Mass murder in Pittsburgh. BREAKING.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Yes he was but that is not wtf I said.
I said that just last week Trump was defending nationalism. This shooter was clearly a nationalist.

Nationalism in this country now is associated with Neo-Nazi and white supremacist....which I pointed out that Trump just last week was promoting. Originally Posted by WTF
I honestly do not care nor do I accept what you and the bubble-heads at CNN think the definition of "nationalism" is. I know for a fact that over forty years ago I was asked to raise my hand and swear allegiance to defend and protect the Constitution of this nation, which is the founding document of the United States of America: a sovereign and nation distinct from any other nation.

Therefore, I'm a nationalist. I personally know that there are millions like me who took that same oath and put their lives on the line to defend this nation; not any other nation.

"... that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same ..."
I also know the liberal origin of the concept, and I can follow how it spread across the globe and gave unity where there had been factionalism. That the left now wants to disown a concept born of liberalism is not at all surprising. The left has always been notoriously hypocritical.

But guess what? I don't follow the bubble-heads at CNN and MSNBC in lock-step. I am quite able to think for myself.

Like I said, I know the definition and origin of the word, and I took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States which echoed both the origin and definition of that word and founded this nation: The United States of America. You imagine it's a pejorative because you were told to think it was a pejorative. I refuse to think of it as a pejorative simply because some fucking bubble-head in the lame-stream media decided it was time to raise the passions of their minions to destroy yet another supporting pillar of this great nation.

Originally Posted by Austin Ellen


I saw that on Facebook earlier this morning. It's a truism the left will never acknowledge.
Budman's Avatar
Tom Cruise would have stopped this had he been on it...

Also you are blaming eccie moderators when in fact they are reacting to laws from politicians you support.

Trump signed this was predicated on lies concerning sex trafficking, which sprang from evangelicals who overwhelming support Trump.

So while many of you continue to rail against wu and the moderation, that is but a symptom and not the cause.

That is why I find Ellen or any hookers support of Trump so strange. Now if you are looking to appeal to old white men, then I understand her thinking! Originally Posted by WTF

First off the law you are referring to has nothing to do with the over moderation of this forum. IMO the previous rules were to lenient but these current rules are way to strict. The law has to do with sex trafficking not rude or uncivil discussions on a hooker board. Most of the rules that were put in place to protect eccie from this law are now reversed.

Second, you don't get why any hooker could support Trump because he signed this law. You can't be serious. Do you think that hookers or anyone for that matter base their support on one item? Did you agree with 100% of obama's decisions? Were you on board with hrc 100% of the time. Trump has support because he is putting America first and following thru with his campaign promises. The economy is great, unemployment is down for everyone, NAFTA is finished, etc. So in your opinion we should forego all of the great things he's accomplished because he signed a law meant to reduce sex trafficking? I just can't wrap my head around how anyone can be so naive.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trump, predictably said that armed security guards inside the synagogue could have prevented the mass murder, including the four full time police officers who were shot in the fray.

This is not the issue. The issue is that lunatics who commit acts of murder and terrorism against their fellow Americans are encouraged by the ugly rhetoric in our national dialog. Inspired to act out.

The issue here is that a man, consumed with hatred for a group of people, acted upon his social media threats. AGAIN.

His hate speech on Gab, the social media platform, was not private.

Things are so tense and people so distrustful of others nowadays, who is to say that hate speech and advocating for the violence and death of others won’t lead down the same road on other social media platforms.

Even ECCIE, the social media platform?

Think about that the next time you read or like a post calling for the death of “all (fill in the blank)” or “everyone who believes (fill in the blank) should commit suicide.)”

I think these are symptoms of the times. And the warning signals are out in the open.

Careful what you say. Someone might read your “fantasy hooker board posts” and take you seriously.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-28-2018, 09:35 AM
[COLOR="black"]I honestly do not care nor do I accept what you and the bubble-heads at CNN think the definition of "nationalism" is. I know for a fact that over forty years ago I was asked to raise my hand and swear allegiance to defend and protect the Constitution of this nation, which is the founding document of the United States of America: a sovereign and nation distinct from any other nation.

Therefore, I'm a nationalist. I personally know that there are millions like me who took that same oath and put their lives on the line to defend this nation; not any other nation.

I also know the liberal origin of the concept, and I can follow how it spread across the globe and gave unity where there had been factionalism. That the left now wants to disown a concept born of liberalism is not at all surprising.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Nationalism has nothing to do with the military l. Jesus.

Your support of a liberal orgin means you are not conservative in that regard, you are liberal.

I never supported nation building....because that is not a concept most Libertarians support.

The hypocrisy is from both the left and right who pick and choose when it are just as hypocritical is the left you denounce.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Trump, predictably said that armed security guards inside the synagogue could have prevented the mass murder, including the four full time police officers who were shot in the fray.

This is not the issue. The issue is that lunatics who commit acts of murder and terrorism against their fellow Americans are encouraged by the ugly rhetoric in our national dialog. Inspired to act out.

