The Left Can’t Meme or Shoot

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what "job"

"border zar" ?
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Hopefully, PM will give us all a fish...

Meanwhile, back on topic...

..teach a Trump fanboy ta fish and he will... able ta eat after he loses alla his money on DJT Media stock and World Liberty Financial crypto...

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A newly resurfaced 2018 video obtained by DailyMail shows Kamala Harris chanting alongside protesters and Jussie Smollet:

“Down down with deportation.”

“Up up with agitation.”

“Down down with deportation.”

I’m sure she’ll say she’s since changed her position…
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Thank GAWD Trump never changed his position on anything...

Jeezis. Every fuggin politishun flip flops. Why do you geniuses keep beating that same old drum? Oh...wait...I know...cuz ya gotta deflect from whatta amazing incompetent immoral lyin traitorous asshole Stupor Trump izzzz....

Groceries were 20-30% cheaper under Trump. Gas was a hell of a lot cheaper. Wars weren't breaking out around the world. Quality of life was a lot better. Which policy of Kamala's is going to return us to those days? Answer: NONE. Despite guys like roo and elg who just bash Trump and mock actual incidents, sane people see the difference and that's why Trump is very likely to win in November. Undecideds and independents want to know where candidates stand. They're flocking to Trump because they can see what his positions are. Kamala just hides.

True story!
OK, fake ragers….you are all offended and triggered by a smart ass comment about poor old Stupor Trump being targeted by a couple of Conservative malcontents, but no rage for this?

This city in Ohio is being terrorized by Trump and Vance. Innocent people are having their lives disrupted, hospitals and schools closing, and people now living in fear of right wing attacks…both real and on social media.

Again…..terrorism directly done by Trump and Vance again American citizens.

Or this nugget:

Again, terrorism done by an extreme right wing ELECTED official against American citizens.

There are many more examples in the past years of Trump going after American citizens. Starting back with Colin Kaepernick. Whether you like him or not, he was a citizen terrorized out of his professional career by Trump.

Remember……any of this could happen to you as well.

So, when you people get outraged about things like this, you can be taken seriously….until then, chill out about a verbal jibe at Stupor Trump about his former followers taking shots at him.

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
You're seriously calling this terrorism? A Leo making a point about liberals being separate from the consequences of what they're voting for is far from terrorism. That's not even far right he's legitimately just making a good point in the form of a joke and you're trying to call what he's saying terrorism. "Words could happen to you too" is basically what you're saying lol no shit buddy. Most of us contend with this on a regular basis, those of us that live in the real world have been for a while. What you're pointing to is just a backlash from all the me too and defund the police bs combined with the consequences of open borders that is actually fucking with people's actual lives. Terrorism isn't people saying things, it's people actually blowing up large crowds of human beings. Words mean things, constantly trying to redefine words comes at a cost
elghund's Avatar
Groceries were 20-30% cheaper under Trump. Gas was a hell of a lot cheaper. Wars weren't breaking out around the world. Quality of life was a lot better. Which policy of Kamala's is going to return us to those days? Answer: NONE. Despite guys like roo and elg who just bash Trump and mock actual incidents, sane people see the difference and that's why Trump is very likely to win in November. Undecideds and independents want to know where candidates stand. They're flocking to Trump because they can see what his positions are. Kamala just hides. Originally Posted by Lantern2814
Yeah, things were cheaper, no wars breaking out and we had a Leave it to Beaver world under Eisenhower….

Same under Clinton. Oh, and Reagan…..Hoover…..Teddy Roosevelt….

Let’s keep living in the past.

rooster's Avatar
Groceries were 20-30% cheaper under Trump. Gas was a hell of a lot cheaper. Wars weren't breaking out around the world. Quality of life was a lot better. Which policy of Kamala's is going to return us to those days? Answer: NONE. Despite guys like roo and elg who just bash Trump and mock actual incidents, sane people see the difference and that's why Trump is very likely to win in November. Undecideds and independents want to know where candidates stand. They're flocking to Trump because they can see what his positions are. Kamala just hides. Originally Posted by Lantern2814
Keep deep-throatin them talkin points given to ya by Steve Bannon and Charlie Kirk. It's easier than tryin to think fer yerself....and much more fun! Get that shit offa yer chest...there's lotsa fanboyz here who will give ya a reach-around in agreement...'specially fer takin down ol' roo a notch.

Your made-up ol' white man's rage is far from "sane."

And I don't have ta work very hard to "bash" and "mock" Stupor Trump and his band of sell-outs....I can do that quicker than Trump will fix the Ukraine war..

I get it that you hate all of the bad shit you rant about above. But your assignment of blame for these problems is simplistic, and Trump is NOT gonna help fix these things.

One of the biggest reasons that I hate Trump more than any politician in my lifetime is that he is using these problems to piss you off for his own self benefit.

That is what wanna-be despots and fascists do.

But fuck history....let's learn this shit the hard way all over again!

There's no easy fix for these problems. But there is a DAMN EASY way to make them worse: put Stupor Trump in the White House again.


True story! Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Yup. Thank you for the compliment. I did not expect such a magnanimous reaction from you. Yer welcome!!

rooster's Avatar
OK, fake ragers….you are all offended and triggered by a smart ass comment about poor old Stupor Trump being targeted by a couple of Conservative malcontents, but no rage for this?

This city in Ohio is being terrorized by Trump and Vance. Innocent people are having their lives disrupted, hospitals and schools closing, and people now living in fear of right wing attacks…both real and on social media.

Again…..terrorism directly done by Trump and Vance again American citizens.

Or this nugget:

Again, terrorism done by an extreme right wing ELECTED official against American citizens.

There are many more examples in the past years of Trump going after American citizens. Starting back with Colin Kaepernick. Whether you like him or not, he was a citizen terrorized out of his professional career by Trump.

Remember……any of this could happen to you as well.

So, when you people get outraged about things like this, you can be taken seriously….until then, chill out about a verbal jibe at Stupor Trump about his former followers taking shots at him.

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
You're seriously calling this terrorism? A Leo making a point about liberals being separate from the consequences of what they're voting for is far from terrorism. That's not even far right he's legitimately just making a good point in the form of a joke and you're trying to call what he's saying terrorism. "Words could happen to you too" is basically what you're saying lol no shit buddy. Most of us contend with this on a regular basis, those of us that live in the real world have been for a while. What you're pointing to is just a backlash from all the me too and defund the police bs combined with the consequences of open borders that is actually fucking with people's actual lives. Terrorism isn't people saying things, it's people actually blowing up large crowds of human beings. Words mean things, constantly trying to redefine words comes at a cost Originally Posted by sucker45
WT-GODDAM-F is this? I mean....the sheer lack of meaningful punctuation makes it almost unworthy of spending any time on. But still...

It's terrorism. It ain't a "joke." Your post is, right?

Maybe these things aren't fully terrorism by themselves. But they encourage it. And the people saying them are culpable.

terrorism /tĕr′ə-rĭz″əm/
The use of violence or the threat of violence, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political goals, views, or ideology....

