President Donald Trump publicly thanked Saudi Arabia for plunging oil prices

I B Hankering's Avatar
Trump was right when he basically said his followers did care what immoral acts Trump commits.

Trump could turn on the Jews and IB would chant Heil Trump!
Originally Posted by WTF
Odumbo was the Globalist imperialist that turned on the Jews. Odumbo did his best to disrupt the free elections held in Israel, and Odumbo did his best to shift power in the region from Israel to Iran -- the same Iran that killed so many Marines in Beirut. Trump is trying to halt and reverse what Odumbo did. He needs Saudi Arabia to do that. Trump is the best friend Israel has ever had; thus, this Nazi symbolism the lib-retards ascribe to Trump -- who has a Jewish daughter and grandchildren -- is conspicuous balderdash.

So, until Trump neutralizes the threat of a nuclear Iran, thank Trump and Saudi Arabia for the low gas prices at the pump.
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  • 11-23-2018, 09:21 AM
Odumbo was the Globalist imperialist that turned on the Jews. Odumbo did his best to disrupt the free elections held in Israel, and Odumbo did his best to shift power in the region from Israel to Iran -- the same Iran that killed so many Marines in Beirut. Trump is trying to halt and reverse what Odumbo did. He needs Saudi Arabia to do that. Trump is the best friend Israel has ever had; thus, this Nazi symbolism the lib-retards ascribe to Trump -- who has a Jewish daughter and grandchildren -- is conspicuous balderdash.

So, until Trump neutralizes the threat of a nuclear Iran, thank Trump and Saudi Arabia for the low gas prices at the pump.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

You can thank Trump for not going forward with the oil sanctions on Iran for lower oil prices.

So maybe he is not the friend of the Jews that they think....if the Jews get in his way, he'll throw them under the bus just like he would his daughter. Remember IB....he makes deals that are good for this country, not Israel. The slogan was not MIGA. Maybe you need to check and see just which country you are rooting for before a type fest with me.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You can thank Trump for not going forward with the oil sanctions on Iran for lower oil prices.

So maybe he is not the friend of the Jews that they think....if the Jews get in his way, he'll throw them under the bus just like he would his daughter. Remember IB....he makes deals that are good for this country, not Israel. The slogan was not MIGA. Maybe you need to check and see just which country you are rooting for before a type fest with me.
Originally Posted by WTF
One only need to look at how Trump is undoing Odumbo's mischief to realize that Trump is indeed a friend of the Jews: they minted a coin in Trump's honor for his support. The U.S. needs assistance from Saudi Arabia as well, however, to undo the perilous damage Odumbo has wrought in regards to Iran's nuclear capabilities bolstered by Russia. It's doubly good when that Saudi Arabian support shows up in lower fuel costs.
Mystic: You make a good point about low employment - I can't find employees so easily these days - even though online I'm a top rated employer.

President Trump has done a good job with jobs!

Oil prices are lower again today, but I'm betting Trump is satisfied for now and will let the market take over to avoid shortages in the future. We can live with oil in the 80's here in America.

Long Live President Trump.

BTW, Beto sent me an email complaining about off topic posts - I told him to stick to local congressional issues in El Paso.

Fuck Beto.

Long Live Trump!!
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  • 11-23-2018, 10:04 AM
One only need to look at how Trump is undoing Odumbo's mischief to realize that Trump is indeed a friend of the Jews. The minted a coin in Trump's honor for his support. The U.S. needs assistance from Saudi Arabia as well, however, to undo the perilous damage Odumbo has wrought in regards to Iran's nuclear capabilities bolstered by Russia. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Was Obama the reason all those Saudis flew the planes on 9/11?

Seems you love of Trump got you playing some false blame game.

We should do business with Iran, just like we do the murderous Saudis and Isreal. Nobody with clean hands over there, including the USA.

The US needs a counterbalance to the Saudis and that counterweight is Iran.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Was Obama the reason all those Saudis flew the planes on 9/11?

Seems you love of Trump got you playing some false blame game.

We should do business with Iran, just like we do the murderous Saudis and Isreal. Nobody with clean hands over there, including the USA.

The US needs a counterbalance to the Saudis and that counterweight is Iran. Originally Posted by WTF
Bin Laden was the master mind behind 9-11; not Saudi Arabia. It was Slick Willie who failed to deal with bin Laden when given the opportunity. Slick Willie blew those opportunities like he blew a load all over Monica's blue dress.

The false blame game is blaming Trump and Saudi Arabia for what bin Laden did from his refuge in Afghanistan and what Slick Willie failed to do to stop him. Saudi Arabia did not give bin Laden safe harbor. Afghanistan did.

The U.S. needs assistance from Saudi Arabia today the way FDR needed help from the Soviet Union during WWII, to undo the damage Odumbo facilitated in regards to Iran's nuclear capabilities bolstered by Russia.

