Foxy's thread. For the sake of Randomness.

Those are great Foxy LOL

These two are metaphors for a lot of what you see on eccie LOL

Originally Posted by bojulay
You got that right. These are great. Gonna have to build one
SweetDulce's Avatar
Don'the post much, but this an interesting thread!
Here is my musings, I prefer curvy women with engaging personalities! Originally Posted by finman56
That's me lol.
I'm into dorky guys. Not total nerds, just slightly brainiacs that are introverts. And cute in that "he needs a makeover" kind of way.
Btw...foxy can jump into my bed anytime she wants...and as often as she wants

She can post on my threAd too Originally Posted by YummyMarie

Hopefully we can get about thirty ladies to start their own musing threADs!

I'm thinking of starting my own alongside you ladies to see if I can out narcissi y'all. .... Originally Posted by WTF
You know all of us ladies pale to your epicness. Epic "what" is the question...
Narcissi? Cuntiness? LOL I suppose we shall see!

Yet another dumping ground for Foxy's ThunderFucks.

So many words, so little thincking.
Originally Posted by chicagoboy
And impending trademark post imminent...
We shall see what ya'll THINCK about that one...

Don'the post much, but this an interesting thread!
Here is my musings, I prefer curvy women with engaging personalities! Originally Posted by finman56
I'm going to take that as a compliment.

Those are great Foxy LOL

These two are metaphors for a lot of what you see on eccie LOL

Originally Posted by bojulay
Indeed. If a picture is worth a thousand words, I wonder how many these videos are worth?

I have seen the Suicide one many times over...
And yes, the back & forth is at times.... utterly useless!

That's me lol.
I'm into dorky guys. Not total nerds, just slightly brainiacs that are introverts. And cute in that "he needs a makeover" kind of way. Originally Posted by SweetDulce

I also love a braniac... I will pass on the makeover guys LMAO!
I like my guys just outgoing enough that they aren't scared to talk a little junk back! But as far as those alpha dominant types... Meh.
There's a middle ground for me.

______________________________ _________

And yes.... I have a post on another tab... a doozy...
I thought about sharing/posting it onto Houston Co-Ed, but I think I will put it in here, as it is more my personal feelings about the drama regarding the outing trends and the pyre building towards men's refusal to want to cease sharing any info's to screen....
Oh yeah... touchy touchy subject there.... But it is what it is...
And yes, I THINCK and have THOUGHT a lot about it...

Get your nails, your wood, your hammer.... I am sure someone is going to crucify me for it, or at least TRY.

Welcome to my world.

There is so much controversy at hand right now... I thought I would address this.... Outings, Screening, Informations, much much protestations made...
Is it truly a case of Safety versus confidentiality? I think it may be.
And it maybe a case of Safety trumps confidentiality... at least from my shoes....

Men (and Ladies) who have experienced this horrible trauma, if you have been outed, I am sincerely sorry this has happened to you.

Although it hasn't ever been done by my hands, you truly have my deepest sympathies.

I think the majority of us here understand the severity of having a "Real World" info being blasted anywhere near, on, within this HobbyWorld.... and that it can carry over into the "Real World," with disastrous consequences.

It has been done; as carelessly done as an accidental in some instances, or as intentional with much malice- by anyone who simply does not respect the significance of the power they wield, with this information.
There are many reasons why it is wrong, the least of them being a complete lack of respect for the victim (YES VICTIM) - and mostly an utter lack of respect for security on that person's behalf. Indeed, it has been done carelessly many times.

When Real World info's are bandied around, it is a person's very security, reputation, and possibly both their work and home life being threatened.
So let us suffice to say....

I do understand why some Gentlemen wouldn't want to share screening information further and I also understand why they would advise other men not to as well. I understand the reasoning.

Please understand, while I am sympathetic... It would make things a lot worse for providers. Surely as smart as you men are, you know of the variety of problematic issues there are in HobbyWorld, who complains of what..... sadly of whoever may be victimized in the hobbyworld, outing may be a lesser evil on a complete spectrum of the victimization occurring within HobbyWorld.

If hobbyists truly want providers who will meet anyone SANS ANY RW INFO;
Men wouldn't bother looking at the ladies on Eccie, as the majority of which SCREEN. As they well should.... so now we have a huge conundrum over popular thought on Eccie...

While many are protesting the outings (and rightfully so!!!) via "real world info" being "thrown around"... it is still is not the worst of it... the "negative consequences."

Do not turn a blind eye towards the realities of what a total lack of screening with these informations could enable and promote.
I'm not speaking of men with established reputations, reviews, okay's, etc... I mean for the newbie's.

Worried about getting outed?

Imagine worrying about being:
  • Mutilated.
  • Attacked.
  • Assaulted.
  • Robbed.
  • Raped (Forcibly.)
  • Stalked
Because you FAILED to screen properly.

As long as that ^List^Above^ happens to the women here;
We (providers) will ask for all the screening information we can voluntarily get to SCREEN, to prevent "Worse Case Scenarios" from happening. It isn't all about "outing" nor the "intent to out" when a lady asks for screening information. It is the exception; Not the rule. There are some bad apples in the providers, this is true. But guys, let's be honest, there's some bad apples lurking on "your side" as well.

I am finding it super callous all of the "inferences" that "a provider wants to be a #PottyMouth if she DARES to ask for info."

If a "noob" wants to see me; Fair enough. But he WILL give up some information to see me. I ran one this week...
And shocker of all shockers, he had over 4 counts of assault on a female and an attempted rape among other scary charges (*forbidden topics* Yes, PLURAL.)
Would a "handle" from Eccie have been enough screening information to catch this? Hell no.
(And that is scary.)

There have been cases of men screened soley with a handle and providers being choked unconscious & left in a heap on a hotel floor... (Just search the Alert section!)

The consequences of NOT SCREENING PROPERLY are real;
No, it doesn't happen with every guy;
And for the record, I am far from saying all of you Hobbyists are bad guys;
Most, in my experience, have actually been pretty good guys!
All it takes is that ONE ROTTEN APPLE to get his hands on you.
Ladies, you need to remember to screen for that rotten apple, EVERY FREAKING TIME, the one time you do cave in to a man whining about sharing his info, or you decide to slack, or cave into pressure... may be the time you ultimately regret. Do not enable those rotten apples to get to you.

Ladies, stay safe out there. Don't listen to the cries of the overbearing.
Remember, safety trumps all.

Fellows: Do all the ladies a favor & And ease up.
Just a smidge?

I know that both parties within HobbyWorld need to protect themselves.
I know this.
But in the men's chant for a cease of giving of screening information (i.e. "Real World Info"- for noobs, this is their screening info!) there isn't a whisper of concern for the ladies and what consequences that they may face if they do not screen properly.
For me.... this is the elephant in the room.

So since no other lady is saying it...
I am.

I will not allow someone else's victimization and thought patterns afterwards (no amount of complaint from their paranoia after the fact) enable me to be affected or persuaded, to the point that I personally lower my security so that I in turn may be equally victimized.

I hope all of you ladies are smart enough and strong enough to stand by that conviction.

I'm sure this post will get flame broiled, skewered, minced, chopped, stabbed, sliced, diced... so on & so forth....
But since you all seem to "love to beat the horse past death" .... Ad infinitum...
Help yourselves.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-08-2015, 10:11 AM
But in the men's chant for a cease of giving of screening information (i.e. "Real World Info"- for noobs, this is their screening info!) there isn't a whisper of concern for the ladies and what consequences that they may face if they do not screen properly.
Originally Posted by FoxyNC
Please let us try and deal in reality and facts...Did you know:

Most victims know their assailants: 51% of female victims were sexually assaulted by a current or former intimate partner, and 41% were sexually assaulted by an acquaintance. Assault by strangers , in contrast, accounts for only 14% of the total. Of men and boys, 52% report being sexually assaulted by an acquaintance and 15% by a stranger.*

Tell me how better screening aka knowing his real name and where he works would have prevented 51% of female victims were sexually assaulted by a current or former intimate partner, and 41% were sexually assaulted by an acquaintance

If guys had half a brain , they would never, ever give a hooker his RW information. It is as stupid as posting say racist shit on FaceBook or nude photo's of yourself if you are wanting to be a Preacher. It is just stupid as fuck. Period. Screening is nothing more than Shark Repellant IMHO. And a way to keep from getting bad/honest reviews. Who in the world would write a bad review on a hooker that had all his real world info? No fucking body! Ladies know this and that is the main reason they want gent's RW info. You are more likely to be hurt driving down the road, yet you still haven't purchased a fucking tank to travel around in.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-08-2015, 11:55 AM
You're actually in more danger just walking on shore than in the water, according to the Shark Attack File: From 1990-2006 there were 16 U.S. deaths due to falling in a hole at the beach, vs. 11 shark attack deaths.

You ladies have what is called irrational fear.

We have it with terrorist. We fear being attacked/killed by terrorist and willing have our government spend Trillions fight that irrational fear. I say irrational because you are more likely to die from a bee sting than a terrorist attack in this country. You are more likely to get in an accident going to and from a client than the client assaulting you, yet you do not fear driving! Irrational fear.
I bet anyone who survived the "Twin Towers" of 9-11 doesn't think it is an "Irrational Fear." (Conspiracy theories aside.)

Granting there may be some truth to your statistics.... I MAY be paranoid; But my paranoia has kept me safe. (Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean there isn't at least ONE who IS out to get you [prostitutes.])
All it takes is ONE BAD APPLE remember?
But there's plenty of BAD APPLES out there...
Many other ladies could have USED SOME MORE PARANOIA because apparently they weren't paranoid enough!

Escort beaten by client:
(on a 1K$ date, no less...)

I read the article, apparently he tried to kiss her (assuming this wasn't on her menu because...) she bit him; he beat the shit out of her.

(I found TONS of brutalized hooker pictures and dead ones as well... For the sake of clemency, I am going to refrain from posting. Readers, your fingers work. Help yourself. I'm not going to paint the horror ad nauseam to my thread. We all know what dead hooker pictures look like. Beat up hookers. No need for the extra extra, I think. Let us all agree to agree that that shit is out there. And I could furthermore push this issue going into the FORBIDDEN WEBSITES for people with even worse horrific taboo tastes... We know they exist. Let us acknowledge them & proceed further.)

This isn't something new. This isn't a "new subject matter" or paranoia.....

Or maybe something a bit closer to ya'll's home?
The Suitcase Killer
Dude killed 2 prostitutes or more in Lubbox?

And a [edit] year old?
Raped a virgin in college as well?
Another source, same killer...

Or perhaps something closer up my way?

(I'm shocked as I have discovered GQ Magazine actually covered this story...)
Rocky Mount North Carolina Serial Killer's Victims: Prostitutes (The Lost Girls of Rocky Mount)

Btw, I live IN Rocky Mount. Pop. 56,954 (2013)
So do you care to chew on how astronomically improbable that there would be a serial killer in my small town? 1:56,954 ?
I dare to shudder, all the hookers he killed were black, but you never know when a crazy m.f. is going to change his m.o. .... Hookers were dropping like flies here a few years back... However low the chance...

Furthermore, if you expand the over-all search for the truth:
I am going to google the 10 major cities in the USA ( :
(By population, respectively)
  • 1. New York, New York
  • 2. Los Angeles, California
  • 3. Chicago, Illinois
  • 4. Houston, Texas
  • 5. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • 6. Phoenix, Arizona
  • 7. San Antonio, Texas
  • 8. San Diego, California
  • 9. Dallas, Texas
  • 10. San Jose, California

Within each search I added the phrases....
murdered prostitute
beaten prostitute
murdered escort
beaten escort
assaulted prostitute
assaulted escort

and on & on .....
Care to wager if I came up empty handed?

I could post links, add pictures, ad infinitum...
What good will it do to keep citing incidents?
Remind girls that the danger is real?
Prove you are wrong?

The truth is the truth whether YOU choose to acknowledge it or not.
The dangers of living as an Escort are real.
And they are not as small as you would like to convince the crowd.

Even now in the small towns, but especially in the big towns as there is more population, more people, more bad apples, more hookers...

Yeah, you call me paranoid LOL

Is it "unreasonable" or "paranoid" to be concerned for my physical safety, acknowledging that what I do and the inherent dangers of this role? No matter how minimal the percentage, and to "take every measure possible to secure my safety." (aka screening.) is unreasonable?

By your logic- This year I would be more likely to be bitten by a shark than to be assaulted while working as an escort-
By my logic- I haven't been to a beach all year & with every new encounter the risk of it happening goes up one tiny teeny notch...
My perception: I won't be getting bit by any sharks, but I may be assaulted while working as an escort.

I think that's a pretty reasonable & logical statement.
So I should screen!

Just like I am often times "The Bad Guy" when I keep it 💯

______________________________ _____________

Next episode: (I'm thinking happy thoughts.... The sun is shining, I have fresh coffee, taking a nice day at home... I dig being a homebody most of the time; Save adventuring!
And I refuse to let this forum, any posters, any subject matter.... bring me down. It all is what it is!)

I found some other cool stuff to post on as well.... had a few curiosities and did some googling and one of my favorite things is now "IN." LOL More on that and my Hollowrific costume drool... lol Some funny shit.
I have to see if I can post the ad-on & not get in trouble. LMAO

Maybe I am a line stepper? lol
Slightly controversial... Or more ... lol

<3 Laters~~~
This one is for you, TG!

Let's keep it 100! 💯 (Accurate or naw? lol)

TravelingGentleman's Avatar
Well played.

You're curvy, and I want to touch them.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
Assault by strangers , in contrast, accounts for only 14% of the total. Of men and boys, 52% report being sexually assaulted by an acquaintance and 15% by a stranger.*[/I][/SIZE]
Originally Posted by WTF
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that if I were playing Russian Roulette with a 7-shooter (14%), I wouldn't play.

There are boards full of alerts - attempted robberies, assaults - I think both parties need to do everything possible to prevent that from happening.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-09-2015, 01:04 PM

(I found TONS of brutalized hooker pictures and dead ones as well...

By your logic-

: Originally Posted by FoxyNC
Let is use some mpre of my common sense logic...

l could show you a ton of pictures of plane crashes...yet that mode of transportation is statistically the safest mode there is.

In fact you could scare the living shit out of folks boarding a plane if you started screaming that you thought the plane wasn't safe and you wanted to see the pilots, pilot license. You started waving around a bunch of crashed plane photos to prove your point..none of that would change the fact that air travel is safe.

Ladies use screening information to keep from getting bad reviews...they like to say it is for their safety. The data suggests i am correct.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-09-2015, 01:19 PM
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that if I were playing Russian Roulette with a 7-shooter (14%), I wouldn't play.

There are boards full of alerts - attempted robberies, assaults - I think both parties need to do everything possible to prevent that from happening. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
While you are out on that limb , realize that those numbers are derived from the real world. So just wtf would you tell the the 51% of women sexually assaulted by their current or former lover?

As to your second paragraph, let me ask you...Do you think me asking the pilot of the plane for a copy of his pilots license keep the plane from crashing?

Look TG...if a lady told you putting on shark repellent would keep Great White Sharks away...would you then feel safe to swim with them?

Same with screening...except screening can be used to keep you in check. If you do not believe me , re-log into Fancy's account and see how they abuse personal information in there.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
Good grief. I've never logged onto Fancy's account - I didn't realize that was being speculated.

I'm screened and P411 verified. No one has my real life name except Fancy, and she didn't get a written record of anything. When I message providers for an appointment they can use my references, my P411 check, and their opinion of me, but no one ever gets to know anything real about me.

Presume everyone is out to get you, and act accordingly. As for the Fancy bit and the outing....what did she out and about whom? Because what she asked didn't out anyone, couldn't lead to identifying anyone...and unless you know a heinous secret that isn't being shared, I consider the whole thing a witch hunt. And there's no witch. But those Puritans are determined to burn and hang some women!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-09-2015, 03:17 PM
Good grief. No one has my real life name except Fancy, and she didn't get a written record of anything. ! Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
Good grief is right!
RandB fan's Avatar
This was a lot more fun when we were sharing pictures of coffee cups instead of assulted women

so I propose coffee cups with pictures of battered women on then....
