STD? No BBJ, NO Discount!

I'm sorry, but you should not have seen the man at all. You should have told the man to leave. No session, no compensation. You saw the man had warts, yet you still had a session with him. Not only that, but your on an open forum admitting you had a session (albeit CBJ) with a man who has genital warts. Not to be mean, but before writing this, did you stop and think of the ramifications this would have on your business?? Are you aware, that men who see this are going to be afraid to see you now? I'm all for awareness, but you should have quietly gone to your doctor and discussed all of this there, not here where you advertise. The best thing you can do now, is to get checked out, quit escorting for a few weeks to ensure the safety of your clients. Good luck
@heartsonfire... thank you for being honest about this situation when you very well could of said, "I kept donation and kicked him out..." There are a few of us that DO appreciate these alerts. Please, if your able and haven't already done so, post his info on PB. And don't let the haters deter you from posting these types of alerts. Originally Posted by LAVixian

No one is hating on her because of the alert, but some of us are surprised that she admitted on a nationwide forum that she continued with the session.

Myself, I would've stopped the session and explained to him why. I also would've kept half the fee because I had gotten ready, booked myself out for a certain amount of time and the most important thing, he had NO REGARD for the safety of me or anyone else. Who knows how many other ladies he's been with while he's having this "problem."

To be perfectly honest, the OP's post wasn't even an alert. She was asking our opinions of what we would do and we did just that, give our opinions. Hopefully she posted a true alert in the powder room, her local infoshare and the sites we ladies use to keep ourselves safe.
Still Looking's Avatar
Im shocked it took until page 3 for someone to express the "get your money, kick him the fuck out" feeling. If you can't take care of yourself well enough to have that sort of thing taken care of immediately I have to wonder what else he doesn't do. Brush his teeth? Use soap? Bareback SW? Originally Posted by SillyGirl

Well the thread started in the past tense. She had already done the dead! I addressed the refund issue, but wondered how long before the question would come up... Why did you have the session in the first place?! She was trying to be nice or needed the money! I bet lesson learned!
Still Looking's Avatar
We all knew it was coming, SL. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
I bet as a mod, you develop a 6th sense as to when a thread is going to get ugly would you agree?
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  • 06-14-2011, 06:06 AM
Most people already have HPV and don't know it. Generally the warts appear when your immune system is compromised. Yes, you should have them removed if you develop them. As the cdc stated once you have it you have it. Some people get HPV and don't develop the warts until months sometimes years later. Truth be told a lady could be doing a bbbj on a guy with no visible sign of genital warts and the guy could have HPV. The risk is getting mouth / throat cancer later on. Since there are so many things that can cause bumps on the genital areas, only a qualified doctor and testing can determine what those bumps are really a symptom of. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
Great point GP.

I am always shocked about how little most posters know about STD's in this profession. Many of you ladies giving advice and to be fair, the orginial poster, would be better served to learn the facts about certain STD's and then others personal choice would not effect yours.

You should not be asking a hooker forum medical questions but if you do they should point you in the direction of what medical experts have to say.

While I am sure many of you ladies have good intentions, what you are showing is you ignorance on the subject. That is not a very good calling card you want future gents to garner

No discount. Not even close. I'm going to go ahead and assume that the bj lasted more than a few seconds SO- he had plenty of time to stop you and say hey, I want this uncovered, or something to that effect. He went through with it! If it was really that big of an issue for him, he should have discussed the discount BEFORE he got his rocks off. Originally Posted by littlemissk27
If this was the main thrust of the OP question, I agree with this point fully.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
After I got through throwing up on him, (cause Im sure the site of that would have made me) then after I composed myself from the shock that anyone would visit a provider in that condition , Id ask him to leave, then spend the rest of the day (or perhaps year) freaked out and possibly in need of therapy .
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  • WTF
  • 06-14-2011, 12:34 PM
After I got through throwing up on him, (cause Im sure the site of that would have made me) then after I composed myself from the shock that anyone would visit a provider in that condition , Id ask him to leave, then spend the rest of the day (or perhaps year) freaked out and possibly in need of therapy . Originally Posted by Sweet N Little

Do you give any thought that you may contact HPV from a customer not showing any signs? That would seem like a bigger concern in my book.

How do people get HPV?

