When everything is always the other side's fault the echo chamber can be hard to see through at times. This is why we have SCOTUS which exists largely outside the political machine and a court system that operates by rules of law instead of opinion polls.
The incident in Utah is about one person. Not Trump not Biden. Someone so hell bent on hating Biden (No argument against it just making a point here) understands that being old and feeble does not disqualify someone from being dangerous.
When a group of agents knock on the front door with a warrant we have a choice. There is zero doubt they had probable cause to be there so the issue becomes how the deceased responded. Those wanting to live through the encounter drop any weapons, put their hands up, and show no signs of resistance. Those who seek a different outcome often don't survive to tell their side of the story.
I feel for his family and the neighbors whose lives are being disrupted and hope that they find some peace knowing that he chose his own path to a glory which is all of our right to do whether it makes sense to me or not.
I see his death as a statement of Freedom. When we exercise a Freedom we take on the responsibility of consequences if we do not use it properly. This incident serves as a reminder that not all speech is protected and our Freedom absolutely allows for our life to be the price paid.