Attention Ladies.. Don't See Donald Trump, He Will Give Out Your Number, LOL

bojulay's Avatar
Hillary. No question.

Unless something astronomically bad happens to her campaign, say hello to Clinton, part deux.

And just ftr, you asked me who I "think" will win it, not who I want to win it.

Btw, Cuban's not running for president so his cash flow is irrelevant. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
She needs a few more juicy scandals close to election time,
the Clinton's get more popular with each new scandal,
if there aren't any people start to think they are losing their touch.
Fuck that punk ass fake person called a man everytime I here that name it boils my blood
Hillary. No question.

Unless something astronomically bad happens to her campaign, say hello to Clinton, part deux.

And just ftr, you asked me who I "think" will win it, not who I want to win it.

Btw, Cuban's not running for president so his cash flow is irrelevant. Originally Posted by thathottnurse

I am ready to have them back certainly life was good when they was in the white house
Chung Tran's Avatar
Hmm.. now Trump has the ladies going after each other.. Osbourne going off the rails on a crazy train, and Perez forced to compromise with false apologies..
Chung Tran's Avatar
I think Walker will eventually be the nominee. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I do too. Scott has the smarts and charisma to articulate the way back to the American Dream based on wealth Originally Posted by doug_dfw
I say Hillary will not be President. Originally Posted by doug_dfw
okay, I don't mind admitting I was wrong, but God Damn it! I said this just 2 months ago.. he's already gone.

doug, I say Hillary will not be President, too, but our track record isn't good so far
It seems like we are very angry as a people. I'm not saying everything is perfect, and our society needs a lot of work, but I don't think the anger is proportional to our actual condition. Trump taps into this completely irrational, seething rage and all it does is make things worse. If we could all just start looking out for each other and our society as a whole just a little bit more I think we'd be fine.

People gripe about the establishment class, but the truth is they have done an OK job all things considered, and there is no evidence whatsoever that going to some completely anti-establishment candidate is going to be good for anybody. It's like people wear incompetence like a badge of pride.

I just think about what I do, and I'm pretty good at it. It took a lot of raw talent, but it also took years of study, years of practice, lots of screw-ups, and lots of tough situations to get me to where I am. People like Ben Carson, Donald Trump, and Carly Fiorina think being President is somehow different where you just show up one day and they give you the nuclear launch codes. That doesn't sound very smart to me. Originally Posted by tonyromorocks
bingo. too much irrational anger == another manifestation of our exceptionalism.