The Democrats Biggest Problem As They Attempt To “Rebrand” Kamala

Will know more after the convention. There are many Dims who do not want Harris!! Thats why Trump is waiting until after the convention to debate. It might not be Harris
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Will know more after the convention. There are many Dims who do not want Harris!! Thats why Trump is waiting until after the convention to debate. It might not be Harris Originally Posted by onthemovie
She was one of the reasons why Biden tanked.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
So she passed Cal. Bar exam. That doesn't make her wise. Wisdom is what counts when you are in a position that affects other people's lives. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Harris failed the California bar exam on her first try, something that ada conveniently doesn't mention.
adav8s28's Avatar
Harris failed the California bar exam on her first try, something that ada conveniently doesn't mention. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
A lot of law school students take the Calif bar exam more than once. It's the second hardest bar exam in the world. Only New York state bar exam is more difficult.

In 2020 the pass rate for first time takers of the Calif bar exam was just 45%. See the link below.

Just to add a little context. Half the republicans on here think she only got as far as she has because of then San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown (who was and attorney too). Point is he would not have been able to advance her career until she passed the Calif bar exam. You can't practice law, you can't be a District Attorney or an Attorney General for the state until you pass the state bar exam!

Trump is trying to say she never passed the Calif bar exam which is not a true statement.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
And the biggest problem with Trump is he is Trump. His performance yesterday at the National Association of Black Journalists was beyond bad. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I watched it on YouTube and it just goes to show why rebranding is so important for not only Kamala but also Donald Duck. Trump was saying the exact same nonsense that he says to his uneducated gullible MAGA cult. It was laughable to say the least. How hard is it to change your fiction script up a bit to cater to a completely different demographic of educated black people? What the fuck was that dummy thinking? His advisers were very wise to cut that short.

Kamala will be rebranded as she should. I would say at the very least to get rid of her nervous smile when it is inappropriate to have one. But when you think about it, how do you not smile or not laugh your ass off when you are dealing with the absurdity and immaturity of a 78-year-old man baby? That old fool was still talking about "aborting" a baby after birth. Ummmm, I am pretty sure that is considered murder everywhere in this country you big fucking dummy. LOL
Precious_b's Avatar
How are they trying to rebrand kamala?
And why? Originally Posted by winn dixie
Ask myself that too. Another example of the repubs talking cray cray.

Dems don't need to rebrand kamala. Nor are they trying Originally Posted by winn dixie
Yup. The speed which she wrapped up getting support shows that.

With all due respect, you are just plain wrong.

And I should not have to explain why. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Thank you for not attempting to. You would be one of the few righties not showing the low factual, extreme bias of what you would post to support.

Once again the Left is caught trying to defend the indefensible Originally Posted by Jackie S
That they can get their act together and move the party to support a leader? Get legislation done? Readily reach across the aisle?

What did Biden and Harris build back better? Was it for the people or them? You might want to look at it on those terms. I live in this country the same as you, I don't see anything changing for the better. It's the same old vile crap. Originally Posted by Levianon17
It probably was the righties who voted against Build Back Better but were the first ones in front of the camera taking credit for it in front of their constituents.

I can’t wait to see Kamala off Teleprompter.
It’s a disaster waiting to happen.

Here is a good example Originally Posted by Jackie S
Than tell that fat cheese puff to stop dodgering about and stick with his commitment in debating.


... The Dem's biggest problem with Kamala - IS Kamala! :

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
The repubs biggest problem with donny - is they support a Cleptocracy (sp)
Good grief. I can’t believe you all are falling for the Democrats ridiculous efforts in trying to “rebrand” Knee Pads.

She can’t lug a teleprompter around everywhere. Sooner or later, voters will see she is the same dim witted kackling cunt she was in 2020, when she got zero votes.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Good grief. I can’t believe you all are falling for the Democrats ridiculous efforts in trying to “rebrand” Knee Pads.

She can’t lug a teleprompter around everywhere. Sooner or later, voters will see she is the same dim witted kackling cunt she was in 2020, when she got zero votes. Originally Posted by Jackie S
If Kamala Harris is elected president it won’t be because she’s the best candidate. It will be because Trump is the worst candidate.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
^^^^ Yep. I hope MAGAs reading that actually understand the difference between "worse" and "WORST".

Stubbornness gets you in trouble. Not rebranding when you got your ass kicked in 2020 (which both did when running for POTUS) is stupid. Trump insists on running under the same divisive MAGA short bus platform. Kamala will make it a point to be inclusive for all and not that us against them Trump stupid bullshit... that's rebranding.