The issue here is that a man, consumed with hatred for a group of people, acted upon his social media threats. AGAIN.

His hate speech on Gab, the social media platform, was not private.

Things are so tense and people so distrustful of others nowadays, who is to say that hate speech and advocating for the violence and death of others won’t lead down the same road on other social media platforms.

Even ECCIE, the social media platform?

Think about that the next time you read or like a post calling for the death of “all (fill in the blank)” or “everyone who believes (fill in the blank) should commit suicide.)”

I think these are symptoms of the times. And the warning signals are out in the open.

Careful what you say. Someone might read your “fantasy hooker board posts” and take you seriously.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Two men went hunting for cops in Dallas and Baton Rouge, and they were throwing Molotov Cocktails in Ferguson, MO, but they were given a pass because they could have been Odumbo's sons, or have you already forgotten?

Nationalism has nothing to do with the military l. Jesus.

Your support of a liberal orgin means you are not conservative in that regard, you are liberal.

I never supported nation building....because that is not a concept most Libertarians support.

The hypocrisy is from both the left and right who pick and choose when it are just as hypocritical is the left you denounce.
Originally Posted by WTF

nationalism 1 : loyalty and devotion to a nation
Just about everybody who took the oath to protect and defend can agree that Webster's definition correctly applies to them: no matter what the bubble-heads in the lame-stream media say.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-28-2018, 12:43 PM

Just about everybody who took the oath to protect and defend can agree that Webster's definition correctly applies to them: no matter what the bubble-heads in the lame-stream media say. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

One would hope that the educated can take a more nuanced approach than what a simple webster definition can offer, especially when the question is not nationalism but present day American nationalism.

I suggest you read the link if you care for a more nuanced view...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why are you "what abouting" this event, IBH? And for gosh sakes, please get your attack rhetoric straight. You're kinda mushing them all together don't you know?

But to the topic, is this your way of defending nationalism in the sense that the shooter was a nationalist? Or are you just looking for another way to attack Democrats ("you're part of the problem")?

Are we going with Merriam-Webster for the win?

You're trying to make it a simple argument.

It's not that simple. And it shouldn't even be an argument.
I B Hankering's Avatar

One would hope that the educated can take a more nuanced approach than what a simple webster definition can offer, especially when the question is not nationalism but present day American nationalism.

I suggest you read the link if you care for a more nuanced view...
Originally Posted by WTF

Are you insinuating that I'm not educated because I enlisted to defend this nation from all enemies foreign and domestic? That would be a personal insult.

No, I know the mud and the blood definition of "nationalism", people who were maimed and others who died fulfilling their oaths. That's a definition the people at New York Magazine ridicule because they are the ones who are too ignorant to understand. They don't have the education, because they were too chicken-shit to ever serve in uniform. So, they don't know the true definition of the sentiment they pretend to define. And they never will, because it's not just in a book. Never was.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
(insert NON-INSULTING joke here.)

I understand your feelings and frustration..but let’s be one can predict the actions of these characters and you can’t just jump in and arrest some one just because you think they might do something....unless of course you’re a moderator on eccie Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

THing is. With the SHEER # of instances in the past 5 years, that the FBI "supposedly had this terrorist, or that mass shooter" on their radar, were investigating them, but "Found no flags", either they are BLIND as a fucking bat, or grossly incompetent?
And if so, WHY THEN should they be allowed to even be PART of the POST tragedy investigation?
lustylad's Avatar
Are you insinuating that I'm not educated because I enlisted to defend this nation from all enemies foreign and domestic? That would be a personal insult. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
That's exactly what he is insinuating. WTF has spent more time "loathing the military" than Slick Willy. And anytime he can't articulate a viable argument, he blames the other guy for being uneducated or lacking in comprehension skills lol.

I do not intend to spend any time explaining myself to someone incapable of comprehending the explanation. Originally Posted by WTF
Israel has armed guards at their synagogues. Israel has not had any mass shooters in their synagogues. This is the future. It's called "common sense." which the dummycrats are sorely lacking.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Israel has armed guards at their synagogues. Israel has not had any mass shooters in their synagogues. This is the future. It's called "common sense." which the dummycrats are sorely lacking. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Israel is a war zone, Ellen.

We have security at all Jewish community facilities in Austin, and at stores in those neighborhoods. They are all now on increased alert. In Austin.

Don't confuse common sense and terrorism.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-28-2018, 05:14 PM
Are you insinuating that I'm not educated because I enlisted to defend this nation from all enemies foreign and domestic? That would be a personal insult.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Yes it would be but that is not even close to what I said.

I will say you are playing a very narrow definition of nationalist to what appears as cover for Trump defending that term a week before some extreme nationalist killed 11 people.

What I was saying is that most educated people would consider the nuances. Unless one is tainted with mucho partisanship
So you are saying this was not a terrorist attack?

Israel is a war zone, Ellen.

We have security at all Jewish community facilities in Austin, and at stores in those neighborhoods. They are all now on increased alert. In Austin.

Don't confuse common sense and terrorism. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider