Just a Little FYI About Me

Venting to the intelligent men who understand? I don't think so. All I see is bitching. Your persona attracts what it attracts. If your persona is shit, too much of your clientele will be as well.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Venting to the intelligent men who understand? I don't think so. All I see is bitching. Your persona attracts what it attracts. If your persona is shit, too much of your clientele will be as well. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
Well I guess it's a good thing we'll never meet. Have a good evening
No ma'am, and never will. My choice or yours, does not really matter.
what should i sprinkle on my popcorn tonight?
Cajun seasoning. Lots.
A ncns from a provider is the same circustances,,,, you cry foul just as loud.
No shit! I see a shit load of dudes crying like little bitches when a provider pulls a NCNS on them. So I don't see anything wrong with MB venting, carry on.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
No shit! I see a shit load of dudes crying like little bitches when a provider pulls a NCNS on them. So I don't see anything wrong with MB venting, carry on. Originally Posted by Worldtravler
Thank you WT, I don't vent often although when I do vent people use it as a way to try to make me look bad.

To everyone else, I don't need to defend myself to you. I'm a grown ass woman and I don't play high school passive aggressive bull shit with people twice my age.

If you do not like my "Attitude" then either block me, report me, or ignore me. Let's be adult about this.

Carry on.
Wombraider -I see your attitude is still under construction. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged

biomed1's Avatar
Members are reminded that a passionate discussion is acceptable, however personal attacks are not.


Avoid cases of unprovoked rudeness to others. No place for it here. Yes, with the dynamic nature of the threads and topics, tempers will flare and things will become heated from time to time. You may often encounter individuals who become passionate or emotional when expressing one's opinion or point of view. That's all understood and perfectly acceptable within reason…….but, start slamming or bashing another member and be met with consequences.
No one was playing passive-aggressive anything, we simply called you on your horribly ugly post. You displayed a nasty attitude, you publicly berated your clients & you really seem to despise being a provider most of the time. So, why are you doing it?

I'm going to tell you a little story. Years ago, when I lived in central Arkansas, I had a client who had some minor hygiene issues. Instead of making a huge issue out of it, refusing to see him, or posting on the board to complain about him, I told him that it was a turn on to shower with him before the main event. So that was our routine. He got clean, I got a client that saw me once to twice a week religiously. And no one got berated or their feelings hurt. He was a very nice guy. I think he just wasn't brought up in an extremely clean environment.

Point is, no one is perfect. You're in a service industry, and sometimes, you will have to deal with your client's idiosyncrasies. More often than not, there are tactful solutions when that happens. Shower with your clients. Keep mouthwash at your incall. Teach them how to be better kissers.

Alienating your target audience by telling everyone how awful they are or how much they "creep you out" is definitely not going to help your business. There's no way to tally the guys who aren't calling you, after you've offended them.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Members are reminded that a passionate discussion is acceptable, however personal attacks are not.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally Posted by biomed1
Danielle Reid's Avatar
It's time I add some people to my ignore list. No need to get into juvenile dick measuring contests on an online forum. I said what I had to say. Take it how you want. I don't apologize for anything except that some of my clients had to witness my blow out. Sorry guys (you know who you are, the rest can go kick rocks), my ugly side was showing. Forgive me, just had to get this off my chest. I'm good now lol
"I try to treat everyone with the same respect but some guys ask way too much for what they bring to the table."

That is an interesting statement for one in a service industry. When they demand too much for what they bring to the table are you talking about different amounts of cash for different amounts of time? I understand that the level of effort for a BnG could be different than the level of effort for an hour or more. Are you talking about the guy's ability to be porn star level while he's with you? Are you talking about a guy being respectful and considerate of you as a fellow human being while you are with him? Are you talking about hygiene? Are you talking about hagglers? Are you talking about guys that show up 30 minutes late for an hour session that still expect the full hour? Are you talking about guys that have the audacity to expect some kisses from a lady they are paying good money to be in bed with? What exactly do you mean? Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
No hun, your attitude answered all my questions quite some time ago. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
Wombraider -I see your attitude is still under construction. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
Venting to the intelligent men who understand? I don't think so. All I see is bitching. Your persona attracts what it attracts. If your persona is shit, too much of your clientele will be as well. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
No ma'am, and never will. My choice or yours, does not really matter. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
Cajun seasoning. Lots. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
And yet... you keep coming back.
Your subtlety is just one of the many qualities I adore about you. Lol Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
I see you've avoided the political forum like the plague, once you figured out the mods aren't there to help you out.

I guess you only talk smack when someone can come to your rescue.