The results will show again in November that Trump made a mistake with his stubbornness and stupidity by not changing his con a few years after 2020.
Agent220's Avatar
If Kamala Harris is elected president it won’t be because she’s the best candidate. It will be because Trump is the worst candidate. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

Trump has 3 big problems:

1. A lot of the voter base in MAGA land are underestimating her by continuing the rubbish dribble of "They are stealing the election" which is complete bullshit and the "she's not black" argument.

2. Kamala taking point has given a lot of progressives and liberals juice to get out, recruit and vote. With her connections to Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority, she has a pipeline to eligible Gen Z voters across campuses nationwide. Megan the Stallion despite all the twerking brings followers. It is highly rumored that Taylor Swift will endorse Kamala. If you saw the NFL last season, jersey sales and viewership for Kansas City went bonkers. That same thing can happen at registration and at the polls.

Trump in my view will need to get younger people to come in to offset that since his base is older.

3.Trump made two mistakes-being highly unlikeable outside the MAGA bubble which is why he lost in 2020. Folks were tired of his rhetoric and went with Biden simply because he wasn't Trump.

The other issue is JD Vance. Vance being a veteran helps but his lone year as the junior Senator is not enough energy to the party. Many Maga fans even on Twitter and other social media outlets didn't like the Vance selection. Lately Vance with his comments towards childless cat ladies and such are not only galvanizing Dems but are also rubbing independents the wrong way.

Can Donald win the election-absolutely. Kamala has to own the border issue. If the economy turns sour, it'll swap independents over to Trump quickly.
Michael8219's Avatar
“The repubs biggest problem with donny - is they support a Cleptocracy (sp)”

Ummm if you believe that, I’ve got some worthless Hunter Biden artwork for sale in exchange for an appointment in the dumocrat government. And I will threaten Ukraine if they don’t get rid of their prosecutor investigating Buresma and Hunter. “10% for the Big Guy.” Hunter…to the Chinese, I believe: ima gonna text my daddy rightnow if u dont give me the $!

Wake up!
Michael8219's Avatar
Unfortunately for Americans the jobless rate just hit 4.3% and climbing.

This may be enough to get Trump elected but he needs to measure his words. Surely his advisors have tried to restrain him but he doesn’t listen. Stay away from labels regarding race and keep repeating accomplishments.

And they certainly knew about Vance’s 2021 video regarding childless cat ladies but named him anyway. Guess the voting block of childless cat ladies is small, but the dems will take up their cause.
adav8s28's Avatar
Unfortunately for Americans the jobless rate just hit 4.3% and climbing.

This may be enough to get Trump elected but.............. Originally Posted by Michael8219
If the jobless rate goes back to 4.1% before the election does that mean that Harris will win?
Michael8219's Avatar
If the jobless rate goes back to 4.1% before the election does that mean that Harris will win? Originally Posted by adav8s28
I doubt it would but a decrease from 4.3% to 4.1% is not much different statistically speaking.

Most likely we are in or headed for a 6 to 8 month “recession.”

And in a recovery, lower-paid workers return to work first, pulling average earnings down. Employers are hesitant to hire until they see sustained demand for their goods and services. Think about it…if you’re a dancer or provider and things are quiet, might you give 2 for $30 dances? Or grab a close dancer friend and give a little 2 for 1 dance to drum up some business?

Parry - thrust - wham bam thank you m’am. Cheers!
Precious_b's Avatar
Good grief. I can’t believe you all are falling for the Democrats ridiculous efforts in trying to “rebrand” Knee Pads.

She can’t lug a teleprompter around everywhere. Sooner or later, voters will see she is the same dim witted kackling cunt she was in 2020, when she got zero votes. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Y'all maga nuts love the fact that your Faux Fearless Leader projects a tough person persona. Tell us all why he is scared to debate a woman? If everything is say is true about her, this is a walk in the park for him to prove what you say.

“The repubs biggest problem with donny - is they support a Cleptocracy (sp)”

Ummm if you believe that, I’ve got some worthless Hunter Biden artwork for sale in exchange for an appointment in the dumocrat government. And I will threaten Ukraine if they don’t get rid of their prosecutor investigating Buresma and Hunter. “10% for the Big Guy.” Hunter…to the Chinese, I believe: ima gonna text my daddy rightnow if u dont give me the $!

Wake up! Originally Posted by Michael8219
Not a matter of believe. It is on the record. Cheating a person at charity event. Having non-profit forced to shutter because of pocketing funds. And the icing on the cake is having to take court ordered ethics classes.

That happens because you have thieving qualities.