What happened to Mexico Paying for your stupid wall! HAHAHA

Trump is holding the government workers hostage while lying they want him to keep the government closed. Originally Posted by bamscram
Of course they want him to keep the government closed. They are the non-essentials. They will get back pay, plus an extended Christmas vacation.

Win Win for them.
bamscram's Avatar
Of course they want him to keep the government closed. They are the non-essentials. They will get back pay, plus an extended Christmas vacation.

Win Win for them. Originally Posted by eccielover

I see you bought into the BS. Adopt a family who is not getting paid, it's the Christian thing to do.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I have a family member in the Department of Agriculture who has been furloughed without pay. I'll let you know whether or not the person receives pay for days not worked.
I B Hankering's Avatar
From the base of the Statue of Liberty:

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me"
Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
From the statue's dedication oration delivered on 28 October 1886 by the Honorable Chauncey M. Depew: “… those who come to disturb our peace and dethrone our laws are aliens and enemies forever.”
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Trump is holding the government workers hostage while lying they want him to keep the government closed. Originally Posted by bamscram
I see you bought into the BS. Adopt a family who is not getting paid, it's the Christian thing to do. Originally Posted by bamscram
I have a family member in the Department of Agriculture who has been furloughed without pay. I'll let you know whether or not the person receives pay for days not worked. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

fyi, they get back pay after the furlough ends. there's another group who are considered "essential" they have to work without pay. everyone in both status will get back pay.

it happened in the last shut down, i'll happen in this shutdown as well as in future shutdowns.
fyi, they get back pay after the furlough ends. there's another group who are considered "essential" they have to work without pay. everyone in both status will get back pay.

it happened in the last shut down, i'll happen in this shutdown as well as in future shutdowns. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
It is basic precedent for back pay. Not guaranteed but usually happens.

In this instance, he Senate already passed a bill on 12/21 to guarantee the back pay.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
fyi, they get back pay after the furlough ends. there's another group who are considered "essential" they have to work without pay. everyone in both status will get back pay.

it happened in the last shut down, i'll happen in this shutdown as well as in future shutdowns. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
There is no guarantee that the family member in question will receive back pay once the furlough ends. But Trump doesn't have to worry about the votes of the people in the Departments of Agriculture and Interior. They are almost 100% against him already due to his cutbacks in funding for various projects and his war against the environment.
bamscram's Avatar
Trump made a trip tp Iraq and lied in front of the troops about pay raises. They aren't getting paid .
FrankZappa's Avatar
After reading these posts. I have come to the conclusion that Trump can continually lie to his followers and they question nothing and just make more excuses for what he says.
He said during his campaign that he would build a 30 foot wall and Mexico will pay for it. After Nieto laughed in his face several times over time Trump changed his story.
1) They will pay for it later. 2) The new NAFTA will pay for it. 3) We will then pay for it by stopping illegals because we won't be paying social benefits.
Now the wall is simple steel beams in the ground and it won't cover the whole terrain.

This whole wall is a boondoggle. Wall meet ladder, wall meet tunnel. This is such crap about stopping illegals. First off Mexicans aren't pouring over here, it is Guatamelans and Hondurans.

Trump received huge amounts of money from private prison builders during the campaign and funded his inauguration. 93% of the ICE detainees are in private prison at almost double the cost to the taxpayer.

The lies about asylum seekers getting $50,000 is a right wing lie. It has never happened and won't. There are certain benefits that someone can apply for but that is it. people pay taxes.
The CATO institute is a far right wing group funded by people like the Koch brothers that spread lies.


I am for sensible immigration laws but the lies that we accept from Trump are a danger to our democracy. We wouldn't have accepted then from Obama.
  • oeb11
  • 12-30-2018, 06:16 AM
Libby Schaap - mayor of Oakland - protect the illegals
Beto- abolish ICE
Democrats - Open the border to All and crate a hemispheric Totalitarian State under the DPST
Hello Venezuela - the Democratic dream with them at the top of the pyramid
FrankZappa's Avatar
Libby Schaap - mayor of Oakland - protect the illegals
Beto- abolish ICE
Democrats - Open the border to All and crate a hemispheric Totalitarian State under the DPST
Hello Venezuela - the Democratic dream with them at the top of the pyramid Originally Posted by oeb11
Why do you lie, I am a Democrat and mostly every Democrat wants an end to illegal aliens coming over. Barack Obama arrested more illegals than any president before him.

Venezuela is a socialist country but Mexico and many other poor central and south american countries are Democracies.

1)Mexico 2)Chile3)Brazil 4)Panama 5)El Salvador 6)Argentina 7)Columbia 8)Peru 9) Paraguay are all democracies.
FrankZappa's Avatar

Big beautiful wall that Mexico was going to build is steel slats.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Why do you lie, I am a Democrat and mostly every Democrat wants an end to illegal aliens coming over. Barack Obama arrested more illegals than any president before him.

Venezuela is a socialist country but Mexico and many other poor central and south american countries are Democracies.

1)Mexico 2)Chile3)Brazil 4)Panama 5)El Salvador 6)Argentina 7)Columbia 8)Peru 9) Paraguay are all democracies.
Originally Posted by FrankZappa
Why do you lie? Odumbo didn't deport more illegals. He merely changed the matrix on how those who were turned around at the border were counted to beef up the numbers. If a wall works around Odumbo's home in D.C. it will work along the border.
themystic's Avatar
So is Mexica paying for the wall? The answer is no they aren't. The only people who believe that can be found at Trump rallies. The Trump show is getting old. Ratings are way down
Makes you wonder how much longer twit head can lie to his ignorant die hard believers. I mean come on old racist white guys. Get a fkn clue dudes. And if he has any female supporters left on here...wtf is wrong with you????