Proved my point. Thanks!And who's stupidity did you jump in to defend? WHIRRLY'S or iffy's ?Thanks proving my point.Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Isn't it amazing the right wing fucks can'tell the difference between a law passed in '08 and the dream act. Thanks for including your dumb ass dull knife. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Ur'a vajayjay... you should stop fucking yourself with a "Dull Kife, in the future please use a sharp one... thanks
William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008
William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 was a renewal of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000.
The renewal passed unanimously through both houses. Democrats controlled both houses of Congress in 2008. Obama, Biden, Clinton and Kerry were all in the Senate.
Senator Dianne Feinstein, the California Democrat who helped write the [2008] measure, said the White House does not need new power to act. “That law already provides the administration with flexibility to accelerate the judicial process in times of crisis,” she said. “The administration should use that flexibility to speed up the system while still treating these children humanely, with compassion and respect.”
The green light was turned on beginning in 2012-2013. In 2012, Obama granted temporary amnesty to specified categories of illegal aliens, which was certainly a green light for further illegal entry. A leaked Border Patrol memo reveals that the recent illegal aliens from Central America came to the U.S., in their own words, “to take advantage of the ‘new’ U.S. law that grants a free pass or permit.” But another segment of the American political system also filled the news with a similar message about crumbling borders: The bountiful post-2012 election pandering by certain Republicans and conservatives must have also played a role in the current wave of illegal entry.
In 2013, Republicans like Marco Rubio, John McCain, and Lindsey Graham were calling for amnesty. In 2013 McCain said Hispanics “should be ours,” arguing that amnesty would bring in Hispanic votes. He was joined in this delusion by many commentators: Charles Krauthammer, Sean Hannity and George Will all advocated amnesty. They were eager to pander to Hispanics, despite the fact that no conceivable Hispanic voting scenario would have resulted in a Romney victory.
With all the post-election pandering, the message sent to the rest of the world was that one American political party wants open borders and the other party wants to give amnesty. Today, McCain and others act surprised that, with a “path to citizenship” dangled in front of them, many illegal immigrants answered the call. They should have known what their ill-conceived rhetoric would induce foreign citizens to do. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Ur'a vajayjay... you should stop fucking yourself with a "Dull Knife", in the future please use a sharp one... thanks
William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008
William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 was a renewal of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000.
The renewal passed unanimously through both houses. Democrats controlled both houses of Congress in 2008. Obama, Biden, Clinton and Kerry were all in the Senate.
Senator Dianne Feinstein, the California Democrat who helped write the [2008] measure, said the White House does not need new power to act. “That law already provides the administration with flexibility to accelerate the judicial process in times of crisis,” she said. “The administration should use that flexibility to speed up the system while still treating these children humanely, with compassion and respect.”
The green light was turned on beginning in 2012-2013. In 2012, Obama granted temporary amnesty to specified categories of illegal aliens, which was certainly a green light for further illegal entry. A leaked Border Patrol memo reveals that the recent illegal aliens from Central America came to the U.S., in their own words, “to take advantage of the ‘new’ U.S. law that grants a free pass or permit.” But another segment of the American political system also filled the news with a similar message about crumbling borders: The bountiful post-2012 election pandering by certain Republicans and conservatives must have also played a role in the current wave of illegal entry.
In 2013, Republicans like Marco Rubio, John McCain, and Lindsey Graham were calling for amnesty. In 2013 McCain said Hispanics “should be ours,” arguing that amnesty would bring in Hispanic votes. He was joined in this delusion by many commentators: Charles Krauthammer, Sean Hannity and George Will all advocated amnesty. They were eager to pander to Hispanics, despite the fact that no conceivable Hispanic voting scenario would have resulted in a Romney victory.
With all the post-election pandering, the message sent to the rest of the world was that one American political party wants open borders and the other party wants to give amnesty. Today, McCain and others act surprised that, with a “path to citizenship” dangled in front of them, many illegal immigrants answered the call. They should have known what their ill-conceived rhetoric would induce foreign citizens to do. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB