Don't think I would be very successful with a 3 inch penis though. lol
Originally Posted by burkalini
The preponderance of nerve endings in the vagina are in the opening and first three inches. So maybe you'd be more successful than you think. (*grin*)
You are right, of course, that if a woman wishes to be penetrated you'd need to get it up. However, this isn't as difficult as you might expect.
Nature created women to be attractive to men so men would be willing to propagate the species. True, not all women are identically attractive; but certainly most gravid females are sufficiently so.
And, don't forget, that just as we guys usually go to extremes to assure our cleanliness and so forth for the providers we see; ladies could reasonably be expected to do the same or else have a YMMV experience.
As a provider you would have the ability to be at least somewhat discriminating as to your clients. I know one lady provider who only sees guys with two distinct professions and one specific ethnicity -- nobody else, ever. I know another one who specifies a maximum weight for men who see her. You could be as specific as you like.
I am reminded a bit of one lady. She has other paying work. As a result, she never HAS to see anyone. She could go all year without ever seeing a client, and be just fine financially. So she can afford to be choosy. Who says, to be a provider, you'd have to do it full-time?
So you could select clients that you believe meet your criteria such that you would be able to do a good job. You don't have to take all comers.
Of course, there is also no law saying you have to use your penis on a client. She might find having a vibrator inserted while you go down on her to be preferable. She might want role play. She might want you to tie her up and tickle her nipples with a feather as you suck on her wrists. She might want a nice massage followed by oral.
I think you might be surprised at what you could pull off.