Review. wrong rates, age, etc.

NipLover's Avatar
Casper, if you drop it now...never post another thing...wait about 5 or 6 months...then maybe some newbie will let you book with her. So I say you have a good shot at getting laid by the 4th of July!
In actuality no here even has to say a word to this guy. Just let him keep posting as he's doing a far better job of alienating himself. He is so blatantly self destructive in terms of hobby credit that he makes both Humpty and Snoop look amateur in comparison. If it were not for the fact that Crystal actually met him I would almost think it was Humpty/Leslie reincarnated to pull everyone's chain yet once again.
In actuality no here even has to say a word to this guy. Just let him keep posting as he's doing a far better job of alienating himself. He is so blatantly self destructive in terms of hobby credit that he makes both Humpty and Snoop look amateur in comparison. If it were not for the fact that Crystal actually met him I would almost think it was Humpty/Leslie reincarnated to pull everyone's chain yet once again. Originally Posted by Codybeast
In the beginning I had the same thought, but I don't think it is.

I almost want to start a Casper thread, so that we can just let him go at it, and get it away from this Crystal thread, since she has washed her hands of this nonsense.
and the only thing I truly remember was what she looked like and I decided instead of leaving to just offer less. That may piss people off but it's honest. If someone wants to sell me a BMW and when I show up it looks like a beatup caddy then I'm either going to walk away or offer less. Originally Posted by Casper78
I find this absolutely hilarious.

Why, you ask?

Because you already indicated that you always offer less than the required donation, and that you think it's perfectly fine to haggle with providers upon arrival... so your lame assertion that you only offered less because of Crystal's appearance is pretty asinine. But then again, so is about 98.7% of what you post here.
But then again, so is about 98.7% of what you post here. Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
Natalie - Can you please indicate the 1.3% that's not asinine.
Natalie - Can you please indicate the 1.3% that's not asinine. Originally Posted by TheCandyMan
I distinctly recall a few words... "At this point I really have no clue what I gave her" that seemed to be on point. Does anyone believe Casper really has any clue about any of his encounters with providers here lately?
Guest092815's Avatar
So first she says she never did anything for less than 80, then she post it was 40 WTF? At this point I really have no clue what I gave her. I've seen providers since and the only thing I truly remember was what she looked like and I decided instead of leaving to just offer less. That may piss people off but it's honest. If someone wants to sell me a BMW and when I show up it looks like a beatup caddy then I'm either going to walk away or offer less. Originally Posted by Casper78
No, Casper, I said you ripped me off, shorted me on my donation by forty dollars, on a day in which I offered a special I wouldn't usually go that low. You have flip flopped in your statements about the fee, because you are LYING all the way around, and you can't find a way out.

So, then you tried to add years on to my age, dramatically. That's pure bullshit, I know I look younger and have never even smoked a cigarette.

Lastly, now you are comparing me to a beatup caddy? Are you fucking kidding me? You must have me confused with someone else.

This is personal now, buddy, whereas I wasn't even pissed before. You have done nothing but tell lie after lie about your encounter with me.

Funny, I texted you today, requesting the 40 you shorted me. That was around 2:30pm, and then at 3something, you add this nasty remark--lie about my appearance.

You have gone too far, motherfucker! My pretty face and tight body can be attested to by many here. ~You are one lone jackass, whining in the night.
Guest092815's Avatar
Hmm....Casper78's phone keeps texting me "sorry, wrong number" when I try to reach him. Didn't the review state that it was posted by phone? He sure called and texted me, but now that is not his number, all of a sudden?

One last thought, Casper, did you ever notice how when people use the word "honest" in telling a story, that they are actually being dis-honest?

Casper78, you are a rip-off artist, misogynist, and oh yes--a slanderer.
Yssup Rider's Avatar


At least this discussion has stayed on the high road. I don't know too many civilized folk who use that language.

This is about $40?

Jesus! Grow up!

BTW --- LOVE your new "skinny" pix CK. You're a babe, schwing!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Oh yeah ... CASPER this is America. Say what you gotta say. People are wimps. If they can't handle the truth of your experience then they're as narrow minded as ... well, we cant talk about the Barbarians in government, can we?


At least this discussion has stayed on the high road. I don't know too many civilized folk who use that language.

This is about $40?

Jesus! Grow up!

BTW --- LOVE your new "skinny" pix CK. You're a babe, schwing! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
This is not at all about $40 from what I've read. It is about a client showing up and haggling a provider down from her known rate upon arriving period. True there was no gun at her head or threat forcing her to accept the offer. She should have kicked his ass out and perhaps she contributed to this behavior to some extent by even agreeing to it but his actions reveal a complete lack of respect, class and a total disregard for providers in general which will cost him appts. on the board. Of course he can still use other resources I'm sure. Yes she went a bit overboard with the cursing but it doesn't take rocket science to see that she was emotionally responding to a direct and quite obviously deliberate insult. If he had started off by stating he haggled because he was not impressed that would be one thing but that is Not the case. He stated a totally different reasoning at first and you know this.

Oh yeah ... CASPER this is America. Say what you gotta say. People are wimps. If they can't handle the truth of your experience then they're as narrow minded as ... well, we cant talk about the Barbarians in government, can we? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
His self contradicting responses very clearly indicate that he is stating anything BUT the truth. I get the whole "stand up for the underdog" thing you're going for but at least utilize some small degree of intellectual thought applied to a valid point before showing your colors. The guy is Not getting unfairly picked on by some bunch of White Knights. He started out his race here acting like a complete a-hole and the responses are no less that what is to be expected.
I distinctly recall a few words... "At this point I really have no clue what I gave her" that seemed to be on point. Does anyone believe Casper really has any clue about any of his encounters with providers here lately? Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
Thank you Natalie.....I think the 5 words "I really have no clue" pretty much sums it up.
tron's Avatar
  • tron
  • 01-05-2011, 07:01 AM

I don't know too many civilized folk who use that language. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I'd say it is equivalent to 'shithead' - implied in your sig line. Pretty funny coming from a guy with a turd on the back of his head. You might want to read the first page or 2 of the thread before posting a comment like the one encouraging Casper.

Oh... welcome to my ignore list. Please add me to yours as well.
Leslie Lane's Avatar
You tell him Cody & Tron!!! He's just an "original chithead"!!! Casper too.

Ooops, I guess I'm not "civilized folk".....

**This has nothing to do with money and everything to do with treating a provider the way a hobbiest would expect to be treated. Bottom line. It's about respect and consideration. Traits that Casper obviously seems to lack. I'm sorry he did this to you Crystal. Chin up.
Guest092815's Avatar


At least this discussion has stayed on the high road. I don't know too many civilized folk who use that language.

Civilized? It was not my first choice of words, but after being slandered---(oops, I should have used the word, libel) for days by Casper78, I am pretty pissed by now. I reserve motherfucker for very special occasions, and I think this is quite fitting.

This is about $40?

Uh, no!! If you read the review and then Casper's attempted rebuttal, maybe you will see. It is about the fact he keeps changing his story, and has lied about my age and now my appearance.

I never asked him for the 40 until yesterday. I have been shorted occasionally before and like a lady, just let it go. This is not about money. This is about my reputation.

Jesus! Grow up!

Do you mean that I am immature for calling Casper78 a motherfucker, or do you think he is immature for ripping me off, bragging about it, lying all along the way, and adding that my appearance is less than it is?

BTW --- LOVE your new "skinny" pix CK. You're a babe, schwing! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
really? I have lost 6# since those were taken anyway, and I will get new pics asap. I do hope you aren't being sarcastic.

I did say the word, but yes, I am pissed. There is no resolution to the situation, so I felt MF was the least I could say..

Thanks to all the decent folks on the board!!!

Much love,