GingerDoll, contrary to what you think...I actually AM doing something to get out of this business. Things take time, but believe you me, I am doing things to get out! In the meantime, I can bitch ALL I want about my job. Why? Because I can. You seem so incredibly hell bent on people not being able to express themselves. I've seen it before. Some lady you don't like gets scammed and you tell her to get over it. How insensitive! Let people express themselves!! You wanna stay nuetral? Fine. But how dare you tell violated people to just "get over it." Talk about a threAD.
You are so repressed. Try being a little more progressive in your thinking. I understand this is your place of advertisement and you must advertise and agree with the men because they are your bread and butter. You are so transparent. If you love your job great! I tell my clients that also :-) If you love your job so much, then why not meet these men for free? No, you love money. There is nothing wrong with loving money we all need it. But don't sugar coat your true intentions. Again, you are so transparent. I know you will come back with some typical lame response about loving your job and not wanting drama blah blah blah. Bread and butter. Bread and butter. It's not good to photoshop pictures BTW.
As far as bitter purple nail polish lady, you can sugar coat your bitterness all you want under your excuse of intolerability to stupidity. If I was as bitter and angry as you, I'd be sayin gthe same thing. If I am so stupid, then why respond to me? My comments make you angry because they hit the nail on the head. They are truthful. If you truely thought I was stupid you would simply laugh at me. Your one bitter woman. But regardless, I hope you are happy and I am wrong. I mean you have 4 kids and a husband.
On topic: I'm sure the clients hate bitter ladies who sugar coat everything. Also, I was talking to a man the other day about how the older providers photo shop their pics and lie about their age. The providers think this is OK. But the clients know the provider is lying.
Originally Posted by incognito isis answer some of your idiotic accusations... Yes, my photos are photoshopped. I would have to guess that the great majority of ladies photos here are photoshopped...especially when one has professional photos. It's part of the photography service. It's nothing to be ashamed of. What matters most is does the client feel that the person they meet is an accurate representation of the person in the pictures? I believe I have almost 60 reviews, all of them stellar "yes" recommendations, ALL of them stating that I look
exactly like my pictures. And as far as the age thing, I am proud to say that
I am 38 years old. I would never lie about it...I'm actually
very proud that I look this good at this stage in my life. So why would I lie??? Where are you getting your inaccurate information?
And, an even better do you feel comfortable criticizing MY pictures when you don't even have the balls to post any of your own? I suppose I could take the easy way out and post pictures of a girl who I say "kind of looks like me," but I'll let you keep the patent on that one. As a change of pace sometime, you may want to consider doing The Lone Ranger. Oh, the mystery! The intrigue!
"Who was that masked hooker?"
As far as sugar-coating my love for my job--bullshit. Perhaps it's just unbelievable to you that someone could relish something that you so despise. The fact is that I love men & I love money. While my love of men might be enough to sustain me in a fantasy world, the fact is that we've all got bills to pay. So matter how much I love what I do, I am not at liberty to do it for free. I still find it incredibly liberating that I'm doing something that I absolutely love doing, and getting paid very well to do it.
And I, probably more than most, appreciate the ability to speak my mind freely...I would never attempt to deny someone else the ability to do so themselves. That doesn't mean that I'm not going to open my mouth and call bullshit on you when I feel that it's justified...which, unfortunately, is almost always the case!