It is some truth to what you said and it stinks really bad.
I get really tired of being called a racist. A black man hater, a sell-out. The white man's money is better, you can't handle a black man, its endless. Its very tiresome.
I really try to stay out of these threads, the simple truth is these men are not being honest at all. They are picky, and that is their right to be picky, but they want to see a particular race. They should be honest and say, "Why won't White, Asian and Latina providers see me?". I can respect that so much more.
Its always the same, the first three sentences of these threads always starts with, Im an educated, professional,
bi-racial African American man. They are hoping someone will see them biased off the bi-racial part. I think that is a bad way to plea a case.
It bothers me, when educated, professional, bi-racial African American men post these threads, and shun their African American woman, funny they never get called out for, in fact, they get pats on the back for it. African American women do not post threads wondering why, we don't post threads pleading our cases non-stop. We move on and be happy with the clients who enjoy our company. There are lots of men who would not see us and we don't scream and shout about it. Maybe I should scream and shout about it.
Have a good day folks.
Really??? To me, this thread sounds more like "trying to understand why" and/or "commenting negatively on the practice" rather than borderline trying to force someone to see AA clients. Certainly, just like certain employers who are small enough that they're not subject to the employment discrimination laws, escorts are free to establish whatever rules they choose. But freedom to choose how to run their business does not mean freedom from criticism for or disapproval of those choices.
We criticize businesses (not just P4P) for, and disapprove of, their policies all the time. Within P4P, some clients may criticize certain ladies, and some ladies may criticize certain clients, for various types of unprofessional behavior. For that matter, some clients may criticize certain ladies, and some ladies may criticize certain clients, for an unattractive personality or character. It's all fair game and it doesn't imply an effort to force someone to change their behavior.
If a lady doesn't want to see AA clients, I absolutely and positively think she should not, because it would be unfair to the client if she couldn't treat him the same way as other clients. There are a lot of possible reasons a lady would choose not to see AA clients, and her reason may not reflect negatively on her personality or character. A lady is certainly not required to explain her choice. But if she doesn't, she can hardly complain when bystanders draw the understandable inference that it might be due to "hatred or intolerance of another race" or applying unfounded stereotypes broadly to an entire group. There are probably more who think it than those who voice their opinion. Just as with, for example, small businesses that discriminate in employment decisions. If you're not concerned about their opinion, just ignore it, and threads like this will die a quick death.
Originally Posted by Chevalier