It's doubly good when that Saudi Arabian support shows up in lower fuel costs.
themystic's Avatar
Bin Laden was the master mind behind 9-11; not Saudi Arabia. It was Slick Willie who failed to deal with bin Laden when given the opportunity. Slick Willie blew those opportunities like he blew a load all over Monica's blue dress.

The false blame game is blaming Trump and Saudi Arabia for what bin Laden did from his refuge in Afghanistan and what Slick Willie failed to do to stop him. Saudi Arabia did not give bin Laden safe harbor. Afghanistan did.

The U.S. needs assistance from Saudi Arabia today the way FDR needed help from the Soviet Union during WWII, to undo the damage Odumbo facilitated in regards to Iran's nuclear capabilities bolstered by Russia.

It's doubly good when that Saudi Arabian support shows up in lower fuel costs.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Spoken like a true Sheik would . Thank you comrade Hankering
I B Hankering's Avatar
Spoken like a true nationalist would . Thank you patriot Hankering, and thank you President Trump and Saudi Arabia for lower fuel costs Originally Posted by themystic
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  • 11-23-2018, 12:19 PM

It's doubly good when that Saudi Arabian support shows up in lower fuel costs.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Very hard to have an intelligent discussion with someone who thinks Saudia Arabia controls the price of oil.
Just a lack of understanding on suppy and demand.

And I'd be embarrassed thanking some Muslim country that plays us as fools.

Makes it seem as if we're some third rate country that is a Saudi lackey.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Very hard to have an intelligent discussion with someone who thinks Saudia Arabia controls the price of oil.
Just a lack of understanding on suppy and demand.

And I'd be embarrassed thanking some Muslim country that plays us as fools.

Makes it seem as if we're some third rate country that is a Saudi lackey.
Originally Posted by WTF
Anybody with an elementary understanding of the Law of Supply and Demand understands that when you flood the market with an over-supply of a particular service or good, the market price for that service or good goes down. The Saudi's have the resources to do precisely that ... especially when their increase is being matched by a similar efforts from U.S. and other sources.

If FDR could cozy up to Josef Stalin to advance U.S. foreign policy goals, Trump can sure as hell use the Saudis in a similar manner against militant Islam. It's a small minded individual who insists on believing otherwise.

themystic's Avatar
Anybody with an elementary understanding of the Law of Supply and Demand understands that when you flood the market with an over-supply of a particular service or good, the market price for that service or good goes down. The Saudi's have the resources to do precisely that ... especially when their increase is being matched by a similar efforts from U.S. and other sources.

If FDR could cozy up to Josef Stalin to advance U.S. foreign policy goals, Trump can sure as hell use the Saudis in a similar manner against militant Islam. It's a small minded individual who insists on believing otherwise.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Just so I understand this correctly

1. You are thanking a Muslim country who just openly murdered a journalist
2. You believe Putin didn't interfere with the 2016 election, because he said he didn't?
3. You claimed to have patrolled the borders of Afghanistan and Korea to keep safety?

Just so I understand, whos side are you on?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Just so I understand this correctly

1. You are thanking a Muslim country who just openly murdered a journalist
2. You believe Putin didn't interfere with the 2016 election, because he said he didn't?
3. You claimed to have patrolled the borders of Afghanistan and Korea to keep safety?

Just so I understand, whos side are you on?
Originally Posted by themystic
Just so we understand you correctly. You still fantasize that Khashoggi was a journalist and not a former associate of bin Laden's and a militant propagandist for Islam.

I am not on your side in your misunderstanding of reality.
themystic's Avatar
Just so we understand you correctly. You still fantasize that Khashoggi was a journalist and not a former associate of bin Laden's and a militant propagandist for Islam.

I am not on your side in your misunderstanding of reality.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Nice comeback IB. Now I understand your position. Trump killed another Bad guy. Bad for business as he said

I have a little money left over that I need to invest. Should I invest in Saudi Oil, Condos to lease to Russians or weapons to sell NK or SA?

That seems to be the new American Way
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-23-2018, 03:08 PM
You still fantasize that Khashoggi was a journalist and not a former associate of bin Laden's and a militant propagandist for Islam.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
He could have known bin Laden and been a legit journalist , also please tell me just what acts made him a militant propagandist for Islam?

You do realize that the United States was by proxy a known associate of bin Laden in the Afghan war vs the Soviets?
Very hard to have an intelligent discussion with someone who thinks Saudia Arabia controls the price of oil.
Just a lack of understanding on suppy and demand.

And I'd be embarrassed thanking some Muslim country that plays us as fools.

Makes it seem as if we're some third rate country that is a Saudi lackey. Originally Posted by WTF
If on Dec 6th OPEC, led substantially by a cut by the Saudi's on their oil production, succeeds in raising the price of oil, will you still think the Saudi's don't significantly contribute to the price of oil?