How The Hobby Changes Providers

...It all comes down to human anatomy?

A woman's vagina retains and holds several things for periods of time, (Penis, children, etc.). In theory, anything that goes on inside of a woman will leave some sort of impression. Thus, Women tend to "hold on" to things, physically and mentally.

A man's penis is able to penetrate and evacuate as desired. The man does not "retain" anything from the woman. If anything, he leaves a seed with her (sperm) and perhaps leaves emotions (love, desire, lust) behind. But more times than often, those feelings during sex (love, desire, lust) are transferred to the woman.

To be successful in this "business" that physically consumes so much more, you have to learn how to not wear your heart on your sleeve and not be "susceptible" and "prone" even though you are laying on the bed spread eagle. The same is to be said for seasoned hobbyists who have been unable to "Penetrate and evacuate" this delectable fantasy, etc. Countless threads here on ECCIE about hobby love...

I could only imagine how many older providers there are (15+ years in the industry) who have mastered the art their vagina/emotions/balance/well-being. To be able to "turn-on, turn-off" "Take-in" and "Take-out" and to eventually "Throw away" at the end. I could see how this could possibly change providers in the hobby.

Hmmm,...I am totally leaving this at a "?" Originally Posted by brownsugarbaby
BSB....I like your post! This is the best post I see on this particular thread!
BSB....I like your post! This is the best post I see on this particular thread! Originally Posted by samantha thom
Thankyou Samantha. I'm still buzzing from the Caramel Macchiato I got from Starbucks this morning. I never should have ordered that venti...
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
A diplomatic and productive way? Excuse me but you do not appear to be the diplomatic and productive type... Originally Posted by Mokoa
An impressive body of work (I found the "Chinese man bowing" poll most compelling) - but, it seems I have seen these threADs linked before. I wonder if Mokoa carries them in his cyber back pocket, or something?

(Not bad for the "lowest ranking Mod in the western hemisphere.")
Such a wonderful topic!

Here is my lil' .02 about the matter at hand...

I'm one who's been in this field for a long time with starting out under "Madam Alex" and then going with "Heidi Fliess". I was young and I am not at liberty to, nor would I ever indicated just how young I really was when starting out. I was not caught under any crossfire at all, (Oh' - Thank you Lord!), nor was there any sort of "loose lipping" - NO WAY concerning Alex and Heidi and any one else for that matter would ever occur then, now and in the future, EVER! Anyways, when the journey began needless to say, things were vastly different back then, than they are now. They were different in the sense of how much molding and mentoring came about, the safety net involved, etcetera. Upon taking a long break for real world work, having offspring, higher education, etcetera, I found myself having the utmost desire to return to "the life" as the, "legend" (not my self descriptor mind you, but rather ALL who have spent time with my unique being, penned me that), I once was back then, Oh wow - Oh wow, when emabrking on returning, did I learn that things had changed and big-time where the days of the "Madams" were gone and the days of independent internet "provider" with screening like lil' detectives which means providing one's own safety net - Well, as much as possible anyways, laptop, phone's, as safe and anonymous credit cards, the creation of a fictional character and persona apart from the Alex and Heidi days obviously, the necessity of "fictional review stories" about created fictional character and persona to be authored by known and respected "hobby" male fictional characters posted on known and respected "fictional internet boards", becoming verified, trusted and impeccable (again), placing classifiieds, having photographs, etcetera had taken over and still is what "the Life" entails today. The ways of today are much more stressful. Thus, one must be an extremely strong well-balanced person in all areas of life so to not have the "hobby" get to you by becoming cold-hearted, jaded, etcetera.

I have not changed since my journey began. I was and still am extremely sweet, genuine, "real", have utmost honor and respect, am not about that er'-um, proverbial "clock and number", but rather about, substance and connection all the way, etcetera. I know what this "hobby" is all about and all - It's about drama-free, no strings attached, pay one to leave thing with utmost honor and discretion but for me anyays, things still have to mean something and I convey such to the umost degree for every one that Graces my unique being with their presence. Being UTR for a long while like I have been though does affect me in the sense that I become nervous and giddy like a youngin' - LOL, but oh' so adorably cute, I am nonetheless!

I must admit however, I have changed with respect to tolerance and as a result, I have become somewhat jaded upon the real world "civvies" because no "civvie" treats my unique being like you Gentlemen do (which is utterly awesome and fantastic!), that partake in this "hobby".

Love & Light,

Mary Magdalene