Fox News Loses It's Mind - Tells Biggest Lie Ever

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
What comes next, Zanzibar?

First, they'll call you names.

Then, they'll spread more Faux News lies about The president and call him names.

Then, they'll call anyone else who agrees with you names.

It is a boring, tedious play that is acted out by ignorant, paranoid (and woefully socially crippled) old men in virtually every thread started in this forum. Every day.

The topic doesn't matter. It always circles back to the pack...

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Then why don't you follow the lead of Zanzibar, tire of it, and leave us alone?
lustylad's Avatar
Then why don't you follow the lead of Zanzibar, tire of it, and leave us alone? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Ever since his ED meds stopped working, this forum is the only way assup can get his rocks off anymore!!
Faux news appeals to the gullible.
What comes next, Zanzibar?

First, they'll call you names.

Then, they'll spread more Faux News lies about The president and call him names.

Then, they'll call anyone else who agrees with you names.

It is a boring, tedious play that is acted out by ignorant, paranoid (and woefully socially crippled) old men in virtually every thread started in this forum. Every day.

The topic doesn't matter. It always circles back to the pack...

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
This bunch they lost two elections to a colored guy so the anger is palpable and undeniable. In some cases it's good to have an online release such as theirs as we already have enough commando groups out there hiding while threatening the president. These folks aren't really different than the Muslim extremists the only difference is they recognize the might of the US military whereas the terrorists don't care.

Great men in each society throughout history realized that name calling and insults was and is part of the deal. However, there's way too much important work to accomplish to allow yourself to get bogged down with the stupidity. History won't be kind to those with this redneck mentality. They're getting left behind by a progressive and forward thinking society.

Good luck arguing with these people find a way to temper it.

Take care
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
This bunch they lost two elections to a colored guy so the anger is palpable and undeniable. In some cases it's good to have an online release such as theirs as we already have enough commando groups out there hiding while threatening the president. These folks aren't really different than the Muslim extremists the only difference is they recognize the might of the US military whereas the terrorists don't care.

Great men in each society throughout history realized that name calling and insults was and is part of the deal. However, there's way too much important work to accomplish to allow yourself to get bogged down with the stupidity. History won't be kind to those with this redneck mentality. They're getting left behind by a progressive and forward thinking society.

Good luck arguing with these people find a way to temper it.

Take care Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Unfortunately, there is some truth in what you say. It is indeed good to let people blow off steam on some insignificant SHMB rather than be a terrorist. Also, rednecks are well aware of the power of the US military, thanks to its magnificent weapons and training and stockpiles. Rednecks keep the equipment working.
As for you liberals being on the side of history, I consider that to be temporary, because a truly liberal system will collapse once the abused taxpayers tire of the unfairness of working for the lazy assholes the liberals coddle.
As for you liberals being on the side of history, I consider that to be temporary, because a truly liberal system will collapse once the abused taxpayers tire of the unfairness of working for the lazy assholes the liberals coddle. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Like the one that collapsed from 2000-2008
Well that's really not on Fox News. Just like any News affiliate they only report the news as they receive it. They also are obligated to take any guest they interview at face value even if they suspect the information isn't accurate. So I blame Emerson for his non factual account of the information he presented. Besides the guy is probably a Democrat so what do you expect.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Are you serious? Freedom of the press and journalism is about finding the truth to the best of your ability and reporting it. Not to accept some idiotic and utterly absurd assertion without the slightest shred of support and accept it as correct because the "journalist" knows that the halfwits in the FOX audience will buy into it.

And the reason it's important comes from the American Press Institute:

The purpose of journalism is thus to provide citizens with the information they need to make the best possible decisions about their lives, their communities, their societies, and their governments.

In other words, the antithesis of FOX "news".....
lustylad's Avatar
Good luck arguing with these people.... Take care Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

Still waiting for your "documented example after example of outright blatant lies".... oh well, I guess you made it up again... are you tired of "arguing with these people" because each time you do you have your ass handed to you, zanyzit? It's ok, we understand.
rioseco's Avatar
Bigger than the "most transparent administration, keep your doctor, didn't draw the red line, not a smidgeon of corruption,spontaneous protest caused by anti-muslim video, and actually learned about Benghazi on the news lying piece of shit Obama bullshit ???????????
rioseco's Avatar
This bunch they lost two elections to a colored guy so the anger is palpable and undeniable. In some cases it's good to have an online release such as theirs as we already have enough commando groups out there hiding while threatening the president. These folks aren't really different than the Muslim extremists the only difference is they recognize the might of the US military whereas the terrorists don't care.

Great men in each society throughout history realized that name calling and insults was and is part of the deal. However, there's way too much important work to accomplish to allow yourself to get bogged down with the stupidity. History won't be kind to those with this redneck mentality. They're getting left behind by a progressive and forward thinking society.

Good luck arguing with these people find a way to temper it.

Take care Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

"They lost two elections to a colored guy" ?
Really ? What color was he ?
Was he white ? Was he black ?
Why do you call him black ?
Why isn't he called the first half white or half black president ?
Could it be out of purposeful manipulation so the left feels licensed to play the race card continuosly ?
Face it. That is all your clown has going for him !
"They lost two elections to a colored guy" ?
Really ? What color was he ?
Was he white ? Was he black ?
Why do you call him black ?
Why isn't he called the first half white or half black president ?
Could it be out of purposeful manipulation so the left feels licensed to play the race card continuosly ?
Face it. That is all your clown has going for him ! Originally Posted by rioseco
One drop rule. Look it up just like you can look up the Fox news lies.

Would be nice though if Obama was unknown and walked into a bar and declared: "Hello everyone accept me since I'm half white." People would look at him and imagine they have another Clarence Thomas on their hands. Lol .

The Bible says a little leaven sours the whole lump. ;-)
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So Stansa sees nothing but race....what do you call that.....oh, yeah, right, RACISM.
rioseco's Avatar
One drop rule. Look it up just like you can look up the Fox news lies.

Would be nice though if Obama was unknown and walked into a bar and declared: "Hello everyone accept me since I'm half white." People would look at him and imagine they have another Clarence Thomas on their hands. Lol .

The Bible says a little leaven sours the whole lump. ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

Man you got me cold to rights on that one !
I would be the happiest man alive if that piece of shit Obama were "Unknown" !
rioseco's Avatar
One drop rule. Look it up just like you can look up the Fox news lies.

Would be nice though if Obama was unknown and walked into a bar and declared: "Hello everyone accept me since I'm half white." People would look at him and imagine they have another Clarence Thomas on their hands. Lol .

The Bible says a little leaven sours the whole lump. ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Concerning the quoted "One Drop Rule".
Are we on the right to believe that the left now wishes to invoke such a draconian concept regarding race ? That seems like a new,odd twist on an old concept.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I could have told you that. Mentally derange when it comes to O. The willful ignorance from the posters on the right is disingenuous at best and why I've lost interest. Nothing but intellectual dishonesty coming from that side and I could bear it no more. Obama was supposed to cause Armageddon it didn't happen, he was supposed to declare martial law it didn't happen, and he was supposed to issue the edict to confiscate firearms and that didn't happen either.

You are right about Fox. I have documented example after example of outright blatant lies and people manipulation compliments of the brilliant Rachel Maddow. This type of manipulation of people who have no clue and cling to their guns and religion is sad. Anytime you can employ a shill and a hack like Sean Hannity you simply can't be trusted.

Good day.
Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
MSNBC's Madcow is one of the primary distorters of news, Zany. And any time a station employs the likes of Al "The Race-Baiter" Sharpton and calls itself a "news station"; then you have a station that outright lies, Zany. Here's some of the proof, Zany: