that spooked her. She later told me once at a social she would never see me but could not really remember why now. As I was leaving we both asked ourselves...... "what took us so long to see each other" and realized (hopefully) how silly the whole thing was. Time changes things sometimes.

I also spooked Jazzmine once too because I would not give her a work number. A year later she saw me anyway after I helped her do something. Saw her many times after that.

Many times the rejection is unfounded and is easily overcome once you spend some time to get to know them. Honestly however, rejection seems to be less when times are the toughest. When times are better, I suspect they can pick and choose a little more. I would venture to say that rejection is rare during these economic times unless you are a total shithead on the phone.
Introuble's Avatar
Even with 73 P411 okays I sometime get a no reply from a P411 request, I just move down the list. Originally Posted by SP Hunter
I think some girls are not "full time" or have retired. It might be a week before they even check their email and then (if they are smart) they do not return your phone call. I agree with most that a simply email saying they got the "request" would be nice.

Gina tries to do a good job at keeping the site current but with so many providers it is hard.
Never been rejected (except once by Hooter because I didn't have any references back then), but it's not at all uncommon for an email inquiry not to be returned. Sometimes when that happens, I'll hear from the provider days or even a week or two later saying sorry they didn't get back earlier and asking if I want to schedule.
My biz has slowed very much since I have been asking for refs. I advertise on BP and I get so many phone calls.....but none have refs!!! I know at least half the guys that call have seen at least 1 lady before. Can one of you guy tell me what it some not like using refs??? Its just crazy to me. I'd like to know what else you guys use if you don't have refs as could help me out!!!
I would venture to say that rejection is rare during these economic times unless you are a total shithead on the phone. Originally Posted by Introuble
Actually, you would be surprised at how false that is. I can't speak for everyone, but not all money is good money. No money is worth my health, safety, or freedom. If those little bells are going off in my head, its not happening.

Generally with me, even if I am not interested in a client, I still have the courtesy to let him know. Most times with me, since I choose to not see many clients a day, I have to turn gents away because I am already booked.
Bestman200600's Avatar
There are a number of top ladies on this board and aspd that will research your posting before they agree to a date. If you have a history of making negative comments on threads or have given a negative review to one of the top girls your chances of a date with them are zero.
Mature Companion's Avatar
My biz has slowed very much since I have been asking for refs. I advertise on BP and I get so many phone calls.....but none have refs!!! I know at least half the guys that call have seen at least 1 lady before. Can one of you guy tell me what it some not like using refs??? Its just crazy to me. I'd like to know what else you guys use if you don't have refs as could help me out!!! Originally Posted by Carly's Angels

You, will always come across those guys who refuse to provide references/screening. (providing ref. means that said ref. might alert you to their board behavior & or any other alerts on the guy).

Some sage advice. Your safety and those of the girls in your group are more important than any amount of monies you all make.
SCREEN SCREEN SCREEN! Your lives depend on it. Regardless if your business slows down.
Mature Companion's Avatar
There are a number of top ladies on this board and aspd that will research your posting before they agree to a date. If you have a history of making negative comments on threads or have given a negative review to one of the top girls your chances of a date with them are zero. Originally Posted by Bestman200600
I find that sad. Because, regardless if a guy posts something negative.
It's his overall (respect toward women) and the feedback I receive from his
(mature) ref. that make me want to see him or choose to decline.

We all at some point will make negative remarks that others won't agree with.
And there are going to be times when a hobbyist has a not so pleasant time with a provider and should be able to honestly post it.
gman44's Avatar
I have been rejected before but that was a long time ago but ya know, life goes on
I have seen two "well known" providers. One is no longer with us, sadly. The other is semi-retired, but she would give me a good reference. I have been rejected, more so I didnt even get a answer from several ladies. I have been burned badly on backpage and CL, so I no longer go that route. I have been screened and accepted by a "Very well known lady on this board". We just havent had a chance too meet as of yet. Therefore, I have a pocket full of hobby money, and no place to spend it. Sometimes life just sucks.
ODN25's Avatar
  • ODN25
  • 12-26-2009, 03:45 PM
I know that there has been this whole newbie problem with P411 but there is a way to handle it. Find girls who are on P411 who also advertise Body Rubs on BP. Go visit those ladies and be kind and generous to them. After a day or so request an ok on P411 and build up your approvals.

Just a thought.
  • npita
  • 12-26-2009, 08:12 PM
Do people actually get rejected? Originally Posted by Introuble
I'm always surprised that people get rejected. It must have to do with the initial contact. I've never been turned down for an appointment and almost never been screened. If someone is having difficulty, he should take more time to write the initial contact message and make certain he addresses the provider's concerns for her safety. I've sent newbies suggestions in this regard and so far they've all managed to get the appointments they've wanted without any difficulty. Apperaing to be literate and not asking about services goes a long way.

Wicked MilF: I find that sad. Because, regardless if a guy posts something negative. It's his overall (respect toward women) and the feedback I receive from his (mature) ref. that make me want to see him or choose to decline.
How one says something is always much more important than what is said. There are many ways to say the same thing, so thinking before typing goes a long way. I think guys who get turned down for what they've posted have, in general, not chosen their words carefully.
  • npita
  • 12-27-2009, 06:46 AM
My biz has slowed very much since I have been asking for refs. I advertise on BP and I get so many phone calls.....but none have refs!!! I know at least half the guys that call have seen at least 1 lady before. Can one of you guy tell me what it some not like using refs??? Its just crazy to me. I'd like to know what else you guys use if you don't have refs as could help me out!!! Originally Posted by Carly's Angels
I've only given references twice and I only did it then because the providrs I wanted to see were friends with providers who knew me. I never gave references simply because no one ever really asked for references. I always booked at least 2-3 hours and wrote well thought out messages to the providers I wanted to see. I think, went a long way in overcoming the desire to screen me much beyond reading my posts. After I joined p411, I even deleted the okays I got from providers I considered to be less than I thought they should be. Essentially, I think it came down to the fact that I was booking appointments for several hours at $$.5/hour - $$$/hour with the idea of finding one provider to see regularly instead of 1/2 hour or 1 hour, one-time appointments. I imagine it's a lot easier to turn down a one-time, $$.5 than to turn down a $$$$$$+ potential regular.