HPV is passed on through genital contact, most often during vaginal and anal sex. HPV may also be passed on during oral sex and genital-to-genital contact. HPV can be passed on between straight and same-sex partners—even when the infected partner has no signs or symptoms.
A person can have HPV even if years have passed since he or she had sexual contact with an infected person. Most infected persons do not realize they are infected or that they are passing the virus on to a sex partner. It is also possible to get more than one type of HPV.

HPV is like the HPD officer.

It is not the cop you can see that will bust your ass, it is the cop you can't see that is standing there in plain sight.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I bet as a mod, you develop a 6th sense as to when a thread is going to get ugly would you agree? Originally Posted by Still Looking
Within about 3 posts in. Most times right after the OP, and I'm not the only one. Even when I'm not logged in my email lights up from various people as soon as one of these gets started.
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  • WTF
  • 06-14-2011, 12:48 PM
Even when I'm not logged in my email lights up from various people as soon as one of these gets started. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Coalmine Canary's?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Do you give any thought that you may contact HPV from a customer not showing any signs? That would seem like a bigger concern in my book.

How do people get HPV?

HPV is passed on through genital contact, most often during vaginal and anal sex. HPV may also be passed on during oral sex and genital-to-genital contact. HPV can be passed on between straight and same-sex partners—even when the infected partner has no signs or symptoms.
A person can have HPV even if years have passed since he or she had sexual contact with an infected person. Most infected persons do not realize they are infected or that they are passing the virus on to a sex partner. It is also possible to get more than one type of HPV.

HPV is like the HPD officer.

It is not the cop you can see that will bust your ass, it is the cop you can't see that is standing there in plain sight. Originally Posted by WTF
The OP's comments were about what she saw, NOT what she didn't see. We all know the risks sweetie.
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  • 06-14-2011, 01:02 PM
The OP's comments were about what she saw, NOT what she didn't see. We all know the risks sweetie. Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Really? You know the risk?
Yet nobody is calling you out for giving BBBJ's.
That is much more risky than giving a covered BJ's to a person with warts on his wanker.

What is more dangerous to you.

A) A willy wanker with a wart on it?

B) A infected weiner with no visible signs?

People posting on this thread seem to think the answer is A.

That does not sound like everyone knowing the risks to me. That sounds like a splash of ignorance sprinkled with a round of indignation waiting for an HPV disaster.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Again, The "OPs comments were regarding someone showing up with VISIBLE signs, requesting bbbj and then a discount sweetie My comments were pertaining to that.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Coalmine Canary's? Originally Posted by WTF
Yep, exactly!

Everyone, lets keep this one on track without a lot of judgement of the OP's actions. Hindsight is always 20/20.
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  • 06-14-2011, 02:07 PM
Again, The "OPs comments were regarding someone showing up with VISIBLE signs, requesting bbbj and then a discount sweetie My comments were pertaining to that. Originally Posted by Sweet N Little

Actually he was expecting a bbbj and then expected a discount when none was forthcoming yet after she had performed a cbj with no objection from him.

The question was should she have given him a discount or not.

I say no.

She then asked what others would have done.

I then pointed our the fallacy in your logic, sweetie with the scientific facts. The fact are that someone that gives bbbj's are more likely to have/give HPV than one who gives cbj's.

I would hope that facts would be of more concern than people's unwarrented fears. Fears you seemed to be flaming.

She should know to have very little fear of catching/giving HPV by giving a cbj. You should know that too yet you act as if you do not.

So in conclusion, I think she did the right thing, safety wise and honor wise. I commend her for her honesty in this matter. Maybe some young girl will learn from this post.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Actually he was expecting a bbbj and then expected a discount when none was forthcoming yet after she had performed a cbj with no objection from him.

The question was should she have given him a discount or not.

I say no.

She then asked what others would have done.

I then pointed our the fallacy in your logic, sweetie with the scientific facts. The fact are that someone that gives bbbj's are more likely to have/give HPV than one who gives cbj's.

I would hope that facts would be of more concern than people's unwarrented fears. Fears you seemed to be flaming.

She should know to have very little fear of catching/giving HPV by giving a cbj. You should know that too yet you act as if you do not.

So in conclusion, I think she did the right thing, safety wise and honor wise. I commend her for her honesty in this matter. Maybe some young girl will learn from this post. Originally Posted by WTF
Then I stand corrected, I would NOT offer a discount and my comments are how I would have handled the situation ---puked and been appalled someone would expect me to touch that.