"Affluenza Teen" in Custody.. What Should His Punishment Be?

Duthgar1976's Avatar
Call me cold call me sick call me a monster but honestly i wish the cartel gangs had gotten hold of his mother and him. Send him back to his father in pieces.

This little shit should be on death row for murder but becasue he has money he got to enjoy freedom.
Tx Noob's Avatar
The D A wants him tried as an adult, and Mexico is wanting to deport him just like they did to his poor excuse of a mother. With a million dollar bail price tag, let's see how affluenza works this time. Is Judge Mean John Brown available?

TexTushHog's Avatar
what about that Court decision coming in March, after he turns 19?.. something about changing him to Adult status.. can that change anything? I was thinking the 10 years jail time was still possible. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Once he does the 120 days after turning 19, he must be put on probation. However, if his probation is revoked, then he can be sentenced to a greater sentence. The odds of him successfully completing probation isn't zero, but it's probably pretty close. He's shown himself to be a complete dumbass. But, if he gets his life straightened out, so much the better. But I'll believe it when I see pigs fly.
TexTushHog's Avatar

I'm trying to imagine the mother's thinking. It's so far removed from what I would do, I can't wrap my head around it!!

He killed and injured people and needs to feel remorse. He should have their pictures, maybe not on the refrigerator, but at least in a book he looks at before bed when he prays.

(He should pray for their departed souls and their families. Maybe pick a different specific family each night. He should pray for forgiveness and also express his gratitude for his life and freedom).

I would emphasize to him how LUCKY he is to not be in jail! and that he should do anything and everything to stay out.

first~~Of course stop drinking!!! besides the fact that he's still underage to drink, drinking is what killed and injured those folks.

second~~Be proactive in checking in with the Parole Officer. It you're supposed to call at 9:00 and get his voice mail, follow up with an email stating "I called at 9:00 but got your voice mail. Just checking in." and document every phone call and email in a notebook.

How about some community service?? something to counteract the affluenza.

How about Alcoholics Anonymous or counseling?

Church, a job or school, some type of physical activities~~ running, biking, kick boxing. He looks like he needs a fitness program and probably a diet reinvention, but a physical activity will de-stress him and use some of his extra time productively. It will help clear his mind. His head is in a fog.

Even after all of this, if I had a son who decided to drink, and was afraid the video would cause his probation to be revoked, then I would let him suffer the consequences. (finally). Tough love.

I would not get MYSELF involved in this illegal fleeing mess!!

She's old enough to know they can't become different people for the rest of their lives without even fake I.D!

(and what the hell, maintain their same cell phone contracts??? Hell, even we in the hobby world know about burner phones. Have they never watched an episode of "Breaking Bad"?) Originally Posted by HoneyRose
I very much agree with the spirit of this post. I'm agnostic, so I don't care about prayer, but agree completely with treatment for addiction (there are better programs than AA, but it is fine), community service, and a job. Then, even if he fucked up, people would be much more willing to cut him more slack.
I very much agree with the spirit of this post. I'm agnostic, so I don't care about prayer, but agree completely with treatment for addiction (there are better programs than AA, but it is fine), community service, and a job. Then, even if he fucked up, people would be much more willing to cut him more slack. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

That little fucker needs be laid down over one knee so he can get the spanking that his parent's never gave him. Hell, the mom too.
I cannot believe affluenza was even a legitimate defense that someone could remotely believe. Of course he didn't think his actions had any consequence. Most teens don't (a lot if adults don't either). Why did that entitle him to a get out of jail free card? That just emphasised that his actions had no consequence.

Throw the little fucker in jail for killing 4 people and fleeing the country. Let him learn that actions have consequence. Isn't that the point of the legal system? Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
Affluenza is a curable disease . . .

You got it right LA.
Mom should get at least 2 and I suspect he will not be able to meet his probation requirements....so 40 in the pen sounds good for the little shit.
Only out may be that he can move and transfer his pro elsewhere. I think there are enough people outraged w/ all this that they will be turning him in for violations as was the case before he and mom fled.
BTW, he's in "detention" in Mexico, not prison....phone access, open courtyard, etc.