Bonemaker Barbie scam artist

Brazos's Avatar
She did post a recent ad.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 09-21-2015, 04:54 PM
What's her number? Originally Posted by bbkid
It's on her showcase. Originally Posted by WolfWhistle
Dewd. Really? I was fuckin' kidding, man!
beanocook's Avatar
Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. With all the shit you talk about Houston being a shitty, blue collar town and everything is better in Dallas or Atlanta, it's nice to see you played for a rube / fool. My dad taught me to never wish ill on others, but that lesson never stuck. The fact that you repeatedly fell for the lies just shows that you're not the sophisticate that you like to portray yourself to be.

As they say every moment a sucker is born.

As an aside, she looks ugly as fuck. You couldn't have better taste, at least? Originally Posted by Asianhobbyist
Perfectly said.

Bonemaker Barbie likes to look you deeply in the eyes and then talk to you, "why didn't you ask me out for dinner the last time we were together (the time I gave her $100 to help her out)" while giving you a bj. That's how she hooks you. Originally Posted by WolfWhistle
dearhunter's Avatar
Houston being a shitty, blue collar town and everything is better in Dallas or repeatedly fell for the lies just shows that you're not the sophisticate Originally Posted by beanocook

You said it and not me.

Human feelings cloud up one's judgment. Try having some like us sophisticates.
beanocook's Avatar
You said it and not me.

Human feelings cloud up one's judgment. Try having some like us sophisticates. Originally Posted by WolfWhistle
Classic non-response from you. Troll on.
Classic non-response from you. Troll on. Originally Posted by beanocook

Uhhh, you can't read and comprehend let alone not having human feelings, Zodtard? It's your "life."
cabletex7's Avatar
What's her number? Originally Posted by bbkid
It's on her showcase. 8 Originally Posted by WolfWhistle
This here response, besides being funny as shit, has just, inadvertently, tapped the root cause of your problem. Pour yourself a good whisky, ponder what you have wrought, put on some Leonard Cohen and, of course, Repent.
This here response, besides being funny as shit, has just, inadvertently, tapped the root cause of your problem. Pour yourself a good whisky, ponder what you have wrought, put on some Leonard Cohen and, of course, Repent. Originally Posted by cabletex7

His sarcasm wasn't apparent "wink." He might have wanted the number to avoid or to get more info.
It's on her showcase. Originally Posted by WolfWhistle
looked at her showcase, in pic #6 is she pregnant? there's no accounting for taste...she looks like a hoodrat to me, but that's my opinion
As they say every moment a sucker is born. But some men wise up after their experiences and become better for it while others never learn. How much you willing to bet that while this Barbie was meeting her ex, he very likely was banging her as well.

Most obvious lesson of the story? Don't get involved with a whore. They become a whore for a reason.

Less obvious but equally important lesson? Don't be too "nice" to girls. Despite what they say, princess treatment turns them off. If you need a role model, imitate Jason Statham. Now that's a real man.

It's a red vs blue pill, as always.

As an aside, she looks ugly as fuck. You couldn't have better taste, at least? Originally Posted by Asianhobbyist
Don't know what type of "women" you've been dealing with doll. Good luck with that philosophy though, I'm sure it's getting you some real 10's.

Try to be a "real man" during a session and you'll be kicked out faster than those cars in Jason's crappy movies.
I just skimmed through that novel but it's obvious she didn't scam you. I don't know her personally but you really shouldn't be posting so much personal information about her on a public forum. It was my understanding that posting about children was off limits? Why you're getting away with posting this much about her is beyond me.

Sounds like you got fairly close to her and let your guard down so it's safe to say she has rw personal info about you? Hopefully she has more tact than you do and doesn't post any of it on here.
Just lock the thread bro..

....enough has been said on here to get your point across..... ....Don't let drama take over this thread.....
I just skimmed through that novel but it's obvious she didn't scam you. I don't know her personally but you really shouldn't be posting so much personal information about her on a public forum. It was my understanding that posting about children was off limits? Why you're getting away with posting this much about her is beyond me.

Sounds like you got fairly close to her and let your guard down so it's safe to say she has rw personal info about you? Hopefully she has more tact than you do and doesn't post any of it on here. Originally Posted by Kylie Nicole
sounds like she's a scamming hoodrat that uses her situation to her advantage. seems like you can empathize with her...screw the the guy....stooped trick....his loss for being a nice guy
can I make a suggestion? you might want to try a salad once in a while.....imho
  • cr76
  • 09-21-2015, 11:23 PM
Nachos, hot dog anyone??