Thanks for nothing AOC!!!!!!!

The commie bitch looks like a young Ruth (Buzzy) Ginsberg. Just needs a bit more hook to the nose.

She fits quite a few of the criteria explained in this link.
  • oeb11
  • 02-23-2019, 09:13 AM
Race baiting is better than advocating violence, oeb11?

When did Omar and Tlaib become an “ilk?”

You’re not nearly as sophisticated as you think you are.

I don’t support this girl’s return. But if she’s not a Us citizen, how can she be a traitorous bitch?

Your vitriol got in the way of your ability to reason.

Easy to do behind a keyboard, don’t you agree?

HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHSH! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

TM/YR/SC - One is very good at labeling and Projecting on others racism and violence - when it is Oneself who is most guilty of racism and advocating Anti-Fa violence.
Thank You!