Only TWO games Roger Goodell...

Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
My assertion is that Rice could have done any number of things other than strike her twice in the face. Gnadfly appeared to be suggesting that Rice tried to avoid it by going to the other side if the elevator. I pointed out that was only after he struck her in the face the first time. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
The libtards might call this cultural imperialism...subjecting people to your own cultural values. Ray Ray may be in America, but maybe he's not of America ... of polite civilized society. Snootfull of liquor, and he's back in the hood, probably expecting style points for his punch. Don't get me wrong: the unassimilated thug subculture may be the number one problem for America, and it needs eradication. But poor ol' Ray's bearing the brunt of the sins of many seems harsh to me...the NFL is at least as culpable as he is by systematically and reliably averting its gaze.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
The libtards might call this cultural imperialism...subjecting people to your own cultural values. Ray Ray may be in America, but maybe he's not of America ... of polite civilized society. Snootfull of liquor, and he's back in the hood, probably expecting style points for his punch. Don't get me wrong: the unassimilated thug subculture may be the number one problem for America, and it needs eradication. But poor ol' Ray's bearing the brunt of the sins of many seems harsh to me...the NFL is at least as culpable as he is by systematically and reliably averting its gaze. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
I wouldn't know, I'm more of the libertarian bent myself. In my mind it's basic human decency not to physically harm those weaker than ourselves except in extreme circumstances.

I can't speak to the thug subculture influence or lack of in this case, I don't know Ray Rice and won't generalize. I do agree with you that it's a problem for young males in this, but not only this, country.

I also agree that Ray Rice finds himself in the spotlight at this particular time more so than others may have in the past. Such is the way of it sometimes when things that needed changing get a closer look for whatever reason. What was once acceptable suddenly becomes less so, and the penalties suddenly harsher. Poor Ray.

Ray Rice isn't bearing the brunt of anything, in my mind the penalties should have been stiffer all along. What's important here is that slowly but surely the tolerance for bad behavior of athletes is getting reduced...I'm all for it.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
in my mind the penalties should have been stiffer all along. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
Exactly right. But similar uncivilized behavior hasn't been sanctioned by the league before....and then BOOM the professional death penalty is dropped on Rice right out of the blue.

I was taught from babyhood to never raise my hand to a woman and you probably were too...but our experience not only does not extend to the subculture, it's ridiculed. Same as sucker punches and mob assaults...unthinkable to us, mother's milk to thugs.

We can thank The Great Society for this cultural the 50's and early 60's even the poorest members of the lowest underclass shared the same values held by the wealthiest elite, and aspired to become them. We all spoke the same language. Now that Uncle Sugar has rendered the black male irrelevant they have no hope and no chance for that. I don't blame them, I blame the damned white liberals for treating blacks like they were retards.

The poor guy gets to keep 25 mil....

See how that works out, fixed income and all.

The poor guy gets to keep 25 mil... Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
Really...I thought the Ravens would definitely try and get some of that signing bonus back since he won't be playing out the last 3 years of his contract
they will get a lot of the money back, he was let go for non-football reasons.

Frankly I don't give a crap. He reacted poorly, maybe he is just a mean drunk. Still I read one of you posters saying that the NFL has a problem with thug culture, that is not true. In reality the number of felonies in the NFL compared to the average young man in the general public is very low as a percentage.
Solemate62's Avatar
Lukbak you write some bizarre Shit. How you make the leap from one cowardly black athlete punching out his fiancee, to somehow have something to do with 'white liberals' like myself, allegedly treating blacks as 'retards', is an argument somehow between the ridiculous and the sublime! The hundreds of black students who have passed through my classroom in the past four decades of teaching in public schools across this country, they individually and collectively know they were treated with respect and afforded equal opportunities to succeed, and they were never, ever treated as - that very offensive word you used-'retards.'
Looks like she married for "Love" since he won't be making any more money... she's not leaving him, at least for now Originally Posted by DickEmDown
She's probably now regretting giving in on that NBA policy.
TheDr's Avatar
  • TheDr
  • 09-09-2014, 08:53 PM
She's probably now regretting giving in on that NBA policy. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Yeah cause only black guys hit women...
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Yeah cause only black guys hit women... Originally Posted by TheDr
Yeah cause only black guys hit women... Originally Posted by TheDr
Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
DG...please make this one into a gif for me. I was gonna put it on your USA ain't good for Negros thread after my points wear off.

Dorian Gray's Avatar
Rabid animal spitting the foam from its mouth....

Infected animal stalking....

Rabid animal attacks....

Animal continues it attack....

Rabid BEAST carrying off its prey....

-Yep. I'd rather watch a league full of Michael Sam's at this point.-
jbravo_123's Avatar
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Yes, the shocking video showed just how heartless and cruel, Ray is, but I still feel sorry for the fool.

Rice is a gifted athlete, but like so many, he fucked up his life out of ignorance and destroyed the gift.

The root problem is that these guys who grow up in violent hoods sadly do not know any other way to be. The biggest thug in the hood wins the respect of the other thugs.

While the media was on his case and the NFL banning him, his wife was out there defending him to the world.

. . . He is a predator who does not even recognize the evil of his ways and she is a victim who does not understand how her enabling behavior contributes to the abuse. They both need some serious counseling and now is the time to get into rehab.

Watching that video makes me so fucking pissed off, what kind of man does that? What a fucking tough guy!

Then he just stands there as she's knocked out cold for a couple of minutes, he doesn't even seem concerned or try to make sure she's ok or anything! Fucking heartless prick! Fuck that guy I hope they ban him for life, she leaves him, and then she sues his ass for everything he's got.

I think I popped a blood vessel I got so pissed watching that! Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
Dorian Gray's Avatar

The root problem is that these guys who grow up in violent hoods sadly do not know any other way to be. The biggest thug in the hood wins the respect of the other thugs.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
The biggest thug at New Rochelle High School?!

Who is that exactly?
The kid with the fastest golf cart & newest Lacoste sweater vest